Go Big Red: DCHS Weekly Message
Week 9: Undefeated
Decatur County Community High School
605 E Commercial St, Oberlin, KS 67749
October 16, 2022 (Schedule at the bottom, Skip What You Want)
Follow us on Twitter at @DCHSREDDEVILS or
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Oberlin294/
Decatur community,
It was a busy week this past week, and there were several things that stood out that I will address below. What stands out to me this week is the undefeated season that took place for our JH football team. I coached football for almost 2 decades, and I remember the excitement of an undefeated season at that level. They don't come around often, and they offer a sense of excitement and expectation for the future.
Congratulations to the boys and coaches on an amazing season.
Shoutout to the Junior High volleyball team on their 10-2 season. Both the A and B teams finished with the same record. This week they will both be traveling to League tournaments on Tuesday. The A team will be the #2 seed behind unbeaten Quinter. The A team tournament will be at St. Francis. The B team will be the top seed in the league tournament that will be held at Atwood. Let's go ladies!
Shoutout to these 12 students that were chosen for the KMEA JR. High District Honor Choir: Henry Bundgard, Brady Gehring, Skylar Hawkins, Kaylee Kier, Caden Shaw, Kaden Sowers, Devyn Stagemeyer, Bentley Sutherland, Ella Williby, Gage Williby, Trevor Witt, Sarah Wright.
Shoutout to our All-American cheerleaders Ana Freeman and Dani Weyenth. Last weekend, they made the trip to Lawrence, KS to cheer at the KU game. The game was made especially memorable by the fact that ESPN College Gameday held their show on campus. Dani said that they had to park a mile away from the stadium, even when they got there at 7:00 am. Amazing experience for the girls!
Things You Should Know
ACT Workkeys
Over the next several weeks, students in the high school will be taking a series of ACT-based Assessments.
There are three different ACT tests that students can take:
1. ACT WorkKeys: Next Wednesday, October the 19th.
2. ACT: Wednesday, October 26
3. PreAct: Wednesday, November 2.
First up? WorkKeys!
What is the ACT Workkeys? First used in 1992, ACT® WorkKeys® assessments are the cornerstone of the ACT workforce solutions. The assessments help you measure the workplace skills that can affect your job performance. WorkKeys assessments are: Unique—Unlike other assessments, they don't simply give an indication of reading and writing competency.
Why take it?
For starters, lots of professionals take this test as well. For many employers, they will pay you more if you have a specific WorkKeys score. Many professionals seek out this test to simply raise their pay with a credential if they know their employer will accept it.
Another reason is simply interest. This test exposes you to a lot of information and skills that are applicable to many professions. By the end, it is possible that you will learn a bit about your self, or the test may lead you to specific professions that you were unaware of.
A final reason would be to allow students to see their strengths. Several people entered into their current professions because they were either told or discovered for themselves that they were good at it. The WorkKeys test will let you know where you are the strongest and may help you better pick your career path.
Next week, we will focus on the ACT.
Mrs. Springer's Art Students Go On Road Trip
A few of the stops were the Garden of Eden in Lucas, Kansas and the World's Largest Czech Egg in Wilson, Kansas. It's always great to see our teachers giving our students real world experiences and appreciation of their content.
Taking It All In
A Group Enjoying the Experience
The World's Largest Czech Egg
Junior High Football Team Goes Undefeated
This year's team had quite the special year. This past week they ended their season 7-0 League champs. Talking to coach Gehring, he said that he has not been able to find the last time that the junior high football team ended the year with an undefeated record on a season. Needless to say, there is a lot to be excited about.
Here are a few quotes from the boys that responded about their favorite memory from the season.
My favorite part of the season was when we defeated Atwood. Kent Ploussard
When Rustin had his touchdown. Cowen Anderson
Getting to play with all of my friends and throwing all the touchdowns to them. Brady Gehring
My 2 touchdowns. Bentley Sutherland
My favorite part of this season was playing with all of my friends. Also going undefeated. Brycen Ketterl
Just being around my favorite people every day. Gage Williby
When I played wide receiver against Saint Francis. RJ Mathews
I liked the whole season. I liked our team and our coaches. This season was awesome! Conner Kier
Playing on kickoff. Gus Bryan
My favorite part was playing Trego because it was a hardish game but fun. Kaden Sowers
The best part of this year was getting to play with my friends. Guss Emigh
Easy, the thrill before the game. Wyatt Coryell
Rustin's Touchdown. Rustin Bailey
8th Grader Gage Williby Breaking Away
The Perfect Season
What a Team
Junior High Cross Country Finishes A Season to Remember
Congratulations to the Decatur Community Junior High Cross Country runners. They finished their season Thursday at the Hoxie Invitational with four Oberlin runners medaling.
Trevor Witt won the 7th grade boys’ race; Job Kliewer, a 6th grader, was fourth.
In the 7th grade girls’ race, Kira Burmaster was third, and Misty Kliewer was fourth.
Trevor had a great cross country season, medaling in five of the six meets he competed in. In three of those, he placed first: Quinter, Oberlin, and Hoxie. In the other two – Norton and Wallace County, he placed second. The only meet Trevor did not place at was the McCook meet.
Job Kliewer placed fourth in two meets this year – Oberlin and Hoxie. As a 6th grader, Job was running against 7th graders and 8th graders.
Misty Kliewer medaled in all seven of the junior high meets this year:
6th – Goodland
2nd – Quinter
9th – McCook
2nd – Norton
3rd – Oberlin
5th – Wallace County
4th – Hoxie
Kira Burmaster medaled in four of her five races, including a first-place finish at the Norton Invitational. (Kira is also a member of the junior high volleyball team – playing on both A and B teams, which are both 10-2. They will finish their season on Tuesday at the NWKL Tournament.)
Kira was second at the Oberlin meet, and third at both Wallace County and Hoxie. The only meet Kira did not medal at was the Quinter Invitational. Because of her asthma, she was not able to finish that race.
Rounding out the junior high cross country team were 6th graders Mariah Scott, who placed 10th at the Goodland Invitational, and Jayce Dempewolf, who competed in all seven meets this year.
Congratulations to our junior high cross country runners and to their coach Jenee Davis on a tremendous season.
Sub-State Tickets on Sale
Halloween Cleanup Around the Corner
The 98th annual Halloween Clean-Up is Friday, Nov. 4. The teachers chose Bryant Addleman, Ellie Anderson, Josh Juenemann, Teague Morford, and Olivia Williby to lead the student-led service project From those five, the student body chose Josh Juenemann as the general.
If you would like your yard raked, please call the high school at 785 475-2231 and leave your name and address.
That's going to do it for this week. There is so much going on: The last home football game, volleyball tournaments at all levels, high stakes testing, and more. Yet another busy week at DCHS.
Until next week,
Jeremy Holloway
Go Big Red!
Schedule for the Week of 10-17-22/10-23-22
Monday, October 17, 2022
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
7:15am DCHS Singers Practice
10:30 NWKL JH Volleyball Tournament
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
ACT Workkeys Test
Thursday, October 20, 2022
7:30 DCHS Vocal Concert
Friday, October 21, 2022
7:00 FB home vs Hill City "Senior Night"
Saturday, October 22, 2022
VB Sub State
XC Regionals
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #2: And so It Begins
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #3:The Lights Return to Friday Nights
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #4: Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #5: Fall Homecoming
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #6: Picture Day
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #7: It Takes a Village
Decatur County Community Junior/Senior High School
Email: jholloway@usd294.org
Website: https://www.usd294.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/DCHS
Location: 605 East Commercial Street, Oberlin, KS, USA
Phone: 785-475-2231
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Decatur-Community-JrSr-High/372347636275932