Online Elementary Weekly Newsletter
October 6, 2024
Office Information
We’ve moved
780 Wheelock Pkwy
St. Paul, MN 55117
(Small parking lot in the back)
Enter through Door #6 and come to room 1001.
SPPS Online School Apparel
Check out school apparel here: https://www.jensoncreative.com/spps
The web store will be open until the end of the day on Wednesday, October 16th.
Note: Orders will not be processed until the web store is closed .
There are two options for delivery.
Ship to your house, an extra flat fee of $7.50 for shipping will be factored in when you checkout.
Pick up at COMO date TBD, I will send out an email when the apparel will be delivered to Como . Select group pick-up as the shipping option and OLS will be emailed when the order is at Como.
Principal News
Dear OES Parents,
Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter. Here is some important information for your consideration.
We recognize the value and importance of sharing your thoughts, ideas, recommendations, and worries with educators. As their focus is on teaching and learning, please feel free to get in touch with your child's teacher whenever necessary, but during instruction time. Your teachers will respond to you shortly.
We also recognize that parents must redirect their children's online behavior. If necessary, kindly switch off the microphone and camera and redirect your child. We honor your authority to discipline your child. Let's make sure that redirection doesn't happen in front of other parents or students.
CogAT-7 testing
You may have already received a message from the Online School about this test.
Kindergarten: Thursday Oct. 10, 2024
Second Grade: Thursday Oct. 24, 2024
Grades: 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Parents and teachers have until Friday Oct. 18,2024 to nominate students. Click on the link to nominate your child: Google Form
If your child is on K and 2nd grade, please let us know if your child is coming for testing and if transportation is needed. Google Form
Please do not forget that children will have a new password soon. Password reset for grades K–5 will start on Monday, October 7th. Your children's teachers will work with your child to ensure that the password reset process is successful. Parents will soon get a message from Blackboard Connect and classroom teachers.
John Osorio
Assistant Principal
651-744-6368 / john.osorio@spps.org
School News
It's the last week to fill out the surveys below!
Family Culture Survey
Hello OES parents/guardians, you are important to us. We would like to engage our families and students by celebrating their heritage. Please fill out this four question survey if you are interested in helping us achieve this goal. Thank you in advance.
Social Play Groups
We've received several requests from families interested in forming social play groups. To better understand the level of interest in this activity, we would like to conduct a survey. You only need to complete the survey if you are interested. Please note that these play groups will not be school-sponsored, but rather hosted by families within our OES community.
Once we gather a list of interested families, an OES parent will provide further details about the locations and times of the events, which will take place outside of school hours.
Attendance Matters
It is important for your child to show up to class on time everyday. If your child will be absent from class please contact Belinda Vang via phone or email at your earliest convenience.
Attendance Line: 651-774-4707
Attendance Email: oes.attendance@spps.org
How to report an absence:
Student Name
Parent Name
Student # or DOB
Date(s) of Absence
Reason for being absent
Grade Level News
Attached is the Kindergarten Newsletter which shares our theme, the lessons and goals we have throughout the theme, and important dates. It also has links to the Big Skills Document, where you can see exactly what your child should have mastered at this time and a link to our Kindergarten Weekly Photo Drops. Please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns to 651-447-8866.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Click here for the Second Grade Running Newsletter. There is new information on this link weekly!
3rd Grade
Welcome to 3rd grade! I will be the substitute teacher while Ms. Moua is out. I look forward to learning with your students! You can email me at: lkoelfgen-faust.toc@spps.org
4th Grade
4th Graders started their first Geography unit this week about maps and the 5 Themes of Geography! In math, we are working on Perimeter and close reading of word problems. At home, students can work on reviewing their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts to make their Perimeter and Area work better. Lastly, we continue to work on stretching our writing! Having a daily journal can help your student build their writing stamina.
5th Grade
Hello 5th grade families!
This week has been a great week full of so much fun and learning! Students have started their second writing unit where they will be creating art and then writing an artist statement about it! Ask to see what they are creating!
In math we are working on multi digit multiplication and division. One thing that you can be doing at home to help is to help your student practice their multiplication facts.
Students are done with their Math and Reading placement tests - if you are interested in learning where your student tested, please feel free to reach out.
Have a great weekend,
Ms. E
(651) 456-8606
Specialist News
1st Grade learner about what causes the leaves to change in the fall. They also read Isabel and Her Colores Go To School and identified what colors go with what emotions.
4th grade created fall animation on Keynote showing the progression of leaves changing colors and fall during the fall.
If you have any question please contact Kelly Jenson.
(651) 764-8082
Hello from the Art classroom! Last week 2nd grade was studying all the ways artists use Texture. 2nd grade Artists explored how they could use unusual textures in their art. They also created Textured Animal art. The 5th graders discussed the meaning and process of animating and what goes into making something move that might not move otherwise, especially a drawing! Our drawings came to life through a fun new animation App. Ask your 5th grade student to show you their original Gifs that they drew first and then animated.
Welcome to week 4! This week was 1st and 4th graders first art rotation and we sure had a lot of fun catching up and even meeting a few new faces! Speaking of faces the 4th graders created Descriptive Word Self Portraits this week! Wow! We have some talented artists at our school! And let’s not forget the 1st graders. They took their dots for a walk and created Line Hand art!
Thank you families for helping your young artists with being ready for art class with their art supplies ready to go! Make sure you check out their amazing creations!
- Ms.Haug
Physical Education
Hello from Physical Education Class! I have officially had every single grade in Physical Education Class! All of the students have been amazing this first month, and I look forward to the rest of the school year with them! The first month we have focused on getting to know each other, learning about the importance of physical activity, and we have been getting movement during class.
This upcoming week I will have 2nd and 5th Grade! My hope is to have as much movement as possible for the students during class time with the amount of time the students are sitting on an iPad. We are also learning skills and movement patterns to improve coordination, balance, and fitness levels. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 651-603-4652 or shaw.wiczek@stpaul.k12.mn.us
Student Support Services
Ms. Silva - MLL
Reach out to Ms. Claudia Perez Inzunza (Ms. P.I) at claudia.perezinzunza@spps.org or Ms. Sherri Silva at sherri.silva@spps.org if you need MLL support.
Ms. Deacon - Special Education
Ms. Zallaps - Special Education
Click here for the cclass newsletter for October: Zallaps' Class Newsletter
Ms. Steph - Special Education Social Worker
Hello everyone! I’m Ms. Steph and I support families that work with Ms. Zallaps and Ms. Deacon. Please call, text or email me with any questions: stephanie.abbas@spps.org or (612) 548-1841
Ms. Brown - Reading Intervention
I’m Molly Brown, the reading specialist at the Online Elementary and Middle School. My contact information is: molly.brown@spps.org or 612-568-4212 (call or text).
Ms. Kim - School Social Worker
Please contact Kim Stout for support around family, community, or school stressors. kim.stout@spps.org or (651)401-5595
Ms. Love - School Counselor
I'm Maki Love, the school counselor. For the next few weeks in our classroom counseling lessons, students will be learning about community and skills to help them be successful learners in school.
Have a question or need support?
Email: maki.love@spps.org
Google Voice Text or Call: 612-405-8056
Ms. McConnell - Navigational Intervention Specialist
I’m Ms.McConnell, I’m the Navigational Intervention Specialist in the Online Elementary school. If you have needs, and may not be sure where to go, contact me at 6126994177 or at Kiowona.mcconnell@stpaul.k12.mn.us.
Ms. Shanaz - Onboarding Specialist
I’m Ms. Shanaz, the onboarding specialist. If you have questions, please call or text me at (612)568-6624.
News from Nurse Jenny
Community Resources
Fresh Produce Distribution
From July to October, you are welcome to come pick up a variety of free fruits and vegetables for you and your household. Events are open to all and first come first served.
Check out the English Flier, Spanish Flier, or Hmong Flier for more information about locations.
St. Paul Family Resources
Check out this link for a list of family resources.
New resources!
Additional needs?
If any additional needs, please reach out to Kim Stout our school social worker (651)401-5595 or kim.stout@spps.org
Tech Support
Need technology or iPad support?
For quick at home fixes, call
Joshua Thao, iPad Manager:
612-699-4161 / joshua2.thao@spps.org
For in person appointments to change out or fix technology, make an appointment below.
Title I
Dear Parents,
Parent-teacher communication regarding formative assessments, academic progress, and other pertinent subjects.
I would like to invite you to connect with your child’s teacher often to learn more about your child’s academic progress, formative assessments, other important topics, and how the two of you can work together to support your child at home. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher via email, text message, or Google Voice. Every teacher has a Google Voice number. Please do not wait too long to make that connection. The teacher will get back to you within 24 hours. If you contact them on Friday, they will get back to you on Monday.
I would like to extend an invitation to you to stay in regular contact with your child's teacher, in order to find out more about your kid's academic achievement, other crucial subjects, and how the two of you might collaborate to help your child at home. Do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's teacher via Google Voice, text message, or email anytime. Each educator possesses a Google Voice number. Please, do not wait too long to establish that connection. The classroom teacher will respond to your message within 24 hours. They will respond to you on Monday if you email them on Friday.
We extend an invitation to every parent to assist/volunteer as much as they can in the classroom. We also recognize that in order to ensure that the experience is effective for all children, parents, and the teacher, coordination of this effort is necessary. Please fill out the Google form below to initiate contact if you are interested in volunteering in the classroom. Following receipt of your request, we will arrange a meeting with the classroom teacher to go over how best to assess and implement any ideas or recommendations you may have as a volunteer.
Title I Resources and Important Links for Parents:
Feel free to contact John Osorio at john.osorio@spps.org with any questions about Title I or any of these documents and services.
Important Dates
October 17 - No School (MEA Break)
October 18 - No School (MEA Break)
October 25 - No School (Staff Conference Prep)