Unified English Braille
webinar series
UEB Study Group Webinar Series
This Webinar series will cover major changes when transitioning from EBAE to UEB. These one-hour webinars, held from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., will be hosted by ESC Region 11 and facilitated by teams made up of ESC consultants and a UEB-trained braille transcriber. Webinars will cover the basics of UEB in small chunks and focus on how students are interacting with the improved braille code. Each Webinar will have time for interactive discussions, examples pertaining to the covered topic, and challenges to teachers and students for the next webinar.
You may use the following links to participate in the webinars without registration.
No credit will be offered to participants that do not register.
If you need ACVREP credit or CEU’s please use the registration links provided here below the buttons.
Please visit the SLSBVI webinar link to get handouts and information for individual webinars.
Click button to join webinar.
Room will open 30 minutes prior to start time.
To Register for ACVREP or CPE credit please use the ESC 11 link below.
Stephanie Walker
Education Service Center Region 11
Educational Consultant
Lead for the State Leadership Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SLSBVI) Network
Email: swalker@esc11.net
Website: http://www.slsbvitexas.org
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX, United States
Phone: 817-740-7594
Twitter: @braillgal