Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition 1-24-2021 to 1-30-2021
Jr. Beta Club
Congratulations to the new Jr. Beta Club members from Cohort A!
Jr. Beta Club
Congratulations to the new Jr. Beta Club members from Cohort B!
8th Grade
In an effort to commemorate your 8th Grade year, we are holding a T-Shirt design competition! Any 8th Grade student can submit a design, and the winning submission (as voted on by the students) will be placed on a T-Shirt.
Friendly Reminders
- Thank you for your cooperation and understanding concerning the new dismissal procedures
- Please make sure your student is completing their work on Remote Learning Days
This Week
Nothing on the calendar for this week.......
Looking Ahead
2-15-2021: Remote Learning Day for Both Cohorts
3-11-2021: Early Dismissal & Virtual Parent Conferences
3-11-2021: End of 3rd Nine Weeks
3-12-2021: No School - Optional Teacher Workday