St. Mary's School
Monday, October 24, 2022
In This Issue
Important Upcoming Dates
Warm Weather Uniform
Halloween Out of Uniform Day
November Lunch Orders
November Before School/After School Calendars
Individual Picture Retakes
Volunteer Background Screening Process
Student/Parent Handbook Signature Form
Current COVID-19 Guidance for Students & Staff
Important Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 27: Signed progress reports due (K - grade 8)
Friday, October 28: Last day of warm weather uniform
Sunday, October 30: Lunch orders due
Monday, October 31: Before/After School November calendars due
Monday, October 31: Halloween out of uniform day for all students
Tuesday, November 1: All Saints Day Mass, 10:15 am
Friday, November 4: Early release day
Wednesday, November 9: Individual picture retakes
Friday, November 11: No school - Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 23: Early release day
Thursday, November 24: No school - Thanksgiving
Friday, November 25: No school
Warm Weather Uniform
We would like to remind everyone that per the Student/Parent Handbook the warm weather uniform may be worn in September and October in the fall, and after April vacation until the end of the school year in the spring. There are still a few warm days ahead of us, so students may feel free to continue to wear the warm weather uniform. The last day of the warm weather uniform this fall is Friday, October 28 (since Monday, October 31 is an out of uniform day).
Halloween Out of Uniform Day
All students may come to school out of uniform next Monday, October 31. There is no cost for this out of uniform day. Students on the first floor (PreKA, PreKB, K, 1) may wear their Halloween costume to school if they choose. If your child is wearing a costume, please be sure your child will be able to take it off and put it on independently when using the bathroom. Students in grades 2-8 are not permitted to wear costumes.
November Lunch Orders
Lunch orders for the month of November can now be placed online at orsgonline.com. The deadline for submitting the October order is Sunday, October 30 at 11:59 pm.
If you already have an account with OrgsOnline, click here.
To create a new account, click here and use school code 442SMOTASMA when registering.
All students in PreK - grade 8 may place orders for lunch or milk.
November Before School/After School Calendars
Sign-up forms for the Before School and After School programs for the month of November are now available. Completed forms are due on Monday, October 31. If you do not have access to a printer, printed copies are available in the main office.
Before School Program Prepay Calendar (due Monday, October 31)
After School Program Prepay Calendar (due Monday, October 31)
** Please remember to send an extra snack for your child on days he/she is attending the After School Program.
Individual Picture Retakes - Wed, Nov 9
Lifetouch will be at St. Mary's School for a retake/make-up day on Wednesday, November 9. This is for any student who was absent on the original picture day, forgot their envelope, or was not satisfied with their portraits. If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken you must return your complete package to the photographer (please remove any classroom picture). Your child will be re-photographed and a new portrait will be printed for you. If your child is participating, please remember to send in your envelope on Wednesday, November 9. As a reminder, students who are having their picture taken may come to school out of uniform. Thank you!
Volunteer Background Screening Process
1) Complete a CORI background check annually
2) Participate in child safety training (to be completed only once - see below for more info)
The child safety training program approved by the archdiocese is Protecting God's Children (Virtus Online). In the past, this training has only been offered in person. However, due to the pandemic volunteers may opt to complete the training online. Please go to www.virtusonline.org and click on "First Time Registrant" Select" Boston Archdiocese." When you have completed the training, please send a copy of the certificate to mrs.mobilia@stmaryschoolmelrose.org and keep a copy for your records.
Student/Parent Handbook Signature Form
Please click here to view the 2022-2023 Student/Parent Handbook. The Parent/Student Handbook can also be found on the FACTS Family Portal (left navigation panel "Resource Documents").
If you have not submitted it yet, please click here to complete the handbook signature form.
Current COVID-19 Guidance for Students & Staff
If your child experiences Covid-related symptoms - fever (100.0° +), chills, or shaking chills,
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, muscle aches or body
aches, cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough) or the following when in
combination with another symptom: sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, nasal
congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies), then keep him/her
home and test. He/she may return to school if/when:
• Symptoms remain mild and he/she has tested negative.
• He/she has been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and
other symptoms are improving.
• A medical professional makes an alternative diagnosis.
* A negative test is strongly recommended for return.
* A second test within 48 hours is recommended if the initial test is negative.
If your child tests positive for Covid-19 please notify the school nurse and:
• He/she must isolate for 5 days from symptom onset or positive test date, whichever is earlier
• He/she may return to school on Day 6 if asymptomatic, or if symptoms are resolving and
he/she has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
• He/she should wear a mask through Day 10.
• Masking is not required if he/she has a negative test on Day 5 or later.
• If unable to mask, he/she may return to school on Day 6 with a negative test on Day 5 or later.
If your child is exposed to Covid-19:
• He/she should wear a mask around others for 10 days.
• A test on Day 6 is recommended if asymptomatic.
• If symptoms develop at any time during the 10 days, stay home, test and follow guidance
based on the result.
* In situations where it is recommended or needed, masking will not be required when eating,
drinking or if outside.
We continue to encourage all students and staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Families
can find information regarding vaccination availability by visiting https://vaxfinder.mass.gov/
Contact Us
Email: mr.beza@stmaryschoolmelrose.org
Website: stmaryschoolmelrose.org
Location: 4 Myrtle Street, Melrose, MA, USA
Phone: (781)665-5037
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolmelrose/