point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Always Yesness
I believe in the power of yes. However… What we say “no” to saves & creates space for even better things we say “yes” to. We all have finite resources. Being able to say no to others & ourselves is one of the most powerful muscles in building a strong business or happy life. Failing to say no, at the very least, can cause us to miss something bigger or greater. At worst & more commonly, not saying no when we can & should can lead to burnout, dilution of focus, high opportunity costs, stress, & more. After learning the hard way, I created my Cheat Sheet: Saying no comes in many forms. No. As many others have said, “No.” is a complete sentence; Not now; I love this, but it’s not in line with my focuses right now; I cannot give this the time it deserves; Not me, but I can connect you with someone who can (this is a way to say no to the ask, but saying yes to helping); I could do a piece of this but would need help/someone else to pick up the rest (another way to say no by saying yes to a part of it); Not a fit for me (and share reason if you desire); I’m putting my energy into a few other big things right now and need to focus on those primarily.
My own experience. In the earliest part of my career, “no” was not in my vocabulary. If any opportunity came up, I said yes. It served me well generally. I met great people & built relationships. I had fun. I learned faster than others. I build a reputation as someone flexible, helpful, & connected. That always-yesness wasn’t sustainable. I went through a period of letting people down, overcommitting & less happy - little by little. Something had to give, several things actually. I had to reflect & refine. I trimmed down some commitments through a process of prioritizing & promised myself I’d learn & be better at saying no, so I could be more fulfilled with fewer, more impactful yesses. It’s not always easy. Saying no is an art & a science. Often we need to say no to things we actually kinda want to do - that’s the tough part. Saying no is a gift, & it’s ultimately one step to saying a big YES to things that matter most. Once you are saying no with confidence & grace, start Saying Yes!
week of July 24th
Tuesday, 4PM - Community Center; 4:30PM - Municipal Court; 6PM - Parks & Recreation
Wednesday, noon - Westside Committee
Thursday, 10AM - Housing Authority; 6:30PM Eden Village Q/A
Friday, 7:30AM - Budget Review - Water, Sewer, Trash; 6:30PM - Missouri Main Street Awards Ceremony in St. Louis
trash service changes
making a difference
Animal control services are provided M-F, 9/5, an answering machine is available 24/7. AC Officers encourage calls (816-630-0816) with complaint or concern, they want to resolve issues before they worsen. Please report incidents, if they occur inside city limits: animal bites, dangerous dogs, sick/injured animals, animal neglect/cruelty, stray animals, deceased animals, excessive barking, lost/found pets, & any other incident that is cause for concern. ACO do not handle wildlife. A wildlife company is recommended, if you need wildlife removed from your property. To surrender or adopt a pet, a scheduled appointment is necessary. Call or email esacc@espolice.com to schedule these services. To see the pets currently available for adoption, visit our Facebook “Adoptable Pets” album under the photos tab. An annual Pet License is required for all dogs, cats, & miniature pigs. Your pet must have a current rabies vaccination to obtain the license. The pet license can be purchased at City Hall, ESACC or ES Animal Clinic.
choose your attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752