Kewaskum High School
October Newsletter
Mission and Vision
Kewaskum High School Mission and Vision
The mission of Kewaskum High School is to inspire students to become empathetic, hardworking, service-minded young adults who will be positioned to excel beyond high school.
The vision of Kewaskum High School is to become the model high school for job-force driven programming and universal graduate success.
Message from the Principal
Dear Kewaskum Families,
I hope this message finds you well! As we wrap up the first month of the school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible experiences we've had together.
Our students have jumped back into their routines with enthusiasm and energy. It’s been heartening to see them engage in their classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and build friendships. I’m particularly proud of the collaboration among students, teachers, and staff, which has created a positive and supportive learning environment.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement. Your partnership is invaluable as we work together to provide the best possible education for our students. I encourage you to stay engaged—attend upcoming events, check in with your child about their experiences, and communicate with our staff.
Let’s keep this momentum going! Together, we can make this school year one of growth, discovery, and achievement.
Kevin Bryant
Kewaskum School District
Upcoming Dates
10/4: Homecoming Pep Rally, Parade, and Football Game
10/5: Homecoming Dance (7:30-10:30)
10/17: Picture Retake (9:00 AM-10:30 AM)
10/17: Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:30 PM-7:30 PM)
10/21: Wind Ensemble/Bell-Canto Concert (7:00 PM)
10/23: Practice Pre-ACT and Practice ACT (Seniors-Virtual Learning Day)
Join KEYS for their 31st Annual KEYS 5K Run/Walk on October 13th. Visit Kewaskum Youth Scholarships, Inc. for more information and to register!
Information for Seniors
- Senior photos are due October 24th. Please email Rachel Hassler with any questions at rhassler@kewaskumschools.org.
- Advertisements for graduates are on sale and can be ordered through Jostens using the following link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/jcom/router.mvc?affiliateId=1117013
- The 2025 Yearbook is on sale, order forms are in the front office or can be ordered through Jostens using the following link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09320300
Practice Pre-ACT/ACT on October 23rd
All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be taking the Practice Pre-ACT/ACT assessment on Wednesday, October 23rd. This assessment is given locally to prepare students for the state-mandated ACT and Pre ACT Secure this spring. Please watch for details as the 23rd nears, as administration of the test will necessitate a schedule change. All students in grades 9-11 are expected to attend and take the assessment. While there is no need to study specifically for the test, a sound night of sleep and healthy breakfast are encouraged.
Grading Dates
1st Trimester: 09/03/24-11/26-24
2nd Trimester: 12/03/24-03/06/25
3rd Trimester: 03/10/25-06/05/25
From the Guidance Department
FRESHMEN - ACP CONFERENCES: Freshmen Academic & Career Planning conferences will begin in October and run through the end of November. During these specially designed conferences, students and their families will learn about all of the opportunities KHS has to offer, including academics, co-curriculars, and career-based learning. Students will also take an important step in planning for their future by identifying the career pathways they plan to explore. We thank you in advance for making this conference a priority and look forward to meeting with you and your child! Parents/guardians of freshman students can sign up for an ACP Conference via Skyward.
Log-in to Skyward Family Access.
Under Home (left hand side), click on the “Conference” tab.
Click on the “All Conferences” tab (middle).
Look for “Period 0 Planning Conference Grade 9”.
Under Status, click on “Select a Time”.
Find a date and time that works for you and click SELECT, then SAVE.
You will receive a confirmation email.
SENIORS - ACP Meeting Follow-Up: We met with seniors in small groups over the course of September to discuss their post-secondary plans. Check out this slideshow for a snapshot of what was discussed and links to important information.
SENIORS - KEYS/Local Scholarship Roll-Out: All seniors planning on attending a technical or 4-year college should plan to attend this important event during Morning 30 on Monday, November 11, to get more information about our amazing community scholarship program and to learn how to apply.
JUNIORS / SENIORS - Financial Aid Information: Financial Aid Information Night was held on September 23. We’ve attached the presentation and handouts below in case you missed it. The FAFSA will open by December 1, 2024 this year.
Morning 30 - Academic & Career Planning Lessons
Kewaskum High School is committed to fostering academic achievement and success for all our students. A crucial factor in this success is regular school attendance. Consistent attendance not only enhances academic performance but also supports overall student growth.
We encourage all students to be on time and present every day. Please review pages 3-5 of the student handbook for important information about attendance policies, including details on excused and unexcused absences. We understand that students may need to miss school for various reasons. If your student will be absent, please call the attendance line at (262) 626-3105 to notify us by 8:00 AM.
Your cooperation in ensuring timely attendance helps us support your student’s educational journey effectively. Thank you for your partnership!
Cell Phone Policy
We’d like to take a moment to remind everyone about Kewaskum High School's cell phone policy. All cell phones should be turned off and stored in lockers from 7:30 AM to 2:45 PM. Students may check their phones at their lockers during passing periods, but phone use is not permitted during lunch.
By limiting cell phone usage during school hours, we aim to create a more focused and productive learning environment. We appreciate you supporting this policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for your cooperation.