Learn360 & Classroom Video onDemand
Why & How to Use Learn360 & Classroom Video on Demand

Webinar - Tuesday, January 23 - 2:30 p.m.
Learn360 and Classroom Video on Demand plus optional add-ons from InfoBase
Your 2024-25 Online Educational Resources order is due to Library Media Services by February 16, 2024. Join this webinar to learn how CORE bundle resources Learn360 and Classroom Video on Demand can best be used to support your students and teachers.
You will get:
- lesson plans with resources and rubrics;
- games, puzzles, and activities linked to standards;
- electronic portfolios to save and share your research; and
- usage data you can share with your administrators and teachers
- a preview of optional add-on resources offered by InfoBase.
Still deciding on what digital resources to purchase for the 24-25 school year? Join us as we give a brief overview of the Infobase resources including:
Core Package: Learn360/CVOD
Bundle Pricing:
- The World Almanac for Kids Elementary
- The World Almanac for Kids
- Mailbox Plus
- World News Digest
- Writers Reference Center
- Health Reference Center
- Science Online
- Today's Science
- American History
- Modern World History
- Issues and Controversies in History
Michelle Faber is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 5877 4792
Passcode: 148223
OCID Library Media Services
Questions? email Selena.Mobbs@k12.hi.us