Middle Level Minute
Indiana Middle Level Education Association, December, 2023
In anticipation of our June 26-27 conference, Keep Indiana Learning and IMLEA will host four webinars with outstanding speakers. (PGPs available.) First up: one of our keynotes, Rick Wormeli, one of THE preeminent experts on everything middle level, and author of numerous books, including some used as texts for pre-service educators. His webinar at 4 pm EST on Monday, January 22, would be suitable for a faculty meeting! Register for the webinars (and MidCon) here! Bulk rates are available for MidCon24.
Now Accepting Proposals!
Proposals to present at the conference on June 26-27 are accepted through February 12. Please note: If your proposal is accepted, registration for the lead presenter for the summer conference will be free! (If you choose to register to receive the early bird rate before you know if your proposal has been selected, please select the PO option for payment.)
All attendees who register for #MidCon24 by the early bird deadline will receive a free tshirt; we'd like your help designing it! We want something that teachers will proudly wear after the conference too. Just as middle school students are a special group, so are the teachers and staff members! Post your ideas and tag #midcon24shirt
Managing the Madness Before Break
We realize that some of you start vacation today(!), but some have 2-5 days of school left. There is some good advice from South Dakota principal Todd Brist in this piece. Todd also happens to be the author of a new book from AMLE, Successful Middle School Advisory.
8 Googley Winter Activities
Eric Curts (ControlAltAchieve) has once again shared his ideas for fun yet meaningful winter classroom activities, some with updates.
8 Ready to Use Winter Activities and Games from TCEA
As always, TCEA has a post with educational winter activities and games that you can use, not just before break.
More Resources for Sixth Grade Civics from the Indiana Bar Association
The Indiana Bar Foundation is offering several free professional development opportunities for Hoosier educators in the field of social studies. Please share these opportunities with your social studies network. As the statewide leader in civic education, we look forward to continuing to partner with educators with the goal of advancing civic literacy and the legal system. Please visit the Indiana Bar Foundation website to learn more about these opportunities.
6-8 Students Eligible to Enter Inaugural US Civics Bee
A new competition is available! Indiana students can select one of the Chambers of Commerce listed on the website (and only one) to start the process of entering by submitting an essay, which is due January 8. Each Chamber will host an in-person event between February 20-April 30. After that, top scorers will compete at the state level.
We Hear a Lot about the "Science of Reading" for K-2; What about Older Grades?
Although the authors of this book state that their focus is grades 3-5, it appears that many of their findings and techniques would apply to older students as well. See their explanation, and a very thorough review of the book.
This statement really caught my attention: In writing the Shifting the Balance books, we have been humbled, reeducated, and transformed. Our understanding of how reading begins and develops has evolved as well, as we have endeavored to support you as you help children grow into people who can (and want) to read.
Readable English Program Available Via Grant
Through a grant and IDOE, Readable English can offer free seats to special needs and ELL students, as well as free professional development for teachers.
They have had great success in Franklin Township Junior High in Indianapolis, as well as Pine Village Elementary's 6th grade. To learn more, visit Readable English or contact Tammy Miller. You can see several testimonials and some research data on the website as well.
More info from Johns Hopkins "Skills for Secondary School Success"
In our past edition, we explained the process of joining a study from Johns Hopkins. Now we have attached the topics they cover. You can also visit the 4S website.
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Programs
Registration is now open for these outstanding summer programs, held across the country at various locations. There are stipends to help defray travel and lodging expenses. If I were still teaching, I'd sign up for the Space Coast program immediately!
How technology has progressed! Now you can easily make your own Funko figure; you may have to use a personal Microsoft account. This is just one VERY small part of Microsoft's designer function- very intriguing and somewhat scary! Find the Funko template here.
Top Stories of the Year-- From Teachers' Standpoints
Edutopia tried a different angle this year; instead of just listing their posts with the most hits, they looked at what drew the most comments, conversations, and shares. See if you agree (plus they link to many of the stories in question). A few of the topics:
- Student Dysregulation
- Cell Phones
- Connecting with Students
- Technology vs Pencil & Paper
Savor Your Vacation-- and Maybe Some Learning
This post on savoring brings up some examples that could make teaching and learning more enjoyable. Often we move away from the good too quickly. Here's hoping that you enjoy every minute of your break. And, if you even feel ready to think about the return to school, we hope that some of these resources will be helpful! Enjoy your break!
Now through January 5- DitchSummit: Outstanding Sessions to Watch on Demand
January 5- Deadline to Nominate STEM Teachers for PAEMST
*January 8-Deadline for Students to Submit Entry to a Local Chamber of Commerce for Civics Bee
January 15-Applications due for Smithsonian Teacher Innovator Institute
January 22- Road to MidCon Webinar with Rick Wormeli, 4 pm
January 24- Explore ReadLife Bookshelf: A Multigenerational Digital Reading Collection, 4 pm
February 6- Application Deadline for PAEMST
February 7- World Read Aloud Day (You can start lining up authors for free now!)
February 19-Deadline to Apply for Fulbright Teacher Exchanges
February 21-Deadline to Submit a Proposal to Present at MidCon
March 5- Deadline to apply for NEH Summer Programs
June 26-27- MidCon24
*includes students
IN LearningPartnership (Includes Wednesday PD with IDOE)
Indiana Learning Lab Workshops (Requires Sign in for Registration)
Teachers First OK2Ask Online Workshops; (Past on-demand sessions)
Keep Indiana Learning (KINL); Live Events (some $) Past Recordings/Digital Content
edWeb.net Webinars (if sponsored, "commercials" are at the end)
PATINS Trainings for Accessibility for All
AMLE Events (some free, some paid)
Please note: Webinars and events mentioned in this space are not an endorsement of commercial products; on the contrary, we try to avoid listing events that appear to be commercial in nature. Every effort is made to strip social media/tracking data from provided URLs. In many cases, you can register and receive a recording later.
The only organization in Indiana devoted to promoting, improving, and supporting middle level education. We are the Indiana affiliate of the national organization AMLE, and administer the Schools to Watch program for the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform.
Join us! Membership Benefits and Application
Susie Highley, Executive Director
Shirley Wright, Schools to Watch Consultant
11025 E. 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN. 46229 (Inside IASP)
Horace Mann is a long-time IMLEA corporate supporter. Please visit us at horacemann.com or contact your local agent if we can be of service.
Horace Mann Service Corporation and certain of its affiliates (Horace Mann) enter into agreements with educational associations where Horace Mann pays the association to familiarize association members with the Horace Mann brand, products or services. Contact association.relations@horacemann.com for more information.
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