Squawk Talk Newsletter
Week at a Glance - September 6, 2024
Attendance Line: 248-684-8018
Main Office: 248-684-8030 * Fax: 248-684-8069
Transportation Dept: 248-684-8200
Principal Peaden's Pen✍🏻
Happy Friday Lakewood Families!
It has been a great first week of school in which many of our classrooms engaged in activities around building relationships and setting expectations. “You gotta start slow to go fast.” 🙂
All Lakewood students participated in our first Rotating SOAR Assembly, in which they visited four different common areas (bathrooms, cafeteria, hallway, and playground) to learn about expectations in these spaces. This assembly was led by myself, our school social workers, our PBIS Staff, and members of our special education staff. I am linking the expectations of these common areas with hopes that you will continue to reinforce these with your children at home.
All Lakewood students will also be working together in their classrooms and specials to create a SOAR matrix that you will receive in the coming days for you and your child to review and sign.
On a different note, I am looking for a parent representative to serve on our Continuous School Improvement committee. In this role, you would review academic, behavior, and perception data with myself, a social worker, two teachers, and our literacy coach/interventionist and develop action steps based on this data. Our meetings are on October 17th, November 15th, January 21st, March 4th, and April 30th from 9-4 at Milford High School. Please email heather.peaden@hvs.org, if you are interested in serving in this role.
Finally, I wanted to give a big shout out to our families for waiting until 9:05 to have your children exit cars and for reminding your children that they cannot access the playground during arrival. This has been really helpful! We continue to ask that you wait until 9:05 to have your children (including safeties) line up in front of the building. For their safety, students should not be lined up in front of the building or exiting cars until you see staff outside with yellow vests. Students will begin entering the building at 9:10 when the bell rings. Instruction will begin promptly at 9:15.
I hope you have a fabulous week, and we are looking forward to Week 2!
Heather Peaden
Proud Principal
September 10th @ 7pm- PTA Meeting
September 19th @ 6pm- Curriculum Night
September 19th @ 7pm- Watch DOGS/MOMS Kick Off Meeting
September 20th- Picture Day
September 24th Early Release Day Dismissal Bell- 2:37
October 8th Early Release Day Dismissal Bell- 2:37
October 8th @ 7pm- PTA Meeting
October 11th- Color Run
Fall iReady Diagnostic
Grades 3-5
September 9 - September 13: Reading Only
September 16 - September 20: Math Only
September 23- September 27: Make-up for Reading and/or Math
Grades 1-2
September 16 - September 20: Reading Only
September 23 - September 27: Math Only
September 30 - October 4: Make-up for Reading and/or Math
Tickets are handed out throughout the day by all staff members when someone is:
Showing pride & respect
Obtaining goals
Acting responsibly
Remembering safety
Keep SOARing like a Hawk!
Next week we will begin to draw our SOARing students. Ask your student how they SOAR at school.
Breakfast Menu
Mon 9/9 Blueberry Muffin Top
Tues 9/10 Whole Grain Mini Waffles
Wed 9/11 Celebration Breakfast Bar
Thurs. 9/12 Whole Grain Bagel
Fri 9/13 Assorted Breakfast Choices
Lunch Menu
Mon 9/9: Scrambled Eggs
Tues 9/10: Little Caesar's Cheese Pizza
Wed 9/11: Whole Grain Crispy Popcorn Chicken
Thur 9/12: Pull Apart Mozzarella Rippinz
Fri 9/13: Mini Corn Dogs
*Subject to change without notice due to food allergies in the building.
There are airborne allergies in the building which include: cinnamon, pumpkin, squash, gourds, sesame and synthetic fragrances.
These ingredients cannot enter the building whether it is in the form of food/drinks, lotions, sanitizers, candles, sprays, fragrances, etc.
PTA - Meeting Dates
Lakewood - Library
September 10th @ 7pm- PTA Meeting
October 8th @ 7pm- PTA Meeting
Watch D.O.G.S and Watch M.O.M.S Information
The Watch D.O.G.S and Watch M.O.M.S will take place again this year! Check out the flyer for the kickoff meeting. Volunteers are required to fill out and submit a background check. Please click on the link to do so, thank you. https://app.droplet.io/form/PKvdLy
HVS Recreation and Community Education
Register now for Fall recreation and enrichment programs. Lots of fun events coming up as well.
Office Information
Please call the 24-hour attendance line at (248) 684-8018 by 9:15am if your student will
be late or absent. If we do not hear from you, the Skylert system will notify you via
Robocall. We want to make sure all our students are safe and accounted for every day.
The student must be signed-in by an adult when arriving late.
PreArranged Absence - If your student will be absent due to being out of town, etc. please fill out this form and submit it to the office:
- We cannot accept any requests to have students “ready” for their parent/adult
to pick them up early even if you are running late for an appointment.
- All students remain in the classroom until the adult presents ID to the office and
signs them out on the sheet. At that time, the office will call for your student/s
and they will gather their belongings and meet you at the vestibule.
- Please allow us 5-10 mins as classrooms may be in transition, at lunch/recess,
WIN time, etc.
- It is District Policy for you show ID to pick up a student early from school.
- We can only release students to those listed on the Skyward Emergency List.
*The office staff may be familiar with many families. However, there are new staff in our office/building so please be prepared to show ID when asked. This is for the Safety of all students.*
At Lakewood Elementary, we want to make sure your student gets recognized on their birthday, if they would like to be recognized. Our school will continue to announce birthdays as part of our morning announcements, and we will distribute a birthday pencil on your birthday. If your child would like to celebrate their birthday with their classmates, they may bring in an edible or inedible treat for each student in their class. Edible treats must be pre-packaged (not homemade) with no nuts, sesame, pumpkin,or cinnamon*. It is very important to notify your child’s teacher immediately if you have any allergy concerns and work out a plan.
Important Links
Lakewood Elementary School Webpage the webpage contains several forms you may be looking for ie: PreArranged Absence, CRC, Supply Lists, Food Service for lunch menu, etc.
HVS District Calendar 24-25 Please refer to this District calendar to preplan no school days, early release days, half days, holidays… Please see link for most current calendar.
eFunds Fund your student/s lunch account (even with free lunch, a la cart items are additional), student/optional fees ie: field trips, yearbooks…
Supply Lists Suggested supply lists. If are in need assistance with of a backpack, school supplies, etc. Please contact the front office. We have many resources from the local community to help.
HR Imaging link to buy school photos HR Imaging - purchase school photos, use “other ID’ in your students Skyward account to view their photo.
CRC (Criminal Record Check) - Online submittal link Online submittal link - must be cleared from HR to volunteer in the school. A new form must be filled out EVERY SCHOOL YEAR (Sept.-June)
Car Lane Procedures Please view this document to understand the safety of arrival/drop off procedure with the Car Lane.
Oakland County Head Lice Fact Sheet lice are considered a nuisance and not a communicable disease and where many children are together increases the chances of sharing head lice. There is continued emphasis around not excluding children from the learning environment as a result of what is deemed a "nuisance" and not a communicable concern. Additionally, we are required to maintain confidentiality.
Electronic Device Policy for student use of electronic phones, watches, etc.