Destiny - Instructions for Students
Stephenson High School Media Center
Open Destiny
Click LOGIN in upper right corner
User name: s------- ("s" plus 7 digit student #)
Password: mydestiny
My Info
You can also see your resource lists from here.
Just login and click the "My Info" tab at the upper right.
Click the Catalog tab and search by keyword, title, author, subject or series. Use powersearch and get more filters and combinations of searches. You can also do your own search by Lexile level. Create resource lists of books you would like to save for later.
A wealth of resources are on the Home Page Tab. Please see media center staff for any needed passwords.
Test Prep for SAT, ACT, ASVAB, AP testing and much more at GALE Testing and Education Reference Center.
Lexile Level Seaches - Search for books within pre-set Lexile ranges
Infobase - Issues and Controversies - authoritative content which presents arguments on both sides of each issue in a clear, balanced, and unbiased manner.
World Book Online - Complete edition of World Book Encyclopedia - advanced student, timelines, ebooks, and Spanish version.
Britannica Image Quest -millions of rights cleared images from one trusted site.
GALILEO - One Stop Shop! Databases galore. Information and resources @ your fingertips!
Thousands of magazines, hundreds of newspapers and endless full text articles.
GALE Virtual Reference Library - Reference ebooks across the curriculum. Includes citation. Can be translated also.
DeKalb County Public Library - Dozens of databases for research, homework help, test prep and so much more. A public library card is needed to access much of these. Library cards are free and available online while the library is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.