Raider Review
March 2023
Principal's Corner
Greetings Lincoln Families,
The month of March is upon us which means we are headed into the last trimester of the year. You can expect your students Trimester 2 report card to be sent home before Spring Break, March 10. Report cards reflect grade level standards that have been taught and assessed up to this point. Our students are working hard at mastering end of the year standards.
Along with grade level standards we continue to closely monitor and look for ways to support our students having consistent daily school attendance. Over 30% of our students are currently considered chronically absent, which means that they have missed at least 10% of the school year, regardless of the reason. Lets finish the year strong by being in class on time every day, ready to learn!
I hope to see you at our monthly Parent Teacher Club Meeting on March 9!
Go Raiders!
Mrs. Fowzer
March Important Dates to Remember
Mar. 2nd - Kinder - 3rd Grade Pancakes and Pajamas
March 2nd - Lincoln Basketball vs Stella Brockman @ Stella Brockman
March 10th - Minimum Day/Report Cards sent home
March 13th - 17th - No school -Spring Break
March 20th - Phase 2 Pre-Enrollment (new enrollments) window opens
Spring Pictures Friday, March 3rd!
Read Across America Spirit Week
ASAP Spring Day Camp
ELOP 4th-5th Grade Excursion to Durham Ferry
8th grade Promotion Information
Order your Yearbook by April 21st!
February RAD Raiders!
STEM Night
Jr High goes to Monterey Bay Aquarium!
Lincoln Basketball
Lincoln Elementary
Email: btyrrell@musd.net
Website: https://www.mantecausd.net/lincoln
Location: 165 South Powers Avenue, Manteca, CA, USA
Phone: 209-858-7320
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lincolnraiders