Swinefleet Primary School
10th January 2025
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Instagram: Swinefleet Primary (@swinefleet_pr) • Instagram photos and videos
Welcome back to the rather ironically named 'Spring Term'.
I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year! This is a brief welcome back newsletter with diary dates, links to your child's knowledge organisers for this theme of work and information on our new Wellbeing Bingo challenge.
Have a lovely weekend!
Our Learning - Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers
These show the key learning that your child will be doing as part of their current theme in school. It would be really beneficial if you could support them with this as they learn this within school. Updates on Seesaw and Tapestry will let you know when certain sections of this key learning will be tested. If you have any questions regarding this then please pop and see you child's class teaching team.
Each button below takes you to your child's class page where you can find this themes Knowledge Organisers and information. These will also be sent out via Tapestry/Seesaw.
Reminders and Events
Parent's Evening
If you haven't already booked your appointment for Parent's Evening please email Miss Lamming and she can arrange this for you. Phone calls are available if you would prefer this rather than a physical appointment. See your child's available times in the letter below.
P.E Kit
Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week and is named.
Due to the colder weather; joggers and a jumper are recommended for P.E.
Please remember that we are nut free and therefore nut products are not permitted. Thank you for your support in this.
Warm Clothing and Suitable Footwear
Please can you ensure that your child has a coat in school as the weather has now turned colder and that they have suitable footwear for the weather. If you are sending your child to school in wellies then please ensure that they have indoor footwear to change into when inside.
Many thanks.
Our New Well-Being Bingo
Menu and Diary Dates
Please see the menu below. Children can have a hot dinner on any day and do not need to be hot dinners all week. Dinners do not need to be pre-booked.
Dinners can be paid for via Arbor. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are available to some children dependent on household income. If you think you could be eligible there is more information available via Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or Mrs Risebury will happily give you further information of how to apply.
Future Diary Dates
Term Dates
Below are our term dates up until July 2026.