March 23, 2017
Technology Tools in the Spotlight!
Canvas - Video/Audio Feedback
Leave non-traditional feedback for your students using the built-in video/audio comment option in the grade book. Not only will it take less time than writing it out but students may feel that it is more real, honest and authentic. Learn more at
Playpostit is an online learning environment that allows you to create and share interactive video lessons that embedded directly into Canvas. Take any online video and transform it from passive content to an active experience for students with time-embedded activities. Learn more at
Google Alerts
Create a Google alert that will periodically run a search for you based on your criteria and email you new results. Not only can you add your name to keep up on who is posting information about you, but you can post about your school, your research interests, hobbies, etc. learn more at
Share your favorite technology tool to be featured in ED Tech Thursdays!
Archived Issues
1. COPH Intranet- The archives are located in the middle column on the bottom of the home page. Note: you must have access to the COPH intranet and be in the MCPH building to access archives.
2. Anyone can access the archived issues on Pinterest. While you are there take a look around at the other education boards. You might find something new and interesting. You will need to open a free account if you do not have one using Facebook or an email address.