3434 Pheasant Creek Dr, Sugar Land, TX 77498
Fall 2024, Volume 4
2024 - 25 Administration Team
Ms. Rachel Cortez - Campus Principal
Mr. Kyle Lovetinsky - Associate Principal
Assistant Principals
Ms. Adaun Udechukwu/Mr. Ricky Oliphant (A-Cha)
Mr. Brent Duvall (Che-H)
Mrs. Meraj Khan (I-Mi)
Dr. Sharon Delesbore (Mo-R)
Mr. George Long (S-Z)
2024-2025 Counseling Team
Ms. Monica Navarro (Lead) (A)
Ms. Amanda Wade (B-E)
Ms. Julie Masters-Garcia (F-Ke)
Mr. Irvin Casely-Hayford (Kh-Ne)
Vacancy (Ng-Se)
Ms. Kaley Dean (Sh-Z)
CCMR Advisor - Ms. Kristin Richter
AHS Social Worker - Ms. Ana R. Siddiqui
Testing Coordinator - Mrs. Paige Tomlin
News from the Counseling Corner:
Subject: College Board Accommodations Request
Attention Students with Existing Documented Accommodations!
If a student doesn’t already have College Board accommodations, and they would like their 504/Special Education accommodations considered for AP, SAT, PSAT exams this school year, please complete the attached consent form to request the accommodations from College Board. Then, email the completed form to Irvin Casely-Hayford, AP & SSD Coordinator, at Irvin.caselyhayford@fortbendisd.gov .
Please note that the accommodations request process could take up to 8 weeks for College Board to render a decision, after the request has been submitted to College Board.
For additional information, you may visit
What's New in Assessments?
Beginning this year, students in Fort Bend ISD will complete NWEA MAP computer-adaptive assessments three times a year to gain information about what students know and what they are ready to learn next. MAP also gives insight into how students are growing academically, allowing you to track your student's progress throughout the school year and across multiple years. Families will have access to their child's results after each testing window. NWEA MAP is replacing Renaissance 360. For more information, visit the NWEA Family Toolkit linked here.
Sharing about Social Work
School Social Workers provide direct counseling and social work services to all Fort Bend Independent School District campuses. Social work services are oriented toward helping students make satisfactory school adjustments and to coordinate the efforts of home, school, and community to achieve this goal.
Social Workers provide the following support…
o Consultation with families to evaluate and determine needs
o Provide direct services to students and families
o Coordinate services between students, families, and community agencies
o Provide crisis intervention services and referrals
o Provide interventions to increase student attendance and decrease truancy
o Facilitate identification and services for homeless/foster students and families
o Organize and facilitate individual and small group programs for children with at-risk behavior
o Facilitate the collaboration between the school, home and community services to ensure educational success
o Develop parent/family training resources
o …and more
A bit about Ms. Siddiqui:
I have been a Social Worker for over 10 years. This is my fourth year at FBISD. I have worked with different populations over the years, including providing services for families with individuals with disabilities, low-income pregnant women, refugee services, behavioral health, pediatric medical inpatient, maternal-child health, etc.
I speak Spanish and Portuguese and have a passion for helping individuals and families reaching their goals towards health and success.
Office: 281-329-0819
Cell: 281-896-3919
Open House 2024 was a GREAT turnout!
Amazingly awesome to meet so many parents at Wednesday's Fall Open House 2024! Big thanks to Mr. Duvall for organizing a such a welcoming event for our families. The NJROTC, under the leadership of Senior Chief Johnson and Chief Becerra, were delightful as they helped parents navigate through the building.
DAWG of the Week!!!!
August 26 - 30, 2024
Celebrating Staff who Lead the PAC!
Each month, we recognize AMAZING staff members who exemplify the district's mantra of professionalism, accountability, and communication. Congratulations to our September Paraprofessional and Teacher of the Month!
Spotlight on Kindness at the Dawg Pound!
Family and Community Services students prepared cookies and relaxation gift bags to thank our custodians who worked so hard to get the building ready for the new school year.
Senior Class President and PAL, Muhammad Haider, befriends a freshman and welcomes him into high school. They are now buddies.
Students give Mr. Rodriguez "two thumbs up" as he interacts regularly in the cafeteria during his lunch time to talk with kids and inform them about opportunities in Forensic Science.
Homecoming is "Beneath the Waves" and crashing in 🌊
Parent Involvement increases Student Success!
Things We All Need to Know...Cell Phone, Dress Code and Laptop Policies
Textbook Information
Need a Locker?
Navigating Student Information
In advance of the 2024-25 school year, parents are asked to log into "Family Access" to update their student's information forms. These forms are required for all students, both returning and new to FBISD.
Verify Your Student Information.English
Verify Your Student Information.Spanish
Welcome to SchooLinks!
SchooLinks for Guardians
Bienvenido a SchooLinks!
Dear FBISD parents and guardians,
On September 1, 2023, House Bill 114 (HB 114), will go into effect to address the serious issue of vaping/e-cigarette use among students. Under this law, any student found in possession of any kind of vaping/e-cigarette device on a campus or at a school-related activity including bus transportation, will face disciplinary consequences including a placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)*.
FBISD assures you that the district is committed to providing a supportive climate and safe learning environment that promotes students in accepting responsibility for their learning and behavior.
To be proactive, here are the ways your student might be impacted by the new law:
- If your student possesses an e-cigarette (even if it contains nothing) or any component, part or accessory for any vaping device while on school grounds or at a school-related event, they will be recommended for a mandatory placement in DAEP.
- When receiving disciplinary consequences for this offense, your student is not able to participate in any school activities. Furthermore, they may face removal from specific student clubs or organizations as stipulated by each organization's rules and regulations.
- Students with offenses that qualify for DAEP placement are not eligible for final exam exemptions for that school year.
Please speak with your student about the dangers of vaping and the new law. If your student is struggling with substance abuse, including vaping addiction or peer pressure to engage in these activities, FBISD counseling services are available to provide supports and resources to address such challenges.
As partners, FBISD and parents can work together to ensure student success. Thank you for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your campus directly.
* Based on DAEP program capacity, students may be placed in a campus-based discipline program.
#AttendanceMatters and Tardies Count: Please encourage your child to arrive to all classes on time. The following consequences are issued as a result of excessive tardies.
Dear AHS Parents,
Welcome back to another Exciting Year at Austin High School, Home of The Bulldogs!!
We would like to share some information with you regarding Morning Student Drop-Off.
The best time to drop your student off at AHS with little to no traffic is usually between 7:00 AM and 7:15 AM. After 7:15 AM the traffic flow becomes heavy and students risk being late to 1st period.
Areas for Drop-Off: Front Circle and Student Parking Lot Area (Northside of the Building)
Please Do Not Attempt To Drop Your Student Off on The Bus Ramp Side of the Building, That is Not Allowed, this area is for School Vehicles and School Personnel Only!
Please Drive Safe and Have A Great Bulldog Day!!
Seniors & Juniors:
As we return for the 2024-25 School Year, Senior students will have the opportunity to purchase Preferred Parking for $75; all other student parking (for both Seniors & Juniors) will cost $50.
To purchase parking, all seniors and juniors must have:
- Completed the online application
- A Valid Texas Driver's License
- Valid Insurance showing the student's name as an insured driver
- No outstanding fines on the AHS Fine List
- Must be on record as a Junior/Senior by August 2024
Students who have purchased their parking permits for the 2024-245 school year can come and pick them up on Wednesday, August 7, 2023 in Office 108 between 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
Students who don't pick up their permits before school starts should not drive to school until they have their permit!
To pick your permit up, you must bring:
- a copy of the 2024-25 Student Parking Rules & Regulations (signed by a parent or guardian); and
- a photocopy of your receipt.
AHS 2024 Football Schedule
AHS 2024 Volleyball Schedule
AHS 2024 Water Polo Schedule
AHS 2024 Cross Country Schedule
About AHS
Email: adaun.udechukwu@fortbendisd.com
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/ahs
Location: 3434 Pheasant Creek Drive, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-2000
Twitter: @AHSBulldogs