Henry Happenings
Summer Update - July 31, 2023

October 15, 2024
Principal Message
I hope you had a wonderful fall break! I was able to spend a little time with family, get outside, finish a book, and clean out my garage. Sometimes organizing things just makes life a little better!
Right before the break, Dr. Smith sent a message out about safety, which is also highlighted in a section of our newsletter below. I also wanted to highlight one other important safety issue to keep in mind. If you are a parent that utilizes parent led walkers or has parked in front of the building when school is ending and the buses are still in front of the school, please use the crosswalk in front of the school. It is difficult for cars to see pedestrians when you pass through random buses. We just want to make sure to keep you and your children safe!
Make sure to keep reading below for more information on: PTO Buzz Book, Trunk or Treat, PTO We Need You Campaign, and Notes from Nurse Munch.
Dr. Jodi Oliver
Upcoming Dates
October 17 - Student Flu Shot Clinic (Tuesday is the last day to submit the Permission Form)
October 18 - PTO Trunk or Treat (Registration closes Thursday at 3 PM)
October 22 - Reader in Me Online Reading Logs Due
October 24 - All-District Choir Concert Family Arena 7:30 PM
October 25 - Half Day at Henry (Dismissal at 1:05 PM)
October 25 - Reader in Me Prize Distribution
October 29 - Picture Retake Day
October 30 - Dental Safari Clinic (Click Here for the Online Consent Form)
October 31 - End of First Quarter
Henry Safety and Early Dismissal Reminders
Please remember that visitors should check in at the office, but refrain from walking past the second set of doors without permission from the office. When dropping off a student, sign the student in and have the student push the speaker button to enter the second set of doors. Only students should enter the building at that time.
Once inside the vestibule, if you need to speak with an office member or need to enter the building, please push the speaker button to speak with the office staff and receive permission to enter the building.
Additionally, once you have checked in with the office and are allowed into the building, we ask that you only go to your stated location. Please, do not walk throughout the building or go to any other locations. If you need to go anywhere else, please check in with the office staff first.
Finally, when picking up your student at the end of the day, if you are going to pick up your child before regular dismissal, please do so before 3:35 PM. Early dismissal at Henry Elementary ends at 3:35 PM. This is to ensure that this does not interfere with our regular dismissal procedures.
Please remember anytime you pick up your child early or enter the school you must have identification.
Thank you for helping us keep our school safe!
Notes from Nurse Munch
Flu Shot Form Due by Tuesday, 10/15
Tuesday, 10/15, is the last day to submit the permission form for the Flu Shot Clinic on October 17th. We will make every effort to ensure that your student gets their flu shot, however we do not restrain students. If you think that your child will need extra assistance, please reach out to Nurse Munch before Thursday. Thank you!
Dental Safari Coming to Henry 10/30
Dental Safari Company, a mobile dental corporation, that travels to schools to provide dental wellness checkups, and urgent care treatment, for children is coming to Henry on October 30th. To take part in this service, a dental consent would need to be completed and signed. Please visit www.dentalsafariforms.com to complete the online consent form.
Parkway West HS Craft Fair
🐾 Henry PTO 🐾
Buzz Book
Thank you to the Henry PTO for creating the 24-25 Henry Buzz Book! Click here to view the Buzz Book. Upon clicking the link, it will ask for a password to continue. Please use the password Henry2024 to gain access.
4th Grade Parents Stock the Lounge Request
ATTENTION 4TH GRADE PARENTS: Please help us stock the lounge for the teachers/staff/administration. 4th Grade is responsible for the month of October. Please see the Sign Up Genius and sign up to bring items. Please drop off at the school office by the morning of Friday, 10/18.
Trunk or Treat Registration Closes Thursday, 10/17, at 3 PM
Henry Elementary's Spooktacular Trunk-or-Treat is scheduled for this Friday, October 18th! Please complete this form and submit participation fee ($20 per family) via the payment portal that will appear upon submitting this form. Deadline to register is Thursday, 10/17, at 3 PM.
If the cost of the entry fee is keeping you from participating, please reach out to us at henrypto@gmail.com to make other arrangements. We don't want any family to be left out of the fun.
See the flyers below for more information. Please contact henrypto@gmail.com or Jonathan Aldridge, Trunk-or-Treat Chair at aldridjf@gmail.com with any questions.
Trunk or Treat Information
Trunk or Treat FAQ
"WE NEED YOU" Campaign Progress
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our WE NEED YOU campaign! We have raised a little over $2,000 so far, but have a ways to go to reach our goal of $10,000! We have raised enough for at least one teacher/staff member to participate in “Pie in the Face.” Please see the flyers below and keep sending in those donations!
Donations can be made via Venmo (under Charities @HenryPTO2), PayPal (henrypto@gmail.com) or check to Henry PTO to school.
Hassle Free Fundraiser Details
We Need You Campaign!
Henry Elementary School
Email: joliver2@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/15
Location: 700 Henry Avenue, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6350
Facebook: facebook.com/henryelementaryschool
Instagram: @pkwyhenrybulldogs