Panda Pipeline
Spring Creek Elementary Update (5/25/21)
Kindergarten Registration
If your child will turn 5 on or before September 1, it’s time to register for kindergarten!
To enroll, simply call the Spring Creek Office @ (541) 790-4870 or email our secretary, Heather Kendrick, kendrick_h@4j.lane.edu
Summer Program: Kids In Transition to School
Do you have a child starting school this fall? Help them get ready with the free, in-person summer program for Kids In Transition to School!
KITS is an evidence-based school readiness program that strengthens children’s literacy, self-regulation and social skills, and helps their caregivers learn about school involvement and supporting learning at home.
What: Kids In Transition to School’s FREE summer program
Who: 4J students entering kindergarten in fall 2021
Where: Chávez Elementary School, 1510 W. 14th Ave.
When: Tue/Wed/Thu, June 29–Aug. 19, 9–11 a.m. or 12:30–2:30 p.m.
Register Today: bit.ly/3mQyEwm (English) bit.ly/3afLAqn (español)
Picture Days This Week
Today was picture day for cohort A. As a reminder
Visit: https://mylifetouch.com
Enter the Spring Creek Picture Day ID: EVT3JWKPK
Order your photo package— and don’t worry about returning anything on Picture Day!
May 25th – Cohort A
May 26th – Same School Online (anytime between 8:00-1:00. Enter Gym. Must wear mask until picture.)
May 27th – Cohort B
YMCA After-school Care for the 2021-22 School Year
The Eugene Family YMCA is excited to be providing afterschool care onsite for next school year. Registration is now open and you can find more information on their website: https://www.eugeneymca.org/programs/youth-development or by emailing youth@eugeneymca.org.
La familia Eugene YMCA se complace en brindar cuidado despues de la escuela en el lugar durante el proximo ano esclolar. El registro ya esta abierto, y puede encontrar mas informacion en su sitio web : https://www.eugeneymca.org/programs/youth-development o enviando un correo electrónico a youth@eugeneymca.org.
State Testing Information- Cohort B Wednesday
If you signed up to have your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students complete state assessments, they are scheduled on the following days: Please ensure your student brings their school iPad fully charged and headphones to use for testing on their scheduled day.
Cohort B 5/26 from 1 to 4 PM.
*Same School Online will test according to their cohort based on which days they have their Zoom classes M/W is cohort A, Th/F is cohort B.
Additional time will be provided on 6/11 for any students who need to complete assessments.
If you would like to have your student take practices tests, the link is available below. Click the link below to open the test window. Select the green sign in button. Select your student’s grade. Select the test you would like to explore. Practice Tests
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our school test coordinator, Andrew Gaughan, gaughan_a@4j.lane.edu
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Breakfast and lunch menus are available on the 4J Menu Website. Make sure you filter to Spring Creek Elementary School. Click “Seamless Summer Lunch” for the hybrid in-person lunch.
Suicide Prevention Training for Families
4J families are invited to attend a free training on QPR Suicide Prevention being presented by 4J School District and Lines for Life. Suicidal ideation and attempt has increased among children 8-17, and all members of the community can play a huge role in helping those at risk. QPR is an evidence-based suicide prevention curriculum that stands for “Question, Persuade, Refer” and teaches community members to:
• Recognize someone at risk
• Ask a person about thoughts of suicide
• Support a person in seeking help
• Offer hope
To sign up for the free training, please click on the sign up link below.
SIGN-UP: QPR for Families: June 1st, 6:00 PM
For additional information, please visit the QPR Institute Website or view the QPR Introduction Video.
Dates to Remember
5/17, 5th Grade Outdoor School (Cohort A) / SSO Online ODS
5/18, 5th Grade Outdoor School (Cohort A) / SSO Online ODS
5/19, 1:00-4:00, State Testing Day – Cohort A
5/19, 5th Grade Outdoor School Online (Cohort A & B, SSO)
5/20, 5th Grade Outdoor School (Cohort B)
5/20, Mad Science Presents: Fire and Ice school-wide zoom Event @ 6:00 p.m.
5/21, 5th Grade Outdoor School (Cohort B)
5/26, 1:00-4:00, State Testing Day – Cohort B
5/31, No School — Memorial Day
6/11, No School -- Grading Day
6/17, Last Day of School
Spring Creek Elementary
We strive to develop the social, emotional, and cultural aspects of the whole child while celebrating academic success and providing a comprehensive education for all students.
To accomplish our mission, we believe in supporting the whole child by providing a safe, inclusive, and caring community. We strive to support lifelong learners, capable of reflection and personal growth. We build strong relationships to foster student success academically, socially and emotionally.
Email: bolden_s@4j.lane.edu
Website: https://springcreek.4j.lane.edu/
Location: 560 Irvington Drive, Eugene, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 790-4870