Quarterly Provider Newsletter
Washtenaw County Community Mental Health - May 2023
Hello Spring!
Please enjoy and as always, we welcome your feedback.
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant."
-Anne Bradstreet
From the office of Recipient Rights (ORR)
We want to meet you and your staff! Please join the WCCMH ORR on Zoom each month for a follow-up to our online Rights training. You might find this to be a good opportunity to get questions answered, score brownie points, have your staff retrained or refreshed on ORR basics, or even just put a face to the ORR officers. We would be so happy to see you at one of these meetings:
- Thursday, April 27, 2023 @ 9:30am-10:30am
- Monday, May 22, 2023 @ 5:30pm-6:30pm
- Tuesday, June 20, 2023 @ 1:00pm-2:00pm
Please join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7354401739 (recurring)
... some steps you can take to avoid Recipient Rights complaints or violations = Communication is key!
· Communicate in a timely manner, including returning phone calls.
· Communicate clear expectations to the recipient/guardian/treatment team regarding the services that are and are not available.
· Communicate with the recipient/guardian in a way that makes them feel heard.
· Communicate with the recipient/guardian/treatment team when concerns or issues arise.
· Communicate with the recipient/guardian/treatment team when/if a mistake is made.
· Communicate with recipient/guardian/treatment team proactively and regularly to coordinate treatment and establish a productive relationship.
· Communicate with (aka REPORT to) the ORR by the next business day when you have any reason to suspect that a recipient’s Rights may have been violated.
You can report to the ORR anytime of the day or night! Our secure voicemail is available 24/7 at (734) 219-8519. Any information shared there is confidential and only reviewed by our office. Please leave a detailed message including your name, contact information, and specific concerns for contacting our office. This will allow us to better understand your situation and provide a faster response.
Network Management Updates and Reminders
Compliance Reminders
Annual Financial Audit Reminder
Annual Financial Audits shall be completed within 180 days of the close of your fiscal year. Given this, here are the due dates based on your fiscal year end:
- 7/1/21-6/30/22: 12/31/22
- 10/1/21-9/30/22: 3/31/23
- 1/1/22-12/31/22: 6/30/23
If you should have any questions about this requirement, please contact Delissa Weston: westond@washtenaw.org
Re-Credentialing Application
As a friendly reminder, every organization needs to be re-credentialed every two years. When we begin the process of re-credentialing your organization, we have 90 days to complete this process. Given this, when submitting your re-credentialing application, please ensure that you answer all applicable questions that apply to your organization, be sure to sign and date when required, and ensure all applicable attachments are completed. Please find the link to the CMHPSM Provider Application Instructions below. If you have any questions about re-credentialing, please contact Delissa Weston: westond@washtenaw.org
Quarterly Performance Improvement Survey (PI Survey)
As a friendly reminder, survey responses are due back to us 15 days after being sent out. Furthermore, Consumer Satisfaction Surveys are reported to us annually (due April 15th of each year). If you have any questions related to our Quarterly Performance Improvement Surveys, please contact Delissa Weston: westond@washtenaw.org
Public Health Emergency Ending May 12th
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is ending the State COVID 19 Public Health Emergency effective May 12th, 2023. Medicaid clients will need to once again document their eligibility to renew their coverage. This process will start in June for individuals who are set to lose their coverage that month. This process will continue until May 2024. Each month, a subset of Medicaid enrollees will be given three months to document their eligibility. If your clients experience issues with recertification, please feel free to reach out to your client's Supports Coordinator or Case Manager or Seth Dominique at dominiques@washtenaw.org. He will be acting as our point person for information and as a liaison with MDHHS.
The Washtenaw Health Initiative has put together an overview of what can be expected in the next few months and information on how to get your clients ready.
You can access that information here:
Helpful links:
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) 2023 Benefit Changes
Claims PHE End Communication
With the Public Health Emergency (PHE) ending, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has identified new guidance on telemedicine practices, and how these services need to be reported.
The following changes to claims data entry are as follows:
- The GT modifier will no longer be accepted for telemedicine services taking place on or after 5/13/23.
- The COVID note will no longer be needed to submit telemedicine service claims taking place on or after 5/13/23.
- Place of Service (POS) 2 or 10 will now be used to report a client’s location during the telemedicine services taking place on or after 5/13/23.
- POS 2: client NOT at home- participating in telemedicine services anywhere outside of the home.
- POS 10: client at home- participating in telemedicine services.
- Modifier 93: will need to be reported on claims where services were provided by Audio Only. This will only be allowed for services that are set as “Audio Only Allowed”, and that are not a telephone-only service. Providers must also use POS 2 or 10 for these claims.
Below you’ll find MDHHS resources related to these changes, and the “Behavioral Health Services Telehealth Database” that identifies what services can be provided via telemedicine and how they can be delivered (simultaneous audio/visual or audio only), effective May 12, 2023:
- Bulletin Number MMP 23-10 – Subject: Telemedicine Policy Post-COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: MDHHS MMP 23-10
- Bureau of Specialty Behavioral Health Services Telemedicine Database, Effective May 12, 2023: Behavioral Health Services Telehealth Database
- MDHHS Reporting Requirements: SFY 2023 Behavioral Health Code Charts and Provider Qualifications
If you have any questions, please reach out to Shelby Duca at ducas@washtenaw.org
For those of you who may not know, our PIHP, the CMHPSM, transitioned to a new training platform called LearnWorlds. It is easy and convenient because it includes all of our online trainings in one place! Furthermore, individual staff create their own accounts, giving them access to these trainings at any time. To access LearnWorlds please visit CHMPSM website. If any staff have any issues with their access or obtaining their training certificates, please have them contact Sara Hungerford: hungerfords@washtenaw.org.
Medication Administration Training Process: New Requirements
We are excited to announce that Medication Administration Refresher Trainings are no longer required annually. Staff are now required to pass this training every 2 years. This 2-year certification is retro back to January of 2023.
Here are some additional reminders about our Medication Administration Training Process:
- A self-guided PowerPoint presentation for this training is located on the CMHPSM website, for staff to review at their convenience. In preparation for this training, staff will also need the Medication Management Manual, the MAR documents, and the Controlled Med County's Sheet. These documents can be found on our website: Training Information | Washtenaw County, MI
- We will be offering in-person trainings that will review the PowerPoint and other materials.
- All testing will be conducted in-person, in a classroom setting.
- Staff need to be pre-registered for the class and testing times.
Fun Corner
Riddle Challenge
1. Jenny has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother. How many children does Jenny have?
2. What belongs to you, but everyone else uses it?
3. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in 1,000 years?
The first person who answers all three riddles correctly, will win a prize. The winner and the answers will be published in the next newsletter.
Please enter your answers in the newsletter feedback survey link below.
Winter Riddle Challenge Winner!
Congratulations to Melissa Frash, from Community Living Network, the winner of the Winter Newsletter Riddle Challenge! With her being the first to answer the Winter riddles correctly she won a Lounge Chair and a Tote Bag! Congrats again, Melissa!
The riddles and answers from the Winter Riddle Challenge are as follows:
1. If a brother, his sister, and their dog weren’t under an umbrella, why didn’t they get wet?
A: It's not raining
2. I cannot talk, but I always reply when spoken to. What am I?
A: An Echo
3. What has hands but cannot clap?
A: A clock
Provider Shout-Outs
- Beacon Specialized Living Services, BlueMind Therapy and Total Spectrum received zero finding on their Medicaid Verification Audits.
- Just Us Club and Specially Made were the first providers to accurately complete our Performance Indicator Survey for Q2.
Refreshing Spring Recipes
Gluten-Free Pineapple Upside-Down Cake
Air Fryer Chicken Tenders
Quick N' Healthy Vegetable Pasta Salad
Explore Spring Time Activities
20+ Things to Do in Michigan: Your Ultimate Spring Bucket List
Spring Fun for Kids in Washtenaw County
20 Free Things To Do Around Ann Arbor
Upcoming Event
Ypsilanti Symphony Orchestra
Memorial Day Concert scheduled for May 27th at 2 PM. If the case of adverse weather, the concert will be held on May 28th.
Saturday, May 27, 2023, 02:00 PM
5 East Cross Street, Ypsilanti, MI, USA
Washtenaw County Community Mental Health
Website: https://www.washtenaw.org/839/Community-Mental-Health
Location: 555 Towner Street, Ypsilanti, MI, USA
Phone: (734) 544-3050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/recoverywashtenaw/
Twitter: @WashtenawCMH