KCSD & Me: Summer School
July 30, 2021
Dear KCSD community,
At this time, students attending KCSD summer school programs are welcome to wear face coverings, but they are not required to do so.
At the direction of the governor, the Oregon Department of Education will be creating a rule requiring face coverings in all indoor school settings. However, Klamath County School District will not be implementing this rule until it is required.
The district has been advocating for local control since the beginning of the pandemic, and we will continue to work closely with Klamath County Public Health medical experts to make the best decisions for our school communities.
We will update our families and staff if requirements change.
Glen Szymoniak
Klamath County School District
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Klamath County School District
Website: www.kcsd.k12.or.us
Location: 2845 Greensprings Drive
Phone: 541-883-5000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KlamathCountySchoolDistrict
Twitter: @KlamathCountySD