Simmons Elementary School
January 3, 2024
Mrs. Karen Kanter, Principal
Dr. Robert Campman, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jillynn Parsons, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lynn Doan, Attendance Secretary
Happy New Year! We are delighted to have the children back at school following winter break. Yesterday, we reconnected with one another and reset expectations for the classroom and school routines. Everyone is settling back into our schedule and we are excited for the learning that will take place over the next six months.
Right before winter break, our fifth graders participated in a giveback event for the Outpatient Oncology Clinic at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Our students created handmade, personalized get well cards and assembled goody bags filled with coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, play dough, stress balls, fidget toys, nail polish, toy cars, and stickers. Mrs. Nicole Shriver, one of our HSA Board members, is a nurse in the oncology department and hand delivered the cards and bags. The patients were surprised and happy to receive these gifts! Thank you to the families for their generous donations to this giveback project.
Upcoming Events
Thurs. Jan. 11 at 7 p.m. - District Grade 5 Band and Strings Concert at KVMS
Friday, Jan. 12 - Early Dismissal for Students at 1 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 15 - District Closed for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Wed., Jan. 17 - HSA Meeting at 7 p.m. in the library (or virtual)
Friday, Jan. 19 - HSA Family Dance at 7 p.m. in the gym
Friday, Jan. 26 - No School for Students, Staff Development