Walking Together in the Word
Devotional guide for the week of Sept 27, 2021–Oct 2, 2021
Welcome to Walking Together in the Word!
These devotional materials guide you through the Bible readings for the October 3, 2021 Sunday worship service. We pray they are a blessing to you and your family!
Why study God's Word and pray together?
- Bible study and prayer strengthens faith and brings you closer to God and to one another.
- Study of readings and hymns for the weekend prepares you for worship.
- The way parents express and model their faith helps shape young people’s faith lives.
- God's Word gives life!---new life now and eternal life with Jesus in heaven. (John 20:31)
About this Devotional Study Guide
- Five Days of devotional material. Catch up or review on the 6th day, worship on Sunday!
- Bible Readings are the LCMS 3-year lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday.
- Talk about It and Dig Deeper guide discussion and meditation on the Bible passages.
- Kid Talk has questions and activities especially for kids and families.
- Prayer starters are given--add your own as well! Scroll to the bottom for the Lord's Prayer and Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Mark 10:2-16 from your Bible, or
Devotion on the Gospel
Talk about it
- Why do you think the disciples rebuked those who came to Jesus for a blessing?
- Why must we become “like a child” to receive the kingdom of God?
Kid Talk
Read Mark 10:2-16.
Have you heard, “You’re too young to do this”? Hearing that can make you feel left out. It might make you feel unimportant. But Jesus thinks you are very important! He said, “Let the little children come to Me, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” You are special to God!
Listen: Let the Children Come to Me
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24
Closing and Prayer
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all (2 Corinthians 13:14).
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Genesis 2:18-25 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- What unique relationship is established between man and woman? How is this relationship different form that between man and other creatures?
- What does the emphasis on “oneness” tell us about the marriage relationship?
Listen: The Marriage Prayer
Kid Talk
Read Genesis 2:18-25.
God created so many amazing things—stars, planets, mountains, trees, flowers, and all kinds of animals. But do you know what His greatest creation was? Man and woman. He made them to be husband and wife, perfect for one another. What a gift of love!
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayers
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Hebrews 2:1-13 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- Read Psalm 8. The writer of Hebrews applies what the psalmist says about mankind to Jesus. For what purpose was the Son made “lower than the angels?”
- What did Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross do for us according to Hebrews 2:11?
Listen: We Are Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Kid Talk
How amazing it is that Jesus, who is God, came down to heaven and became a human! Can you imagine? Why would He do that? It’s because He loves us. Jesus became a man so He could die for our sins and give us eternal life!
Download a Coloring Page on the Epistle
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Psalm 128 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
Ponder Martin Luther’s words regarding Psalm 128: “This is a psalm of comfort in which the estate of marriage is splendidly praised. Marriage partners are given this great comfort: They should not look only at the trouble, work, discouragement, and discomfort they feel and experience in marriage, but rather the gracious will of God toward them, that their station and life are a gracious creation of God and are blessed by Him. Therefore marriage is dear to Him, and He gives it much more happiness and blessing than discomfort, if one only believes and adapts oneself to marriage and faithfully remains within it.”
Listen: Psalm 128
Kid Talk
Read Psalm 128.
God created families. He made a man and a woman (Adam and Eve) and brought them togther to be husband and wife. Then He blessed this family with children. What a good gift God has given us! Husbands and wives love each other and take care of one another. Parents love and care for their children, and children love and care for each other and their parents.
- Say a prayer thanking God for the gift of family!
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Catechism Connection
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
I Am Jesus' Little Lamb -- LSB 740
I am Jesus’ little lamb,
Ever glad at heart I am;
For my Shepherd gently guides me,
Knows my need and well provides me,
Loves me ev’ry day the same,
Even calls me by my name.
Day by day, at home, away,
Jesus is my staff and stay.
When I hunger, Jesus feeds me,
Into pleasant pastures leads me;
When I thirst, He bids me go
Where the quiet waters flow.
Who so happy as I am,
Even now the Shepherd’s lamb?
And when my short life is ended,
By His angel host attended,
He shall fold me to His breast,
There within His arms to rest.
Public domain
Talk about it
- This beloved hymn confesses that Jesus, who gave His life to save us, loves us "every day the same." How does this fact give you peace and comfort in a world of uncertainty and fear?
Listen and Sing
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
The Lord's Prayer
Luther's Morning Prayer
I thank you my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Luther's Evening Prayer
Chapel of the Cross--Lutheran
Our Core Values:
- Empowered by the cross of Christ
- People working together
- Opening the Word to all people
- Showing the love of Jesus
- Warm and supportive environment
Email: pastorlaesch@chapelofthecross.org
Website: http://www.chapelofthecross.org/
Location: 11645 Benham Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 741-3737
Facebook: facebook.com/ChapelSTL