Eagle Newsletter
May 17, 2024
Upcoming Dates
May Observances
- Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Month
- Jewish American Heritage Month
- Military appreciation Month
- Mental Health Awareness Month
- May 5: Cinco de Mayo
- May 12: Mother's Day
- May 27: Memorial Day (No School)
Mesa Verde Events
- May 22: Disney Spirit Day
- May 24: Minimum Day (All Periods) Dismissal at 12:18pm
- May 27: Memorial Day Holiday (No School)
- May 28-June 4: Finals Week
- May 28: Year End Instrumental Concert @ MVMS Gym (6:00 pm)
- May 29: 8th Grade Field Trip (Padres game)
- May 31: Hawaiian Luau May Party
- Every Friday: School Spirit Day! Wear Black, Purple, or Teal
New! Textbook Return - Volunteers Needed
The end of the school year is upon us! As we prepare for this, we will need volunteers in the library to assist with textbook return. Please click here to review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Final ASB Party of the Year-May 31st
We, ASB, are so excited to announce that we are having a Hawaiian End of Year Party in a few weeks. There are so many fun things going on, such as lots of fun games and activities, L&L Hawaiian Food, Kona Ice, and drinks all provided when you buy a ticket. This party will start at 3pm for everyone and end at 5pm for the sixth and seventh graders. EIGHTH GRADERS, we have a special surprise especially for you. You will have an extended party from 5-6pm. Tickets are $5 and are on sale May 20th to May 30th; you can buy a ticket during your lunch period at the Finance Window. There are NO EXCEPTIONS for not buying a ticket on time. A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP is required to purchase a ticket. You can find that permission slip in the front office from Ms. Wexler, or you can print the permission slip on the Mesa Verde Website. (One will also be attached to this email). We hope you can make it and would love to see you there!
Here is all the information needed to come:
WHERE: Mesa Verde Middle School In the donut, Check-in at the gate between the lunch area and 6th grade village
WHEN: May 31st at 3-6pm. (*last hour is only for 8th graders) (6th & 7th graders you will need to be picked up at 5pm)
WHAT: Hawaiian Luau with FOOD, DRINKS, a DJ, Photobooths, and GAMES! (everything is included with your ticket)
DRESS CODE: We would love to see all the school spirit by wearing Hawaiian gear, but it is NOT required.
Spring Musical - The Little Mermaid Jr.
Mesa Verde Drama Club presents The Little Mermaid Jr.! In a magical underwater kingdom, the beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home — and her fins — behind and live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father, King Triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, and convince the handsome Prince Eric that she's the girl whose enchanting voice he's been seeking. Shows are May 22, 23, and 24 at 4:30 and 6:00 pm. Tickets available at the door (cash only, $10 general admission).
End of the school year textbooks & Chromebook returns
Start preparing for the end of the 2023-2024 school year by checking your library account and returning materials and library books.
8th graders: Chromebooks will be returned on Monday and Tuesday, June 3rd and 4th, through PE. Cases and chargers will also need to be returned. Students will be charged for missing cases ($49) and chargers ($30). If you have any questions, please reach out to the library. Thank you!
Eagles East Coast Trip 2025 Information & Registration Meeting
New! Hiring Fair for ESS Program Aides
PUSD is holding a Hiring Fair for ESS Program Aides for the Elementary Schools.
This Hiring Fair is intended to capture candidates who are not currently in High School or who are graduating on 6/6/24.
High School students looking to become a High School Aide would not attend this event, rather fill out this form and ESS Supervisors will contact them for opportunities
Candidates must have applied in advance in order to attend, any interested parties can apply here.
Thank you and have an amazing rest of the school year.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a good reminder to focus on the importance of mental health and its impact on our well-being. Mental health conditions can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, or income level. Our nation is facing an unprecedented mental health crisis among people of all ages and backgrounds, including young children and older adults. 1 in 5 people will be diagnosed with a mental health condition in their lifetime. Just as you can do things to build a child's immune system, you can build mental health immunity as well. Promoting a child’s mental health means helping a child feel secure, relate well with others and foster their growth at home and at school. We do this by helping to build a child’s confidence and competence - the foundation of strong self-esteem. This can be achieved by providing a child with a safe and secure home; warmth and love; respect; caring and trusting relationships with family, friends, and adults in the community; opportunities to talk about experiences and feelings; time to play, learn, and succeed; encouragement and praise; and consistent and fair expectations with clear consequences for misbehavior.
The more we talk about mental health together, the more normalized these conversations become – ultimately empowering people to seek the help they need. Please check out these resources for parents and teens from the San Diego County Office of Education and reach out to your child’s School Counselor if you have any questions or concerns.
Family's Guide to Supporting Young Peoples Mental Health and Wellbeing
Asian American & Pacific Islander Month is coming
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month (link and link), recognizing the historical and cultural contributions of individuals and groups of Asian and Pacific Islander descent to the United States. If you would like to create an Asian American and Pacific Islander display in the library honoring and sharing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage with our MVMS community and/or donate a book (Wish List), please reach out to Mrs. Ferguson (hferguson@powayusd.com).
Jewish American Heritage Month is coming
Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) celebrates the important contributions Jewish Americans have made to America since the first group of Jews arrived in New Amsterdam in 1654. If you would like to create a display in the library honoring and sharing Jewish American Heritage with our MVMS community, please let Mrs. Ferguson know (hferguson@powayusd.com)! We also have Wish List books can be purchased from too. If you would like to learn more, you can check out the American Jewish Committee, Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, and The Library of Congress.
Continuing Student Registration Information
Online Continuing Student Registration has now CLOSED for students currently enrolled in Poway Unified school grades TK-11, returning for the 2024-25 school year. Once it is reopened, you will receive communication from PUSD. We MUST receive a completed digital packet for all returning students. This will allow for proper placement of your student for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please email jgroll@powayusd.com as soon as possible if you do not plan to return to PUSD for the 2024-2025 school year.
8th Grade Information
8th Grade Graduation Ceremony Photos
MVMS 8th grade promotion will be on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Click here to register for your graduation ceremony photos with gradimages.
Clubs & Camps
Update: Eagles in Action
Want to earn community service hours? Build connections? Learn about leadership skills?
Come stop by Room 323 during lunch on Tuesday, April 16 for the next meeting!
Upcoming Meetings:
Tuesday, 4/16
Tuesday, 4/30
Tuesday, 5/7
Tuesday, 5/21
Wolverine Summer Field Hockey Camp
Wolverine Summer Field Hockey Camp is open to all middle schoolers and high schoolers. Learn basic field hockey skills and implement them as the weeks go on. The goal of summer camp is to have fun and play field hockey during the summer! You have the opportunity to be coached by Westview Field Hockey's coaching staff and learn from some of their current players.
Sign up here now!
New! Wolverine Sports Camps
"Summer in the Den" at Westview High School. Improve your skills and have fun during your summer break. All grades are welcome, different sports to choose from and the price varies by sport.
Click here for more information and Registration.
Summer 2024 Badminton Camp
Registration is now open for the Summer 2024 Badminton Camp.
Date: June 17-August 1, 2024
Location: MVMS
Contact Info: MK3sportz@gmail.com
Counseling Corner
School Counseling Quarterly
Volunteers/Job Opportunities
MVMS is Hiring
The Difference Between a Guest, a Visitor and a Volunteer as per the PUSD Board Policies
1. A Visitor is defined as an individual who, with school district authorization, attends a student performance, special event, festival, open house, back-to-school event, sports event, athletic competition, etc. A visitor may either be accompanied or unaccompanied by school district staff. Designated school district administrative personnel are to make this determination. A visitor is usually not required to sign a registry.
Example: Your school is being recognized for achievement and members of SDCOE are coming to watch students or your school is hosting a Jr. Olympic competition.
2. A Guest is defined as an individual who, with school district approval, assists students, schools, and teachers on a non-regular basis or who individually observes a classroom or activity. A guest may also assist with educational programs or with special events on an occasional or infrequent basis. A guest shall immediately report his or her presence at the school office or at the designated school location upon arrival at the school and sign a guest registry.
Example: Your school is hosting the book fair, a play where parents are coming to watch, or a teacher needs help in the classroom with a one- or two-day tie-dye t-shirt project for the jog-a-thon. A class is hosting a party or a fun run.
3. A Volunteer is defined as an individual who, with school district authorization, voluntarily assists school districts, schools, educational programs, or students on a regular and ongoing basis. A volunteer is required to complete a Volunteer Application and have a Megan’s Law Background Check or a State and/or Federal Background Check completed.
Example: A parent is assisting with a weekly and ongoing project such as the running club or Lego league. A grandparent is helping in music or art classes weekly. A field trip chaperone and/or driver (usually requires Level 1 and 2 applications).
If someone is coming to help in the class only one or two times, they are not considered volunteers therefore do not need to fill out a Level 1 application.
Click HERE for steps on becoming a volunteer and all paperwork is on the PUSD Website.
Mesa Verde PTSA and Foundation
The Mesa Verde Foundation Roster 2024-25
We are pleased to announce the Mesa Verde Foundation Roster for the next school year, 2024-2025.
Board of Directors:
President - Jenny Oesterblad
Treasurer - Gwen Ngo
Secretary- Nikki Blackman
VP of Communications - Rachel Quinto
VP of Fundraising - Chuong Ho
VP of Event Planning - Dawn Meyer
VP of Hospitality - Amy Sohaey
Chair Members of the Board:
Webmaster - Jolene Zarzycki
Volunteer Coordinator - Anne Barrera
Spirit Wear Coordinator - Jolene Zarzycki
Eagle Envelope Coordinator - Open
Spring Fling Coordinator - Open
Silent Auction Coordinator - Open
Trunk or Treat Coordinator - Open
Alternates - Kari Marshall, Jacque Benton, Kia Faulkenberry, Manisha Patel, Mariia Efimova
Delegated Board Members:
Principal - Kellie Moore
Assistant Principals - Joseph Oh, Felicia Iglesias
Teacher Reps - Jennifer Hanson and Skye McKercher (TBD)
ASB Liaison - Danielle Fice
PTSA President/Liaison - Jennifer Surban
We are so grateful for all our Eagle Parent Volunteers for all their time and effort on and off campus!
There are still positions available. Please reach out for more information if you are interested, mvmsfoundation@gmail.com.
Mesa Verde Middle School Named a 2022-2024 National PTA School of Excellence
Mesa Verde PTSA and Foundation
Be sure to check out Mesa Verde PTSA and Mesa Verde Foundation to find out how families can support MVMS and how to get involved
General Information
Office Hours
MVMS Administration Office Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 7:30am-3:00pm
Wednesday: 8:45am-3:00pm
On Wednesdays, the staff will be participating in professional time and the office will open at 8:45am. Also, there will be one Wednesday a month when the office will not open until 9:00am for the MVMS All-Staff Meeting.
Thank you for your support.
OCIS Contract Information
If there is a planned absence for five or more consecutive days, please contact the attendance clerk and all of your child's teachers 5 school days prior to the absence to set up a homework contract for the student. This allows the student to do the work that he or she would be doing if they were in class. (Note: OCIS contracts will not be made for medical absences; however, home tutors may be appropriate for some extended medical problems. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Deb Nunez, MVMS Attendance Clerk, at dnunez@powayusd.com or 858-538-5478 ext. 3104 as soon as possible regarding home tutors. See Attendance Information
Attendance Guidelines
Click HERE for more information regarding:
- Reporting Absence Form
- Clearing Absences
- Off Campus Passes (Early Release)
- Tardies
Health Guidelines
- Medication Procedures
- Mandatory Health Screenings
- Medical P.E. Exemption
- Immunization Information
Bike Permits are Required
As of October 2nd, bike permits are required for all bicycles, scooters, E-bikes and skateboards. If your student turned in the Permit Application and passed the online quiz, they should come into the front office to pick up their permit. MVMS will be conducting surprise Permit checks. We will be looking for permit# and names that match the bicycles, scooters, E-bikes and skateboards. Moving forward there will be consequences for bike permit violations.
- 1st offense: Warning
- 2nd offense: Student Conference, review of requirements with staff member/administrator and written reflection
- 3rd offense: Student Conference, parent contact, possible safety class participation (with SRO contact)
- 4th offense: Student / parent conference with possible loss of bike parking privileges
NOTE: The privilege of parking the bike/scooter/E-bike/skateboard may be suspended or revoked by administration if a student does not obey the above, or other reasonable safety rules and regulations. Click here for more information on the bike permits including the application and online quiz.
More Than A Meal Application
More Than A Meal is a program which can provide support to your family. Families who qualify for assistance may qualify for additional support including discounts on fees for SAT, ACT, AP tests, home internet costs, passes for public transportation, and application fees associated with colleges and universities. Please complete the online application or the paper application which can be obtained from the Front Office (only one application per family).
MVMS named 2024 California Distinguished School
Exciting News! Mesa Verde Middle School has been officially recognized as a 2024 California Distinguished School by the California Department of Education.
This prestigious honor celebrates the incredible commitment to academic excellence, social emotional well-being, and overall student success. Let’s celebrate this moment and continue the journey of excellence and ongoing improvement in support of each and every student.
Please click here to read the PUSD press release or click the link below.
Full Bell Schedule
Contact Us
General Questions
If you are unsure of who to contact about a matter, please email us at MVMS@powayusd.com and your message will be answered or forwarded to the correct person.
If you have information you would like included in our weekly newsletter, social media, email, or website, etc. please use this form to submit your request. Your request does NOT guarantee that your information will be included. Please note that we may edit your submission (content, length, etc.) but will contact you if our edits would change or remove pertinent information. Please submit by 11am on Fridays for inclusion in the weekly Eagle Newsletter.
Mesa Verde Middle School
9:00am-3:00pm (W)
Email: MVMS@powayusd.com
Website: https://www.powayusd.com/en-US/Schools/MS/MVMS/Home
Location: 8375 Entreken Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (858) 538-5478
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mesa-Verde-Middle-1493083354314112
Twitter: @MesaVerdeMS