St. Elizabeth School
January 31st Newsletter
Pope Francis' Intention for the Month of January
For the Right to an Education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war,
that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world,
might always be respected.
Value of the Month of January
Unity is an understanding that we are all one in Christ
and that what we do to one another affects the entire body.
So we, though many, are one body in Christ
and individually parts of one another.
Romans 12:5
From the Office
We say good-bye to Catholic Schools Week and January but it was an exciting and action packed event! We welcome in February today!
Please see more school updates below:
All students in Grades K to 8 will gather, in the gym, with their teacher in the morning, no later than 7:55AM. The school day begins at 7:55am with morning community prayer and breakfast to follow in classrooms at 8:10AM for our Kindergarten through Grade 8 students, therefore, it is imperative that all students arrive on time daily to school.
1b) Dismissal Procedures
Students not picked up within 10 minutes of their dismissal times will report to after-school and fees will be incurred. Students attending after-school will report to the gym.
Please be mindful that if you need to pick up your child early, you must do so by 2:15PM with advance notice to the office. Early pick-up after 2:15PM is highly un-encouraged, unless it is an emergency, due to the proximity in time to dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
2) As we are in cold/flu season, please be mindful of our student absence policy. Students should not return to school until they are 24-hours symptom free and are without fever reducing medication. Students absent 3 days or more must submit a doctor's note for re-admission. Thank you for helping to help our school community healthy and safe!
3) 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration is approaching max enrollment! We will let all know when our waitlist goes into effect. Grades 1-8 re-registrations is scheduled to open next week as per the archdiocese.
4) The portal is now open and 2nd quarter Report cards are available! Please be mindful of clearing any outstanding tuition balances. We will be unable to release report cards to families with outstanding balances. Please reach out to your child's teacher to set up an appointment to meet as there are no scheduled conferences for this quarter.
5) The second Religion checkpoint benchmark for grades K-8 will take place next week.
6) New Front Doors! We continue to be grateful for our upgraded school improvements. Thank you for patience with all four upgrades! This increases our front security and are asking all parents not to loiter in the lobby as we aim to keep the area clear for arrival and dismissal. UPK class dismiss from the lobby as well as lower grade classes when the weather does not cooperate. Thank you for cooperation in advance!
Please scroll for information on :
- Tentative Month at a Glance
- Upcoming important calendar items
- After School information
- Fall Clubs information
- Tuition reminders including billing updates for our Morning Care and After School Program!
- Uniform Requirements
- Physical and Immunization Requirements
Thank you for your continued support of Saint Elizabeth School and your partnership in Catholic Education.
With gratitude,
Mr. Stark
Winter 2025 Extracurricular Clubs
Exciting new activities are on the horizon for Saint Elizabeth School this Fall! At SES, we're committed to nurturing well-rounded students by providing a variety of enrichment programs and extracurricular activities throughout the academic year. Our upcoming offerings include:
- Champions Chess instruction (FREE)
- Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Basketball
- Champions Volleyball
- Choir
These diverse programs aim to enhance our students' skills, creativity, and teamwork beyond the regular curriculum.
Catholic Schools Week!
All had a great time all week celebrating our wonderful school! Thanks to Ms. Fernandez for organizing and all the staff for making it a special week. And to our special event planners Cosmic IQ who dazzled the students with their underwater 4D experience!
In the Classrooms!
Lower grade action!
5th Grade Chinese New Year lanterns!
Upcoming Dates...
7th - Early Dismissal - K-8 - No Afterschool K-8 only
Early Childhood at SES
Please find Mrs. Dunne's UPK updates on the UPK Class Dojo!!
Immunization information
As a reminder, it is the school’s expectation that all tuition and fees be paid on time. Failure to do so creates a tear in the partnership we have with parents. At the same time, we recognize that a family can experience temporary financial difficulty due to the loss of employment, illness, or other factors beyond the family's control. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the family to contact us to work out arrangements.
If tuition and fees cannot be paid on time, families must communicate with school administration in writing to prevent enforcement of delinquent tuition procedures.
- Families who are delinquent will receive communication from the main office.
- Families whose tuition payment is delinquent 60 days will receive a second communication; this will come from the administration. If a parent/guardian does not contact the admin within two weeks of receiving the email/phone call, etc., the child/children may not be permitted to attend classes.
- Records and report cards will not be sent at this time and financial aid/scholarships provided will be at risk and may be rescinded.
- Students with delinquent tuition payments may not participate in school activities and graduation ceremonies.
- Access to Educate and quarterly progress reports are dependent on tuition and fees being up to date!
- Severe delinquency will result in withdrawal of St. Elizabeth School.
Tuition Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
For more information on our uniform and requirements, please click the button below.
For a link to Lu-Del uniform company website, please click the link: https://www.ludelsuniforms.com
Please note, that we expect all students to strictly adhere to uniform requirements at St. Elizabeth.
Catholic Charities - Immigration Resources
Dear St. Elizabeth community,
You are likely aware of concerns regarding various aspects of federal immigration enforcement. Catholic Charities has provided some resources to help navigate what may be an uncertain time for some, which is attached. Included is a bi-lingual flyer prepared by their office concerning the rights of an individual.
Follow us on Social Media
From the Church
Included here is a link to the weekly church bulletin. Father Rodriguez includes a lot of important parish news in his bulletin.
The mission of Saint Elizabeth School is to provide students with the opportunity to reach their full potential in a Catholic school atmosphere of hope, love, and trust.
We strive to mold our students into whole persons in whom attitudes, habits, knowledge, and Gospel values are developed in tandem with academic achievement. School programs are continually evolving and specifically targeted to meet the needs of a diverse and changing Washington Heights.
St. Elizabeth’s School promotes a family-like environment where all members of the school community – parents, teachers, administration, and staff – participate in the development of the children.
Email: mstark@steliznyc.org
Website: https://saintelizabethschool.org/
Location: 612 West 187th street, NY 10033
Phone: (212) 568-7291
Twitter: @StELizSchoolNYC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Steliznyc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steliznyc/