The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
April 14, 2022
- Mission: Create a culture of academic excellence through inclusive and innovative learning opportunities for the whole child.
- Vision: Empower all learners to reach their full potential in a globally competitive world.
- Values: Academic Excellence, Diversity & Inclusion, Community, Character, and Collaboration
Speak Up/Save Lives
By calling or testing the statewide hotline
- 844-SAFEROH -
- 844-723-3764 -
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or school.
- April 15: Spring Vacation Day, No School
- April 15: Last Day to order Yearbooks
- April 19, 20: Math AIR Testing
- April 25: Professional Development Day - No School for Students
- April 27: Science AIR Test - 8th Grade only
- May 11: Final PTO General Meeting and Volunteer Luncheon, Noon
- May 13: Fun-a-Thon
AIR Testing
State AIR testing will be on April 19, 20, and 27. Please make every effort to not schedule appointments for your children prior to noon on these days. Thank you!
FINAL Deadline is April 15, 2022 to purchase your 2022 SJHS Yearbook
Time is running out to order your 2022 SJHS Yearbook. The deadline for ordering is April 15, 2022. A very limited amount of extras will be available for purchase and they sell out fast. The only way to guarantee your copy of the yearbook is to pre-order TODAY. The cost is $35/copy. Click HERE to order your 2022 Yearbook.
Ordering website:
Questions? Contact Mrs. Melissa Speelman
AIR Testing
Parents & Guardians
We are so proud of the progress that our students have made this school year. We know that a large part of their success comes from your support and guidance. With that said, it is that time of the year when our students get an opportunity to show everyone else what they’ve learned this school year and gain some valuable experience for high school end of course exams. The students will take the Math AIR assessments on April 19th and 20th, and 8th graders will take Science on the 27th. We will run an adjusted schedule on testing days.
In preparation for testing, we wanted to send a few reminders and recommendations:
- Students should get a good nights’ sleep the day prior to testing
- Everyone should eat a good breakfast or arrive early enough to receive one
- Make every effort to arrive at school on time
- Please arrive with your Chromebook each day
- Please arrive with your Chromebook charged each day
- Please leave all electronic devices in your locker or at home. You cannot have a cell phone or smartwatch on your body during testing.
- Bring a pair of earbuds on the math and science test days. Students will have the option of listening to questions and text read aloud. These must have a cord
- 8th grades can use the TI-30XIIs calculator for the math test
- Do your personal best!
8th Grade Day
Dear Parent:
8th Grade Day on June 2, 2022 is quickly approaching for our outgoing 8th grade students. This day is filled with fun at the Blue Ash Recreation Center. On April 14th, Mr. Lavercombe met virtually through announcements with students to discuss the expectations of 8th Grade Day. This included how students earn the privilege of attending 8th Grade Day. Students were given the following expectations to meet in order to attend:
Maintain passing grades in your classes. Students who have multiple failures for 4th quarter will not be permitted to attend.
Attend school. Students with excessive absences/tardies to school 4th quarter will not be permitted to attend.
Follow directions from adults. Students who are chronically noncompliant will not be permitted to attend.
Demonstrate respect towards others. Students who are rude or disrespectful towards others or property will not be permitted to attend.
Be a leader. Model excellence. Students who continue to violate the code of conduct or demonstrate behaviors that are not outstanding examples of what a SJH student is all about will not be permitted to attend.
Students should be in good standing with the media center, having returned all books and paid overdue fines.
We will inform any student who is not on track to earn 8th Grade Day of their status. Parents will also be contacted if a student is in danger of not being permitted to attend. If a final decision is made that a student is not permitted to attend, the administration will communicate that decision to both the student and parent. Please note, if a student has multiple class failures as of Friday, May 27th, they will be required to remain at the Junior High School for 8th Grade Day and work to improve their grades.
All students have been informed that if he/she receives another discipline referral in the area(s) called out above, then this may result in his/her missing the privilege of attending 8th Grade Day on Thursday, June 2nd.
Thank you for your attention in this matter,
Clay Lavercombe
Assistant Principal
Traci Rea
PTO News
It’s a fundraiser, it’s a celebration, it’s a party!
Let’s face it - things have been rough the last couple of years. The PTO fundraisers haven’t hit their pre-pandemic levels. Our kids have been screened and tested and masked. Many of the big events everyone looks forward to were canceled. But things are looking better and we want to get back on track.
Announcing the Fun-a-thon Friday, May 13
It’s a fundraiser:
We are asking students to collect donations starting now in support of the PTO programs including intramural sports, fine arts, clubs, teacher appreciation, special projects and more.
Nothing to sell! Everything is online.
Follow these instructions:
The only individual prizes awarded are for:
Signing up and sending your page to 5 people, and
Getting a donation in any amount
We would reach our goal if every student raises $40, but please support as you, your family, and friends are able. Help us achieve as much support for the PTO and more fun for the students at the Fun-A thon.
It’s a celebration:
In recognition of all the work our kids do for the AIR tests, everyone who does their best will earn a free cone from Kona Ice!
It’s a party that gets better the more money that we raise. Enhancements include:
Phones allowed, visit from Mr. Aviator, open track, DJ, field games on the football field, a magician, a stilt walker, and a dunk tank.
We need your help!
Only parents can register their kids to participate in the fundraiser. Register and send out your requests today. (Instructions here.)
Add five family or friends to your list to solicit donations.
Help your students do great on the AIR tests April 11, 12, 19, 26, and 27. See the SMORE for tips on how you can help your student do their best.
We need volunteers the day of the event - Fun-A-Thon Volunteer Sign Ups
Don't Miss SJH Theater's Production!
WHAT: Tickets are officially on sale for SJH Theater’s production of Willy Wonka Jr.!
WHEN: The show will take place on April 28th, 29th, and 30th at the high school auditorium at 7pm.
HOW: You can purchase tickets at for $10, or at the door for $12.
Summer School
Summer School registration is open via Parent Portal.
Consult the Grade 7-8 Catalog for more information
Questions may be directed to Chris Gutermuth, 7-8 Summer School Director @
Sycamore JH Ambassadors
Sycamore Junior High Ambassadors is a group of volunteer parents of Junior High students just like you! We are available all year round to welcome and assist all families new to our community transition to the Junior High. We offer help to all families on various aspects of school life including enrollment forms, computer systems management, and getting connected with the school community.
Need Help?
Besoin d'aide?
¿Necesita ayuda?
Нужна помощь?
Yordam kerakmi?
도움이 필요하세요?
Click here to be connected with Sycamore JH Ambassadors:
Click here if you want to help other families:
Fall Sports at SJH
Check out the Fall Sports Start Dates
Important Links
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
Bell Schedules:
2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule (inclement weather, etc)
District Welness
We are looking for individuals (parents OR school staff) for our district wellness committee for next school year. We normally meet 4-6 times per year to discuss and plan events for student and staff wellness for the district.
We are also looking for individuals who want to be on our district Wellness Festival Planning Committee. This committee will meet before the end of this school year, once during the summer and then frequently next school year.
For both opportunities please contact Kelsey Warren - or 513-686-1796.
Kelsey Warren RD, LD
Child Nutrition & Wellness Director
Sycamore Community Schools
(513) 686-1796
twitter: @SycamoreCNS
Sycamore Robotics
Wish your child was truly passionate about
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM)?
Sign-up now to join a Sycamore Robotics team
Click HERE for more information
Sycamore Junior High School
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh