Grundy Ave Newsletter
~ February 2020 ~
Dear Grundy learning community;
Grundy will celebrate World Read Aloud Day on February 5th where every class will be participating by reading books aloud to their students. Reading aloud is one of the most important things parents and teachers can do with children. Reading aloud builds many important foundational skills, introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading, and helps children recognize what reading for pleasure is all about.
Grundy is also signed up for Global School Play day! This is a day where we can participate in unstructured play. Students need play time away from screens and devices. Board games are encouraged! This will take place on February 5th as well. Grundy is planning an exciting event for the beginning of March, called Readers Are Leaders day. Leaders from our community will be coming to Grundy to tell a little about themselves, read a book to a class and answer questions from the students about their jobs. It should be a fun and informative day.
The 5th grade Grundy Spelling Bee was held on January 24th and the winner was Allison Koch and runner up Hazelle Archaga. The winning word was VENOMOUS! and the kids were terrific! The district championship will be held February 4th at 4:00 right here at Grundy Ave. Grundy will also be participating in PS I Love You Day on February 14th. It’s a day in which people wear purple to bring awareness to bullying, depression and mental health and kindness. Did you know there is Science behind kindness? Watch the video below. Let's choose kindness and make a difference! Kindergarten registration begins on 2/3. Information can be found on the Sachem website.
The PTA has many exciting activities happening! The winter Box Tops are still being collected so send those Box Tops in! The Father/Daughter Dance is on 2/25 at Lombardi's, so check their FB page for more information. The outstanding Basket Bash is March 27th at 6:00. If you have items to donate, please reach out to the PTA. More info to follow. School will be closed for staff and students the week of February 17th for Winter recess. The next Family Connect Night is February 3rd. No HW! So spend some time doing some fun things with your family. Send us some pictures!
Stay warm, spring is not too far away!
Mrs. Amato
Kindergarten News....
Kindergarten kicked off the month by learning and making New Years resolutions. We then had the nurses from Stony Brook Hospital visit us for the Teddy Bear Clinic. This was a wonderful program about how Kindergarteners can stay safe! The children were fascinated learning about Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges and wrote about their own dreams for our world. Later in the month we learned about and celebrated Chinese New Year and experimented with chopsticks and rice. We ended the month with a visit from Sachem Public Library for our PBL project on how garbage affects Grundy. It was a fun filled month of learning!
First Grade News.....
The new year has brought many great learning opportunities for our first graders! Our ELA skills are growing as we read and write stories about the winter season and polar animals. In math, we are learning about adding and subtracting facts to twenty and measuring. In social studies, we learned about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. We learned about his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. We also had fun coding with Ozobots! We had a great time in January! We look forward to more learning and fun in February!
Second Grade News...
Second grade had a wonderful month bringing in the New Year! We were all excited to start 2020 off “write”. The students have been working hard on learning cursive writing. It has been amazing to watch each student take pride in taking their time to write neater. We have been listening to many memorable stories to help us think like a writer! Learning about Martin Luther King Jr., and Ruby Bridges helped us appreciate what we have today and reminded us to treat everyone kindly/fairly. We loved taking our pictures and writing about what dreams we have to make our world a better place. In Spelling, we had so much fun learning fun words and playing fun games for the Super Bowl! In Math, we all enjoyed learning a subtraction regrouping song. It really helped us all with our Unit 3 test! We also loved making our regrouping snowmen! Reading Life by Cynthia Rylant inspired all of us to appreciate nature and our lives. In Science, we love learning about the Solar System! We can’t wait to research and learn more about each planet. Thanks to the PTA for their generous holiday gifts for the second grade students! The students love playing and building during recess! It has been a great start to 2020!
Third Grade News...
Fourth Grade News...
We have been very busy in fourth grade! We have completed our study of multiplication and division and are moving into our fraction unit. This is a challenging concept and requires a lot of practice. Please use your child’s math workbooks to assist them with the homework that goes home each night. If you google the math module and lesson number and look for Duane Habecker (YouTube), you will find great instructional videos to help your child if he/she is having difficulty with any homework assignments.
Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated in February, and we thought it would be fun for the fourth graders to take on the challenge of Secret Agent. Their job will be to deliver random acts of kindness for one week to a secret classmate. On the last day, each secret agent will reveal him/herself to their secret classmate. A letter went home explaining all of this last week. Please make sure your child is completing each random act of kindness with care and effort. These random acts of kindness will really brighten each child’s day.
On Thursday, January 23rd, the 4th graders participated in a Native American program entitled “Journeys.” On this day, the students learned about Native American traditions, including games, stories, music and dance. They also explored a “hands-on” museum in which many Native American artifacts were displayed. To conclude the program, each student created his/her own clay pot. A fun day was had by all!
Thank you to all the families who participated in creating a longhouse to display in our hallways. We received so many compliments on the creativity and originality of each longhouse. Great job by all students!
We would also like to thank all the parents who donated money to create a class basket for Grundy’s basket bash. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!Fifth Grade News....
5th grade has kicked off 2020 off with a great start. We have all began to write our biographies. Learning about the accomplishments, obstacles and life stories of so many different people has been very interesting and we have learned a lot! We look forward to publishing and sharing our work soon.
We are wrapping up our unit on adding and subtracting fractions. It has been fun to use manipulatives, play games and draw many pictures to deepen our understanding. Multiplying and dividing fractions comes next!
We are so proud of our 5th grade pep squad for representing Grundy’s School spirit at Sport’s Night! Way to go boys and girls! You all looked great! A special thanks to the 5th grade moms who helped to organize, teach the cheer and work with our students! You're the best!
We were excited to complete our class spelling bees. We look forward to cheering on Allison Koch and Hazelle Archaga at Sachem’s Spelling Bee on February 4th.
Finally, we finished the Too Good For Violence program. We appreciate all of the conversation you had with your children at home to support the learning we did in school.
News from the Nurse...
Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S. According to the National Education Program (NCEP) guidelines, 50% of people who have a heart attack have normal cholesterol.
Here are some very interesting facts about heart disease…
1. We only need 10 minutes of brisk exercise a day to reduce heart attack risk by nearly 50%. Thirty minutes cuts the risk by 75%
2. There is a 50% reduction in heart attack risk 1 year after a smoker quits the habit.
3. Spending more than 4 hours a day in front of a computer or television can double ones risk of a heart attack.
4. While genetics plays a role, one international study found that 90% of the risks associated with heart disease are within our control (blood pressure, physical activity, smoking, diet). Small changes can make a big difference in your heart health!
5. Best way to survive a heart attack is recognize the symptoms, call 911, and chew (not swallow) an aspirin while waiting.
6. Recognize the symptoms: Over 70% of women have flu-like symptoms and NO chest pain at all! Others can feel chest pressure, squeezing or tightening that can radiate down the left arm, jaw or between the shoulders. Many people have nausea, indigestion, lightheadedness, sweating, shortness of breath and exhaustion.
7. Stress is considered an underlying factor in 70% of heart disease. Research shows that 1 single episode of anger increases the risk of a heart attack by 230%.
8. Best time to get to the hospital after the onset of heart attack symptoms is 1 hour. The typical time is 3-4 hours. The more time it takes, the more heart muscle dies.
9. Cardiovascular disease starts in your teens and 20’s.
News from the Speech Room...
Crafting Beautiful Speech and Language
Arts and crafts are multisensory experiences that are ideal for language learning. Research has shown experiences that engage children emotionally with familiar adults lead to better learning. These experiences should occur in “natural” settings, such as during play or while shopping at the grocery store. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) often use arts and crafts to target a variety of skills in therapy and create a naturalistic setting. Here are some tips for inspiring language while crafting with your little ones.
- Modeling –As the adult, model the type of language you would like to hear in your child. For example, if you want your child to learn the color red, instead of saying, “What color is this?” try “Ooo! A red pompom! Red pompom on the paper. Glue it on the red paper.” This is especially beneficial for early language learners.
- Expand and Extend – Listen to what the child says. You can expand his/her/their utterance by inserting adult grammar. For example, if the child says, “Cut paper,” you can say, “That’s right! I am cutting the paper.” To extend your child’s utterance, add new information to what your child has said. For example, if the child says, “Paper,” you say, “I cut the blue paper. I cut out two squares.”
- Talk about Basic Concepts – Arts and crafts incorporate a ton of basic concepts, such as colors (e.g. red, green, purple), sizes (e.g. long, small, heavy), shapes (e.g. square, round, curvy), etc. While creating your masterpieces, make sure to request and comment on the activity using these early building blocks for language.
- Following Directions – Try to create a project step-by-step. For early language learners, avoid incorporating too many directions at once or over-complicating the directions by making them too “wordy.” Add visual aids (such as a video or pictures), gestures (e.g. pointing), hand-over-hand, modeling, and repetition of verbal directions if your child needs extra support. For more advanced language learners, include positional words (e.g. over, under, next to), temporal concepts (e.g. before, after, while), and 2 to 3-step directions to encourage receptive language learning.
- Verbs, Verbs, Verbs! – Crafting activities are loaded with verbs! Action words such as “cut,” “tape,” “tear,” and “color” are all critical for kindergarten readiness. For advanced language learners, make sure to model grammatical markers they may be working on, such as –ing, -ed, third person –s, and irregulars.
- Describing – Use the senses to describe your supplies. Tape and glue are sticky; the scissors are sharp and dangerous; cotton balls are soft and fluffy, etc. Also, have your child describe his/her/their finished product! For example, “The flower I drew is beautiful! I made the stem long and green, and the petals are colorful…”
- Retell – Have your child recall the steps that were necessary to make his/her/their creation. Model and prompt transitional words, such as “first,” “next,” “then,” and “last.”
News from the Math Room....
Our intermediate students are now all learning about fractions! A fun book for younger students is Eating Fractions by Bruce McMillan. Children are introduced to halves, thirds, fourths and eights. Funny And Fabulous Fraction Stories by Dan Greenberg is suitable for children in grades 3 – 6. Reading these books will help students become more familiar with fractions while reading an enjoyable story.
An enjoyable interactive web site website has information for all ages. There are games and flashcards you can print and a fabulous section on fractions for your children to play. Please remember to encourage your little one to practice his or her fact fluency on Reflex Math!
Lost and found
News from Resource Room...
Study Habits! Start them while they're young! :)
Here are my top 3 studying tips, which we are working on in Resource Room!
1) Make flashcards with your child if I have not provided them from the Resource Room.
2) Use distributive practice, rather than cramming the night before the test. Studying flashcards with your child 5-10 minutes each night for 2 weeks prior to the test will help your child develop confidence that he or she knows the material.
3) Use a strategy called "Folding In" with the flashcards... Here's what you do... If you have a stack of 30 flashcards for the test, start with helping your child master 3 of the cards than fold-in a 4th card until mastery... then a 5th until mastery.... a 6th .... and so on! Before you know it, your son or daughter will know the whole set of flashcards!
PS I Love You Day
News from the Reading Room....
The Power of Read-Alouds
The read aloud is the gift that keeps on giving—leading to student gains in vocabulary (Beck & McKeown, 2001), comprehension strategies and story schema (Van den Broek, 2001), and concept development (Pinnell & Fountas, 2011).
Regardless of the age, children are never too old for a read aloud. With World Read Aloud Day upon us, consider adding a daily read aloud to your routine. Make it fun and keep it light. Some suggestions to keep your child engaged during are read alouds are:
· Funny voices: You can do it. Deep voice for Grandpa; teeny voice for the mouse. You’ve got it in you, and kids love it.
· Echo Read: you read a phrase, and the child echos it back.
· Chorus Read: for emerging readers who can decode (or read) the text on their own), read the text as a chorus–together.
· Read in a microphone.
· Record yourself reading.
· Sing read.
· Phone call read: have a loved one call and read a book over the phone– sure, you both have to have the same book so the child can follow along, but that’s not too hard.
· Facetime/Skype read: have a loved one Facetime/Skype read so you can see each other
· Audio recording: Listen to a book on tape or on-line! There are tons at most libraries, and it’s great for kids to hear another adult reading to them sometimes. Visit to hear famous people reading aloud children’s books.
· Pet read: read to a pet–real or imagined.
· Take turns: you read a page, then he reads a page
Musical Notes...
Congratulations to the following students on their acceptance to the Sachem Elementary Music Festival:
EMF Chorus:
Lucia Bruccoleri, Ryleigh Rubin, Alex Roman, Lila Auricchio, Roger Ortiz Sanchez, Chloe Branch, Kylie DiMenna, Christian Peña, Alexa Siragusa, Ryan Banfil, Eduard Cirneanu, Deavon Coleman
EMF Orchestra:
Bret Auricchio, Griffin Fleming, Kristina Bruno, Olivia Latty, Kaylee Bandl, Isabella Muños, Hannah Dente, Alexa Manente, Hailey Cohen
EMF Band:
Allison Koch, Madison Tarantino, Liam Dodge, James Herzberg, Isabella Serrano, Alex Tavares, Leslie Urena, Karlee Strier, Thomas Saunders
Grundy is so proud of you and wishes you lots of luck!
Grundy Ave School
Location: 950 Grundy Avenue, Holbrook, NY, USA
Phone: 631-471-1820
Twitter: @GrundyAve