Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - May 21, 2023
Dear River Mill Families,
We hope you had a wonderful May Break and we are excited to welcome our students back to school. We recognize that we are nearing the end of the school year, and we also want to finish strongly. This means, we want your child at school each day and on time. The learning has not ended. Each day is an opportunity for your child to continue working on attaining or extending their knowledge of our Essential Learning Standards. Our routines will remain the same and we will do reteaching of our expectations to ensure it is a smooth finish.
We also want to extend a congratulations to our students on a job well done at the Music Concerts, led by Mr. C, which took place just before break. They all did a wonderful job and thank you for giving them a standing room only audience that was full of love and encouragement. We appreciate you giving your time to support our students.
Lastly, we want to thank our River Mill Parent Club for spoiling our River Mill team during Staff Appreciation Week. The kind gestures really helped spread joy to our team and we are so grateful.
Have a great week!
Corinne Johnsen
Principal, River Mill Elementary
This Week's Schedule
This Week:
- May 22nd: Regular School Day - K is for Kindness
- May 23rd: Regular School Day - L is for Luau (Hawaiian Wear)
- May 24th: Regular School Day - M is for Mismatch Day
- May 25th: Regular School Day - N is for Nature
- May 26th: REID Day, by invitation only
Upcoming Events:
- May 29th: No School, Memorial Day
- June 2nd: Regular School Day
- June 9th: REID Day
- June 15th: Last Full Day of School
- June 16th: Last REID Day
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
ABC Countdown
Our Attendance for April was over 90%, keep it up!
Please return Technology Devices & Chargers
Illness & Returning to School
My School Bucks - Meal Service Payment System
My School Bucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, and receive email notifications for low account balances.
Please note: currently, a convenience fee of $2.75 will be applied for each transaction.
All transactions are processed and applied to students' accounts nightly.
To enroll, please click the link below and have your student's ID number handy.
My School Bucks can be accessed via the link below: https://login.myschoolbucks.com/users/register/getsignup.action?login_hint=&clientID=schoolbucks
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers