Broncos Bulletin
November 2021 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mrs. Maria Smith, Assistant Principal
Email: rvelasquez@ogsd.net
Website: bernalis.schoolloop.com
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BernalBroncos/
Twitter: @BernalOGSD
Unck Updates
Dear Bernal Community,
Welcome to November!! A lot is going on this month at Bernal. In athletics, our girls basketball is well underway. Mr. Medina, Mr. Curry, and the girls have done an outstanding job during practices and games. Boys basketball tryouts will begin soon. Announcements regarding boys basketball tryouts will occur during morning announcements as well as in students advisory classes.
Please make sure to mark your calendars for the following November dates in which there will be no school. In observance of Veterans Day there will be no school on Thursday, November 11, 2021. The OGSD will be closed Monday, November 22nd through Friday, November 26th. School will resume on Monday, November 29, 2021.
As the weather starts to change and we head into the Winter months, just a reminder to please make sure that you are checking your child DAILY for any symptoms prior to sending them to school. If your child as any COVID-19 symptoms, please keep them home and have them tested. With events like Halloween around the corner, it is also a reminder that the best way to keep ALL of our students safe is to practice good habits like frequent hand washing (or sanitizing), mask wearing (indoors and outside), monitoring symptoms daily and getting vaccinated when eligible. Please help do your part to keep ALL of our students and staff safe!
Has your child been identified as a close contact for COVID-19? Did you know that your child can get rapid tested at school during the school day? Oak Grove is partnering with BayPLS to provide testing response teams that will be available to test students and staff in classrooms that were given exposure notices. If your child gets identified as a close contact, parents will have the OPTION to have their child tested at school the next day. This open saves parents time from going to their health provider and results will be provided to parents within 15-30 minutes. Please use this link: https://my.primary.health/l/oakgroveesd to register your child for this option, should your child need it.
The Oak Grove School District is continuing to hire both certificated, classified and substitute positions in our district. Check out our new INCREASED sub rates for substitute teachers (NO CBEST exam required!) and classified substitutes below. Also, don't forget about our upcoming Oak Grove Recruitment Fair coming up in a few short weeks! To learn more and apply, check out www.edjoin.org/ogsd and www.indeed.com/.
Oak Grove Recruitment Fair!
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2021 (2:00pm-4:00pm)
Where: The Academy at 4955 Edenview Drive (next to Davis Intermediate)
Tammy Unck
The Scoop with Smith
We had a great time last Friday on Costume Spirit Day. Our students did a great job with their costumes and adhering to the dress code guidelines for costumes. Thank you for speaking with your children about the negative impact of the "One Chip Challenge". The next day, we did not have any disruptions from that challenge. Student discipline has increased, so we really appreciate your assistance with reminding students to never put their hands on another person, even if they are just "playing" or "joking around" with their friends. Many times it goes too far and someone gets injured or feelings are hurt, and it results in detention or even suspension depending on the injury. Any type of putting hands on another person (shoving, pushing, pulling, slapping, hitting, etc) is not appropriate for school, including pulling on someone's backpack, clothing, or using an object to touch another person. With Thanksgiving around the corner, we hope everyone pauses to think and feel what we are grateful for. We love connecting with our students and building stronger relationships.
So, what's the scoop? Well, let me tell you...
- Students have been improving with our fire drills. At least one classroom wins a treat each month for remaining quiet during the entire drill. Congratulations to these previous classrooms: Sar, Williams, Hoffman, Jahn, Juhasz, and Chita-Williams!
- Daylight Saving Time is this weekend, November 7 - time falls back one hour.
Tyson Amir's Poetry for the People program just for Bernal. He is the author of Black Boy Poems. This program is open to ALL Bernal students.Students must register using this link - www.fsmei.org/bernal. The program starts on Nov. 12 from 2:40-3:40 PM. Video - https://youtu.be/pFmoYKWpcAA For more information, click on www.fsmei.org.
- No school on November 11 (Veterans Day) and from November 22-26 (Thanksgiving Break).
- Term 2 ends on November 12 and term 3 starts on November 15.
- Spirit Days - November 12 is Retro Day and November 19 is Team Color Day.
- Boys Basketball Tryouts is the week of November 8. Start date is November 15.
- Girls Basketball Play-off week is November 29.
- Please make sure your child is following the dress code. We are still having issues with students wearing crop/midriff tops and pajama pants. Crocs and slides are not appropriate shoes to wear at school.
- All students must wear their student ID badges every day at school. If a student does not have an ID, one will be reprinted and the reprint fee is $5.
- Tardies - Students who are tardy to advisory period at least twice a week will receive detention. Students who are tardy to any one class three or more times will receive community service. Being on time to class and staying for the entire period will increase student learning and build stronger relationships among students and teachers. Many of our students have decreased their tardies since September. Yay!
We appreciate your support and partnership. Go, Broncos!
Maria Smith
Assistant Principal
Counseling Corner Events
10/1 - No School
10/4 - Term 2 Begins
10/15 - Nike vs. Adidas
10/29 - Costume (Halloween Celebration)
11/12- Term 2 Ends
11/12 - Retro Day (think decades or past styles)
11/26 - Team Color Day
12/10 - Pajamas Day
12/17 - Holiday Wear
Ms. Brown's Counseling Corner
Middle School students are learning to balance 6 teachers, multiple assignments, varying teaching styles and expectations in each class. The skills they begin in middle school will be a platform and launch for high school.
Tips to STAY ON TRACK in Middle School!
Sleep well
Think positive
Advocate for yourself
Yes to activities, clubs, sports, homework centers, and library hours
Organize yourself and create a system that works for you
No excuses
Turn in classwork and homework
Time Management (make the best of your time in class)
Take attendance seriously
Take responsibility for your grades
Retake quizzes and test if possible (especially Math!)
Ready to learn
Ask lots of questions
Ask for help
Come to school/class on time
Complete homework and classwork AND turn it in on time
Communicate with parents, teachers and counselors
Keep focused on YOU and your goals
Keep track of you assignments (binder reminder, in phone,
Check out Bernal's Counseling Team Website for:
- Distance Learning Schedule
- Grading Info
- Office Staff
- Classes (Teams, PE, Electives, CORE)
- Counselor's Bio's
- Reflections with Ms. Reed
- Resources (Counseling, Emergency, Homework/Tutoring, Tech Support, etc)
- Newsletters
Mr. Reza's Counselor Corner
Hello Bernal Community!
Welcome to November and the start of our holiday season. As the seasons change and the weather gets colder, we all tend to spend more time indoors with our loved ones and school community.
During these times, it's more important than ever to remind ourselves to be vigilant and aware of maintaining RISE behaviors. When we are in close proximity to one another for extended periods of time, it can naturally lead to some added discomfort or agitations. When this is the case, remember that you have an entire community here to support you and get you through any difficult moments. All of the school staff are here to make certain that you are safe and getting your needs met. We encourage you to come to us for anything you may need. Whether it be your teacher, counselor or other staff, we are all here for you.
Broncos all RISE together and we will always do our best to make sure that every student at Bernal feels supported. And thanks to the continued support of all our families, Bernal is the strong school community that it is today.
I thank all of you for a great start to the school year, and I look forward to my continued support of all of you.
Just remember:
You can
You will
It’s possible
You’ll be great today
You’ll be great tomorrow
We are Bernal!
Take care, & Go Broncos!!!
Communication Resources
Intermediate Students now have two new APPS for their use.
- ParentSquare & StudentSquare allows you to gets updates and posts from the school as well as communicate with the school, teacher and students. You can download the app or sign in via (SOS).
- Infinite Campus is what you will use to see your grades, attendance, missing assignments and the class schedule. Again you can signin via Single Sign-on (SOS) or download the APP.
- GMAIL allows students to email their teachers and counselors to ask questions. Please encourage your student to email from their GMAIL to their teachers @ogsd.net email.
To access the Infinite Campus/Campus Parent click the link below:
Issues logging in? Email portal@ogsd.net
Parent and Student Guide to Access Google Classroom
Chromebook tech support
How to access Clever and iReady from home
Mental Health, Social-Emotional Learning & Wellness Resources
Oak Grove School District offers free mental health resources for students and families enrolled in our schools. Each school site has a team of mental health professionals who can support your child with regard to mental health and social-emotional well being.
If You Need Immediate Assistance Please Contact
County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health
Provides a 24/7 centralized entry point for individuals seeking behavioral health services in Santa Clara County. Phone: (800) 704-0900
Crisis Text Line
Text RENEW to 741741
Suicide and Crisis Hotline 24/7
Phone: (855) 278-4204
Care Solace Network of Care
Phone: (800) 704-0900
Visit the Oak Grove assistance page at www.caresolace.com/site/oakgrovesd
Provides 24/7 mental health referrals for children ages 0-5 and their families.
Uplift Family Services Mobile Crisis Program
A team provides 24-hour intervention to children and teens in the community who are in acute psychological crisis.
Phone: (408) 379-9085
In partnership with Governor Newsom, Parents Anonymous® Inc. recently launched the California Parent & Youth Helpline and Online Parents Anonymous® Support Groups in response to the Coronavirus to provide free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to Parents, Children and Youth in any language via calls, text, live chat and email. The California Parents & Youth Helpline operates 7 days a week from 8:00AM-8:00PM. Parents can Join a Weekly Online Support Group NOW through the website: caparentyouthhelpline.org. In this confidential setting, Parents address their underlying emotions and build resiliency to strengthen their family.