The Gold Standard
Volume 2, Issue 36 | May 24, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
Thursday, May 24 - Wednesday, May 29: 9th - 11th Exams
Monday, May 27: No School (Memorial Day)
Wedesday, May 29: 1/2 Day (Dismissal at 11:55am)
Thursday, May 30: 1/2 Day (Dismissal at 11:55am)
Thursday, May 30: Graduation (4pm at Colonial Life Arena)
Friday, May 31: Last Day of School - 1/2 Day (Dismissal at 11:55am)
Monday, June 3 - Thursday, June 6: Diploma Pick Up
End of Year Information
Parents, please review the important information in this document as we near the end of the year. This document contains important upcoming dates, testing dates, info regarding returning library materials and Chromebooks, graduation dates, and other vital information that will help your student end the year successfully!
Diploma Pickup
Graduating Seniors can pick up their diplomas Monday, June 3rd - Thursday, June 6 from 8 AM to 4 PM in the Magnet Office (near the Main Office). Students must bring a picture ID and sign for their diploma. Parents and guardians can also pick up their student’s diploma with a picture ID and be listed as a parent/guardian in PowerSchool. Diplomas not picked up by June 6 will be available for pick up from our registrar during summer hours. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle McCoy, Registrar, at (803) 476-3057 or mmccoy@lexrich5.org
Gavin's Law Notification for Families
Gavin's Law (H.3583) is legislation that makes sexual extortion, the act of blackmailing someone using sexually explicit images or videos, a felony offense and an aggravated felony if the victim is a minor, vulnerable adult, or if the victim suffers bodily injury or death directly related to the crime.
The bill reads in part, "Local school districts shall collaborate with the State Department of Education, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, and the Attorney General’s office, as appropriate, to implement a policy to educate and notify students of the provisions of this act which includes adequate notice to students, parents or guardians, the public, and school personnel of the change in law. The State Department of Education must file a report as to the status of the adoption and implementation of the education policies under this act to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, annually by July first of each year."
In November 2023, the School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties Board of Trustees approved new Board Policy JICFB, “Gavin’s Law Implementation.” Families may find additional information regarding Gavin’s Law on School District Five’s website.
News From the Nurse
Immunization Requirements:
For the latest immunization requirements for school attendance please look on DHEC website:
You are encouraged to update your student’s immunization record over the summer and return to school nurse upon returning for the school year.
Medication Pickup:
Thank you for allowing me to help with your child’s health needs at school. The end of the year is almost here and we are making preparations for the closing of the health room. If your child has medication here at school, a parent or a guardian will need to pick it up before the health room closes. Please stop by the health room to pick up your child’s medication by May 30, 2024. For any questions or concerns please contact Nurse Powell at 803-476-3000.
Note: For safety reasons, we don’t send medication home with students and medication cannot be stored over summer. Any medications remaining will have to be discarded according to District 5 policy.
End of Year Device Informration
Click below for important information related to district issued devices over the summer break.
Class of 2024 Scholarship Reporting
Attention: The Senior Scholarship Reporting Form Deadline is Approaching Scholarship awards received by Graduating seniors need to be documented.
The School Counseling Department needs this information to be able to celebrate students' successes and to accurately report scholarship awards ( academic, athletic, military or other) for the Class of 2024.
Students will NOT need to report the Hope, Life or Palmetto Fellows Scholarships, as these scholarships are already reported. Students must use their student Google email account when adding scholarship awards. The name and photo associated with the Google account will allow us to follow up, if additional information is needed. Students will also be asked to upload a copy of the actual award letter or email. They should print to PDF or take a screenshot and upload. A new form must be completed for each scholarship award. Note: To have their scholarship information included in the Graduation Program, students must complete the Scholarship Reporting Form by May 17th. If you have questions, please contact School Counseling.
The form can be accessed using the link here.
Job Opportunities
Seniors: If you are NOT going to college or the military after graduation, please come see Mrs. Etheredge in room 106. Every Monday, between 12-2pm, she will be assisting students with job applications, resumes and workforce readiness. Let's find your dream job!
Class of 2025 Senior Portraits
Members of the Class of 2025 will be able to schedule their Senior Portraits in early July.
Free Hot Spots
The Richland County Public Library now provides free longterm Hot Spot Lending to qualify K-12 students in Richland County. Please see the flyer below for more information. Applications are available for pick up in the School Counseling Office.
Please see the attachment below for updated Attendance information.
Scholarship Directory
Please click here for our 23-24 Scholarship Directory.
Parents of seniors, please encourage your student to start checking the list of scholarships available on a weekly basis and complete applications by the designated deadline. If you have questions, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
Is your child needing academic support? Irmo High School's after school tutoring meets in the Media Center every Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 until 6:00 pm. If you are interested in attending then please email Dr. Dew at sdew@lexrich5.org for details.
ID Policy
Students are required to wear their student IDs at all times. Students may order their own temporary and permanent ID replacement using this form. Temporary IDs are $1 and Permanent ID replacements are $5. All charges will be billed to student accounts.
Delayed Opening
Irmo High School will operate on a delayed opening schedule on most Wednesdays throughout the school year. A list of Wednesdays with no delayed opening is below.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Parents and families should log in to Parent Portal to stay updated on student grades and attendance. See the presentation linked below for details on how to access Parent Portal.
School Volunteers
In order to become a volunteer or chaperone, please complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement for School Volunteers and return it to the IHS volunteer liaison, Cindy Zakhar, in the main office. Please reach out to Ms. Zakhar at (803) 476-3001 or czakhar@lexrich5.org with any questions.
Business Partners
Do you want to know more ways you can support Irmo High School? We are always looking for business partners and would love to hear from you. Please contact Shauna Dorn at (803) 476-3011 or
Irmo Yellow Jacket Club
Support Irmo Athletics by joining the Irmo Yellow Jacket Club! Members can receive parking passes, tickets to regular season home games, and reserved seating, depending on membership tier. Join online today using the IYJC Membership Form or by downloading and returning this registration form to IHS or the Athletic Office.
"In ourselves, our future lies"