Demo Family Memo Yondr Edition
January 14th, 2025
Principal Message
Dear Jefferson Families,
We are excited to share with you an important update regarding our efforts to enhance student engagement and safety at Jefferson. Beginning soon, we will be implementing Yondr pouches as part of our school policy on personal electronics.
As part of this initiative, students will be required to store their personal cell phones, tablets, headphones, and other personal electronics in Yondr pouches for the duration of the school day. The only electronics students will be able to use during school hours will be their School/PPS issued Chromebooks, which will remain accessible for educational purposes.
We believe this policy will help minimize distractions and create a more focused, engaging learning environment. It also supports our ongoing commitment to improving student safety and well-being. By reducing the use of personal electronics during the school day, we aim to encourage more face-to-face interaction and foster a stronger sense of community.
To provide more details, we are hosting a parent information night on Monday, January 22nd, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM with the Ockley Green and Tubman communities. During this time, we will discuss the Yondr pouch system in detail and answer any questions you may have. We encourage you to attend if you are a part of our Site Council or PTSA, as this meeting will be an excellent opportunity to understand how this change will benefit our school and support our overall goals.
Please see the attached PDF and letter for more information on the Yondr pouch system and how it will be implemented.
Thank you for your continued support in making Jefferson a great place for all of our students.
Principal Drake Shelton
Yondr Community Meeting
January 22nd- 6pm-7pm
Jefferson High School- Cafeteria