Bulldog Bits-n-Bytes
January 2025
Please contact the office if you need this information provided in another language.
Our Vision
"Brooklyn STEM Academy students and staff believe in being positive, working hard, and learning in an environment that is rich in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math so that everyone is prepared to meet the challenges of the world around them."
Email: jennifer.teare@msdmartinsville.org
Website: https://www.msdofmartinsville.org/brooklyn-elementary-stem-academy/
Location: 251 North Church Street, Brooklyn, IN, USA
Phone: (317)831-2150
Facebook: facebook.com/BrooklynSTEMAcademy
Twitter: @brooklyn_stem
Important Dates
Jan. 6th- Return to School from Winter Break
Jan. 9th- Yearbook Club Photos
Jan. 10th- Report Cards Sent Home
Jan. 17th- Last Day to Order Yearbooks
Jan. 20th- MLK Jr. Day (NO SCHOOL)
Jan. 23rd- Fundraiser Start Date
STEM Around Brooklyn
PreK learned about gingerbread houses. They made pretend houses in the play area then made real gingerbread houses out of recycled milk cartons!
Kindergarten had a special appearance from Mr. Heare from Real Men Read. He brought a book that was special to him, "Just Right for Christmas". He also surprised the students with a hand-made red scarf, just like in the story!
First Grade
First grade built and tested tables for Thanksgiving feasts!
Second Grade
2nd graders measured, drew, and cut out life-size penguins to display in the hallway with their penguin research papers.
Third Grade
3rd grade tested to see if light can move through solids, liquids, and gases.When light moves through a liquid, the liquid makes the light rays change speed and direction. That is why your straw looks like it is cut in two when it is sitting in a liquid!
Fourth Grade
4th grade has been making Indiana ornaments out of flour, sugar, and salt. Did you know that Indiana is the Hoosier state? The state bird is the Cardinal and the state tree is the tulip tree.
Family Pantry Dates
MSD of Martinsville's Family Pantry dates are Thursdays, 01/09, 02/13, 03/13, 04/10, and 05/15 between 11am-1pm located in the back of Wooden Middle School (109 E. Garfield Street). Enter the school's one-way road from Sycamore Street. After giving information (family name, school, and ages of the people in their household), volunteers will put the pantry items inside your vehicles.
Camp Invention 2025
Gift them an experience they'll love!
Save $35 by registering for Camp Invention by 12/31 using code GIFT35 at invent.org/gift.
Grades: 1st-6th
Date: June 2-6, 2025
MLK Jr. Day
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20th.
What's Happening At Brooklyn STEM Academy
Have you seen our weekly episodes on YouTube? Check out the most recent video!
Advice from Kindergarten
MSD of Martinsville Inclement Weather Plan
As we begin a busy season of school and holiday activities, I would like to make you aware of our procedures and communication plan concerning the possibility of inclement weather:
Weather decisions are made by our team who monitor conditions closely.
When determining a delay, early dismissal, or cancellation of school, countywide weather conditions are reviewed. In addition, we utilize the National Weather Service website @ www.nws.noaa.gov/om/cold/wind_chill.shtml
Before school, a decision will be made by 5:30 AM and communicated to you and your family in the following ways:
Staff/ parents will be notified through an all-call using ParentSquare. (Telephone numbers are generated from our Skyward database. At your convenience, please check Family Access to ensure your telephone number is up-to-date for this academic year.)
Communication will be added to the district's website and social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MSD of Martinsville
Communication will be sent to the following radio and TV stations: WCBK, WISH 8, WRTV-6, WTHR-13, Fox-59.
This information can also be found on our website, https://msdofmartinsville.org/transportation-and-safety/.
Early Dismissal
As weather conditions in our area can change quickly, an early dismissal may be necessary. We will make a decision concerning dismissal as early as possible then call parents through ParentSquare and communicate information to our website, social media and local media.
I encourage you as a family to develop a weather plan. For example, if parents or guardians work, where should your child go if there is an early dismissal or a two-hour delay?
I hope this information is helpful as we work together planning for inclement weather events. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Eric Bowlen
School Wide Title 1
Funding has been made available through School Wide Title 1 Services to Brooklyn STEM Academy for the purpose of providing students with extra support in reading/language arts and math. This extra support is available for all students at Brooklyn STEM Academy. Classroom teachers, Title 1 Teachers and instructional aides provide assistance through small group and individualized instruction as children demonstrate a need for support. Please contact your teacher about services your child may receive.
MSD of Martinsville Vision Statement
“Together we challenge and inspire our children through rich experiences, empowering them to achieve success while making positive contributions to our world.”