St Peter's Primary School
Friday 17th May 2024
We pray for your strength and grace to forgive,
accept and love one another,
as you love us and forgive
and accept us in the sacrifice of your Son.
Message from the Principal
WEEK OF WELLNESS - In Week 5 each term, we schedule a Week of Wellness. This is an opportunity for students to enjoy their afternoons with their family, enjoying activities that make them feel good and recharge their batteries. I hope everyone enjoyed their Week of Wellness!
NATIONAL SIMULTANEOUS STORYTIME - National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an
Australia-wide group reading and literacy event, where schools, libraries and other institutions gather school-age children together to read the same chosen picture book at the same time. National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event held since 2000 by the Australian Library and Information Association.
The 2024 chosen book is Bowerbird Blues, written and illustrated by Aura Parker. This year NSS takes place on Wednesday 22 May at 10am, and I have the pleasure of reading this book to our Year One classes during this time. The book will also be read by other classes throughout the school this term.
RECONCILIATION WEEK - St Peter’s Primary School will acknowledge Reconciliation Week during Week 7 this term. During this week classroom teachers will create meaningful ways for their students can learn about Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day.
The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, ‘Now More Than Ever,’ is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
PUPIL FREE DAY – RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Just a reminder that we have a Pupil Free Day scheduled for Friday 31 May. On the Pupil Free Day, our staff will be engaging in a Religious Education PD facilitated by the Catholic Institute of Western Australia. Staff will be on a learning journey to enhance their knowledge and understanding on planning and celebrating a Liturgy of the Word. The aim is for our teachers to be able to plan a Liturgy with their class, so that the students can engage in a purposeful, respectful and prayerful celebration.
A friendly reminder that the WA Day public holiday is on Monday 3 June. Students will enjoy a four-day break from school, as the Friday prior (31 May 2024) is a Pupil Free Day. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend!
Courtney Caputi
Building Biz - Week 5
Our Early Childhood Build is at lock up!
If the build continues to meet the timeframes, we aim to have our Kindy and Pre Primary students in the new building toward the end of this term, or early Term Three. There will be a 60-day period where students will be unable to access the early childhood playground, due to the demolition of the current Pre Primary classrooms and second Kindy classroom.
When our existing early childhood classrooms are demolished (other than the Pre Kindy classroom), our playground footprint will return to the same size as prior to the build. We will then have a junior oval and a senior oval for our students to enjoy at break times and for their Physical Education lessons.
Assistant Principal RE News
Just a reminder that the catch-up Commitment Mass is this Sunday at 5pm.
Reconciliation Parent/Child Workshop:
Date: Tuesday 21st May
Time: 6pm
Location: St Peter the Apostle Church
Please sign in, collect a booklet and sit with your child.
First Holy Communion Parent/Child Workshop:
Date: Thursday 23rd May
Time: 6pm
Location: St Peter the Apostle Church
Please sign in, collect a booklet and sit with your child.
School Photos
Person of the Week - Week 5 - 17/5/2024
CHARLOTTE CHEW - PPM - Congratulations, Charlotte! You have been chosen as our Junior Person of the Week! This special recognition is a celebration of your wonderful qualities and contributions to our school community.
Charlotte, you are always the first to lend a helping hand to others, showing true kindness and generosity. Your actions reflect our school values of Trust, Respect, Unity, and Excellence in the most inspiring ways.
Charlotte, you consistently show trust by listening to your teachers' instructions and being honest at all times. Your dedication to excellence is evident in the way you always try your best and work through challenges with determination. Your sense of unity shines brightly when you help others and work as a team during group activities. You are always polite and conscious of your peers' feelings, making everyone feel valued and included.
Charlotte, you bring so much joy and enthusiasm to our class by sharing your ideas and participating with such eagerness. Your positive energy is contagious, and you truly are an absolute star. We are incredibly lucky to have you in our class.
As Roald Dahl once said, “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Charlotte, you bring magic to our classroom every day with your kindness and enthusiasm. We are so proud of you.
Congratulations on receiving the Junior Person of the Week!
ISLA BARTLETT - THREE BLUE - We are so thrilled and proud to be able to recognise you, Isla, as Senior Person of the Week! You truly embody the TRUE values of St. Peter’s, and we couldn’t be prouder to recognise your outstanding contributions.
Isla, you display Trust in your love of learning and your connection with your classmates and friends and your positive interactions don’t go unnoticed.
You are a friend to all. You always Respect others and our classroom; you are the first to offer help to anyone without seeking reward and we will often find you using your initiative to keep our classroom organised.
Your witty humour creates laughter in our classroom, Uniting us all in joyful learning experiences!
Your pursuit of Excellence is evident in your quiet determination and consistent effort, always striving to give your best in every task.
Isla, your selfless and generous attitude is admirable. Our only Australian saint, Mary MacKillop said, ‘Never see a need without trying to do something about it.’ This quote represents you perfectly as your attentive nature and willingness to lend a hand make you a beacon of kindness in Three Blue.
Thank you for being such a shining star in our classroom, Isla. With you here, each day is brighter and our classroom is a better place!
Merit Certificates - Week 5 - 17/5/2024
PPB Anaira Jose / Matilda Parker / Ellamaya Dumitru
PPM Elias Phillips / Leo Andreotta-Masters / Piper Tomich
PPW Madison Reeve / Cleo Donaghy / Abigail Prior
1B Reid Harrison / Milan Langroudi / Thomas Tselepis
1M Luna Evans / Tom McCullough / Liam Winchester
1W Sianna Kuriakose / Theo Andrews / Cillian Hayes
2B Samuel Binetti / Sadie Tartaglia / Grace Hoskins
2M Olivia Gold / Steven Nguyen / Winston Tang
2W Oliver Sherborne / Alessio Willis / Dean Moraly / Bridget Collins
3B Indhi Rolin / Zayden Broadbent / William Johnson
3M Aston Hughes / Raphael Catania / Emily Dawes
3W Xander Cross / Claudine Yap / Eason Zhang
4B Arlo Maher / Cohen Princi / Juliana Joyce / Klaudia Pelka
4M Hunter Harbison / Ella Dodd / Ivy Thomson
4W Thea Hoang / Navindarin Rolin / Charlotte Lao
5B Lucas Menaglio / Myra Sharma / Emmanuela Fonseca-Trenorden
5M Ryan Pang / Blake Taylor / Evie Schupp
5W Orlando Rets / Ashton Barrett / Alexis Meagher
6B Jack Matusik / Nikie Diodato / Imani Beacon
6M Luke Ruehland / Adrian Salvia
6W Daniella Coronel Coronel / Beau Marshall / Lucian Doyle
Dance and Drama News
We are looking for skilled sewers to help create costumes for our Dance Troupe at the upcoming Performing Arts festival. If you can sew or know of someone who can help us, can you please email me on Katrina.abreu@cewa.edu.au. Thank you for your support! ✨
Thank you for all your help with providing the Performing Arts department pre-loved costumes. The students are having a ball dressing up and role playing with a variety of different costumes. We are now seeking more accessories and props (think plastic phones, baskets, crowns etc). If you have any that are lying around that you were going to throw out, please drop off in a bag to the Dance/Drama room. Thank you!
Miss Abreu
Dance and Drama Teacher
Seasons of Growth - Years 5 and 6
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are currently seeking expressions of interests from parents/guardians of students from Year 5 and Year 6 who think their child may benefit from partaking in our Seasons for Growth Program running in Term 3 this year. Change and loss are issues that affect all of us at some stage in our lives. Here at St Peter’s Primary School, we recognise that when changes occur in families through death, separation, divorce or significant change or loss, young people may benefit from learning how to manage these changes effectively. Therefore, we offer a very successful education program called ‘Seasons for Growth’ to students in Years 1-6. The Seasons for Growth program is evidence based and relies on research, strategies, and techniques consistent with high quality, psychosocial education and aims to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children.
Small groups of 4-7 children work with a trained adult companion (facilitator) who supports the children in learning new ways to share, think about and respond to the changes and losses in their lives. The program will be run by Mrs Julia O’Meara (GATE teacher and trained Seasons of Growth Facilitator), who will be supported by School Psychologist, Mrs Tarryn Scher. As part of the program children learn that they are not alone in dealing with the effects of change, loss and grief. They build their understanding and communication, decision making and problem-solving skills as part of a supportive peer group.
Seasons for Growth takes place over a structured 8-week period filled with peer-to-peer learning opportunities – with time to talk and listen as well as take part in activities including drawing, music, art, journaling, role plays and storytelling. Sessions explore age-appropriate concepts, for example “change is part of life” and “caring for my feelings”. The story of the seasons is used to explain the cycles of life and provides a valuable metaphor for children to explore and understand their own story.
The program will run during school time and is free of charge.
If you think your child may benefit from the program next term, please complete the expression of interest form via the below link by latest Friday 24th May 2024 - End of Week 6.
Please note that expressing interest does not guarantee your child a spot in the program. Students will be chosen based on highest level of need and their suitability relative to the other students in the group. You will be notified later this term if your child has been selected to partake in the program.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any further questions about the program.
Kind regards,
Tarryn Scher (School Psychologist)
Julia O’Meara(GATE teacher and Seasons of Growth Facilitator)
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Is your child turning 5-7 years old this year and wants to try netball?
Registrations are now open and close 5th June 2024.
8 week program - 45 minute sessions - 5:15pm start
Fridays starting 7th June 2024 - 9th August 2024.
(Break for July School Holidays 5th & 12th July)
Total Cost $135.06 Including cost of NSG redeemable pack.
Cost of NSG pack and PlayHQ fees are non refundable
Link to register
Community News
- AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMPS - will be running a 3 day school holiday sports camp! For more information, please visit admin@australiansportscamps.com.au
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900