FJVD Weekly Info...
We Live the Word!
Friday, March 8, 2019
Discover the Doyle Difference!
Father John V. Doyle School is happy to announce that ALL of our 8th grade students who applied to Catholic High Schools were accepted to the school of their first choice!
We are also proud of some individual accomplishments from the Class of 2019!
- Aidan K - second highest male scorer on the High School Placement Test & scholarship recipient at The Prout School
- Julia T - fourth highest female scorer on the High School Placement Test & scholarship recipient at The Prout School
- Brian L - Top 5% of students accepted into the freshmen class & scholarship recipient at Bishop Hendricken High School
Qualifying for upcoming Academic competitions:
- RI State Spelling Bee on March 16 - Leah M
- RI State Science Fair on March 16-17- Matt A & Aidan K
AND we are proud to recognize both the Boys Junior and Girls Grammar Basketball teams for making the play-offs in their divisions!
Congratulations to all of our students for a JOB WELL DONE!
FJVD Basketball...
Congratulations to both Boys Juniors and Girls Grammar on a fun regular season! We are so proud of all of our student athletes who demonstrated their skills on the court AND good sportsmanship!
Play-Off info!
- Girls Grammar Saturday March 9 @ 10am vs. St. Philomena @ Prout
- Boys Junior Sunday March 10 @ 12pm vs. St. Rocco @ St. Ray's
- If the Girls win, next game on Sunday March 10 @ 2:15pm vs. Mercymount @ Bay View
Round 2 next week!
Robotics Club has started!
There are still spots available for students in grades 3-8.
More information is attached below.
If interested, please send in the sign-up form ATTN: Mrs. Teoli
Aluminum Can Tab Collection
What: Aluminum can tabs are being collected
Why: To support the Ronald McDonald House in Providence
How can I help? Send in as little or as many can tabs as you have to Mr. Godin’s Room
Bottle Cap Drive
We’re excited to share that our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. This opens up Father John V. Doyle School to new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students. The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you simply send in bottle caps or product codes from boxes of beverages and our school receives a donation. We have already received one check for almost $50 with low key promotion. Now it’s time to “kick it up a notch.”
All caps and codes should be sent to Mr. Godin. Codes will be entered on one account to gain larger and quicker donations.
Thank you!
Author Visit!
Welcome Parents, Students and Friends to our Read-a-thon!
This year, we are excited to announce that we will hold a Read-a-thon fundraiser. Our
Read-a-thon is a program that brings students together with family and friends to
encourage reading and to build literacy skills.
The main focus of the Read-a-thon is for everyone to know we are committed to
improving reading skills. To that end, the Read-a-thon promises to be a fun, exciting
journey for all participants as they begin a personal Reading Adventure that challenges
each reader to complete 10 reading sessions over our 2-week event.
Our Read-a-thon will start April 1, 2019.
Approximately 1 week before we start our first reading session we will send home
paperwork with your reader explaining how you will activate their personal Read-a-thon
You will know that we have distributed the take home sheet because we will also place
a green Read-a-thon bracelet around your child’s wrist as a reminder.
We understand that, as parents, you have high expectations for the quality of your
child’s education but also have limited time.
That’s why we chose to hold a Read-a-thon.
You will find this to be the easiest fundraiser possible. By simply activating your
reader’s personal page and using the promotional tools found there, friends and family
anywhere in the world can show their support for your reader by making a donation to
our Read-a-thon.
Your involvement in the Read-a-thon will help your child develop a lasting love of
We hope each one of you will activate your child’s personal page the day your child
brings home their paperwork. Hopefully they will be wearing their green bracelet as
School Board invites you to the next Open Session...
The next School Board meeting will be held on Monday, March 18, in the rectory conference room and the Open Session will begin at 6:30pm. Space in the conference room is limited. For seating purposes, please let Mrs. Smith know if you plan on attending. Thank you!
Don't forget to order a YEARBOOK!
Site: YBPay.lifetouch.com
Code: 1866619
Dates to Remember...
9 Girls Grammar Basketball Play-Off Game 10am vs. St. Philomena @ Prout
9 Ladies' Choice Event
10 Boys Junior Basketball Play-Off Game 12pm vs. St. Rocco @ St. Ray's
12 End of Trimester 2
15 Dress "Green" For Charity
19 St. Joseph Day Mass 1pm
22 Report Cards
x Parish Mission (March 24-27)
25 Reconciliation grades 6, 7, 8 @ 1pm
26 Reconciliation grades 3, 4, 5 @ 1pm
x Reading Week (April 1-5)
x Read-a-thon (April 1-15)
2 Music Festival @ Mount Saint Charles (after school)
x Scholastic Book Fair (April 3-5)
3 PD dismissal at 11:35am
5 Grandparents' Day
5 First Friday Mass 10am
7 Open House for Prospective Students 9-11am
8 Pennies for Patients
12 Living Stations 9am (gym) & noon (Church)
24 Administrative Professsionals' Day
x Grades 7 & 8 Class Trip to DC (4/25-4/28)
26 Progress Reports
1 PD dismissal at 11:35am
3 Middle School Learning Fair
4 First Communion, Saturday, 11:00am
x STAR Summative Assessment (May 6-24)
7 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
8 School Nurse Appreciation Day
10 Faculty/Staff PD - No School for Students
13 May Crowning 1:30pm
18 Drama Production of Peter Pan
24 Dress For Charity
24 Gentlemen's Choice Event
30 Ascension Thursday Mass 10am
4 Awards Night Grades 3-8
6 Eighth Grade Dinner
7 Field Day
8 Eighth Grade Graduation, Saturday, 1pm
11 PreK Graduation & Kindergarten Celebration, 9am
13 Last Day of School Mass (TENTATIVE)
Fun in the Sun Camp (snow day dependent)
Theater Camp (snow day dependent!)
Book Camp (snow day dependent!)
Art Camp (snow day dependent!)
About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: jaesmith@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints