Deer Canyon Echoes
Sept. 1, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello, Deer Canyon families!
The school year is truly in full swing…and we’re not slowing down! This week, some classes began STEAM lessons and library visits, many classes continued to meet and engage with their Big Buddies, and our fifth graders began playing instruments in Music! Also, Kindergarten students and staff participated in Color Week; catch the colorful cuteness on Instagram @deercanyonpusd!
Next week, all classes will begin regular library visits. Ms. Leah has spent the past couple of weeks transforming our library into a welcoming, vibrant space for learning and exploring the world of books. Please consider visiting Ms. Leah’s Library Amazon Wishlist, which is loaded with books that your students and their teachers are interested in reading.
Additional reminders for next week
Deer Canyon is closed Monday, September 4, in observance of Labor Day. On my day off, I plan to take a morning hike and reflect on my appreciation for the hard work and dedication of our teachers and members of our school community; thank you for your contributions to our school and workforce!
Picture Day is Tuesday, September 5. Set a reminder! Please send your student to school prepared to take their 2023-24 school picture.
On Wednesday, September 6, at lunch, we will host the first of our monthly, campus wide playground playdates with Westview High School Ambassadors.
Our first FUNky Friday (formerly First Friday) is Friday, September 8. We welcome families to join us on the blacktop for a fun kickoff to our Friday. Families may enter campus through the ESS gate starting at 8:55 am; FUNky Friday begins at 9 am.
Important reminders about birthday celebrations at Deer Canyon
If you choose to celebrate your student’s birthday at school, we ask that you please do so in a healthy and safe way. Please do not bring food/edible items to school to celebrate. Some alternate options to recognize your student’s birthday include:
Colorful pencils, stickers, erasers, or simple goodie bags for the entire class with safe items (no balloons, or food items, etc.).
Donate a book, ball, jump rope (new or used) for recess
Ways to get involved
I enjoyed speaking with those who were able to join me for Coffee with the Principal this morning. Our next coffee chat will be the morning of Friday, October 13. In November, I will host an evening opportunity to connect — stay tuned!
We are still seeking parent representation on the School Safety Committee and School Site Council. Our first Safety Committee meeting will be Wednesday, September 6. Please email mastanley@powayusd.com by September 11 if interested.
Register for a FREE Elementary Positive Parenting Series
REGISTER HERE for the English sessions (Zoom)
Thursdays, September 7, 14, and 21, from 6 to 7:30 pm
Wednesdays, September 6, 13, and 20, from 6 to 8 pm
Reminder: Upcoming Professional Growth Day
As a reminder, Deer Canyon is closed to students on Monday, September 18, as staff participates in a districtwide Professional Growth Day. Please plan accordingly for our school’s closure on this day.
I look forward to my front-row seat for the 4-day week of joyful learning ahead of us! We’ll see you on Tuesday for Picture Day. Be in touch if I can support your family in any way.
Katie Bendix
*Additional information from SDCOE: The San Diego County Office of Education and Computers2Kids are hosting an event for families to purchase affordable computers on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9 to 11:30 am at San Diego County Office of Education. See flyer for details, and here is a link to the information.
Updates from the Parent Staff Organization
Join the Deer Canyon Parent Staff Organization (DCPSO)
We are rapidly underway with planning for this school year and still have a few open positions. Reach out to hello@deercanyonfoundation.org for more information/details.
Voting will take place during our September Board meeting on Sept. 21 at 1:45 pm in Room 14 or on Zoom.
Board Positions
- Secretary (Records meeting minutes, agendas per session – Monthly)
Chair Leads
- Promotion - 5th Grade Promotion Set Up/Take Down/Flyers/Coordinate with Principal – May/June hours
- STEAM Night - Coordinate with Mrs. Harris and assist with communications/set up/ take down – timing TBD
- Deer Dash - Lead a committee to plan and run event/generate communications/coordinate with Principal for day of schedule – November/December
- DC Dining - Partner with local restaurants to plan evenings where a portion of their sales goes back to Deer Canyon – requires a few hours a month
- Monster Mash - Help to plan and run event – End of Sept/October hours
- Family Fun Night - Help to plan and run event – March through May hours
DCPSO’s Dollar-A-Day Fundraiser Going on NOW!
Now through September 15, your DCPSO invites all families to help invest in our students, teachers and school for $1 a day.
Year over year, there's a significant discrepancy in what funds PUSD and the State of CA provide our school and what we need in order to give our students the enriched school experience they deserve. We look to you to help fill this gap.
Your generous contributions help support a wide range of essential educational resources, enrichment programming, teacher salaries, special projects, student and community events and so much more. Please refer to the handouts below for more specifics and learn how you can be a DC Champion — and how to get some DC swag in the process!
Halfway through our first week, we’re happy to announce that 31 families have donated $13,819! This represents 47 students so far. We sincerely thank these families who've helped to kick us off and reach about 12% of our annual goal of $117,000. Your contributions are truly generous and inspiring!
Please know that contributions of all sizes are tax deductible and sincerely appreciated. Every dollar truly makes a big difference. Please use the following link to register to donate: https://forms.gle/kVtroY2qSB78Yjty5.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming PSO Meeting: Sept. 21
Please join us for our next Deer Canyon Parent Staff Organization (PSO) meeting.
Thursday, Sept. 21: 1:45 pm
In person (Room 14) or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 934 642 9820
Passcode: Deer2023
Student Programs and Activities
Volunteer Coaches Needed to Lead Student Clubs
Are you interested in running one of our clubs? We're looking for coaches for the following clubs:
- Jr. First Lego League
- Math Club
- Chess Club
- Choir Volunteer Liaison
- Musical Theater Liaison
We cannot run clubs this year without volunteer coaches. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please reach out to Eve Lanham, DCPSO President, at hello@deercanyonfoundation.org. She will collect interest and let you know next steps to get your club going for the 2023-2024 school year.
***If we do not have a coach by September 12, we will not be able to run the club this year. Please step up to help us run these wonderful clubs!****
Attention All Performers!
Calling all 2nd-5th grade singers!
Deer Canyon Choir is a free before-school program sponsored by the DCPSO. Rehearsals are every Tuesday, 8-8:40 am, starting September 26.
If your child is interested, please fill out this Google Form.
Fall Musical Theater Workshops
Our DCPSO is sponsoring after-school Musical Theatre workshops taught by Angie Serrano and Leasa Thernes. Details and registration forms are attached. If you’d like to register, please turn in your form and payment to the box in the office, starting September 5. Registration is limited and first come first serve, so don't delay!
Email Angie Serrano with any questions at jserrano@me.com.
Counselor's Corner
School Counseling Opt-Out Form
Deer Canyon offers a professional school counselor on campus three days each week. Throughout the year your child may self-refer or be referred by a staff member to participate in a small group, individual sessions, or periodic check-ins with the school counselor (Mrs. MacDougall) or student services assistant (Mrs. W). If your student is referred for ongoing support, you will be notified. Participation in the program will not be documented on any official transcripts and will remain confidential.
If you would NOT LIKE your student to participate in the School Counseling program, please sign and return this opt-out form and return it to your child’s teacher or email Mrs. MacDougall at cmacdougall@powayusd.com.
Community Activities
Interested in Girl Scouts?
Attention 1st grade girls and parents! Please join us for an informational Zoom session on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 6:30 pm. A representative from Girl Scouts will tell us about the Girl Scouts experience so you can determine if it's right for your daughter and you.
Melissa Davis is forming a co-op style troop and hopes you'll join in the fun! If you're interested but can't make the session, please contact Melissa at mcherin62@gmail.com to catch up on the details.