Have You 'Herd'?
The Bison Gazette
Kinosayo Elementary School
Email: kn@spschools.org
Website: https://kino.spschools.org/
Location: 40 Woodlands Road, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: (780)459-3114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KinosayoElementary
Twitter: @kinosayoelementary
Important Upcoming Dates
- Monday, Oct. 16: School Council + KPA Meeting (7:00pm)
- Wednesday, Oct. 23: Lifetouch School Photo retakes (am)
- Friday, Oct. 27: Hallowe'en Dance (6:00pm)
- Wednesday, Nov. 01: Early Dismissal (at 12:20pm for Grades 1-6) + No School (for Kindergarten)
- Sunday, Nov. 05: Daylight Savings Time ends (clocks "fall back" an hour)
- Monday, Nov. 06: School Council + KPA Meeting (7:00pm)
- Thursday, Nov. 09: No School
- Friday, Nov. 10: No School
- Monday, Nov. 13: No School
Truth + Reconciliation Project
As part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, we wanted to show how we connect as a community.
Sometime next week, our student buddies will spread their rocks about the school zone. If you are around the school, keep your eyes peeled for them!
Lifetouch Photos
We recommend following the directions for ordering online. IF YOU WANT TO PAY CASH, please hold on to the envelope and send it with your child on photo retake day (October 23rd) to give to the photographers.
As Lifetouch is an outside company, neither the teachers nor the office staff are able to collect any money on behalf of Lifetouch. (It's the same as when the KPA are doing fundraisers, like the Halloween Dance: it's not coordinated through the office staff or teaching staff, but rather a volunteer from the KPA collects the money and forms.)
Student Absences
If your child is going to be absent for any part of the day, please either use our online system (https://kino.spschools.org/parents/absence-reporting) or email kn@spschools.org.
Teachers don't always get a lot of time to read their emails during the day, and sometimes people are out of the school, so absences sent directly to teacher or office staff email addresses don't always get seen in a useful amount of time.
Also, if you are planning on taking your child out of school early, please make sure your child and their teacher know (in advance), so that the teacher can have your child ready and waiting for you. Last minute phone calls to the school to ask for your children to leave early become very disruptive for the children's class(es), and as children often need a bit of time to get ready to go, it could put you far behind schedule.
Table Talk - SAPS Artwork contest
‘Tis the season – for our school division's holiday card artwork search!
The criteria are as follows:
- Only original hand-drawn or painted artwork will be considered – no collages, use of die-cuts, stencils, scrapbook materials, etc. please.
- Original artwork should be no larger than 8 ½ x 11”.
- Please write your child’s name, school and grade on the back of the artwork.
- Fill out this form and return it, along with the artwork, to your child’s school by November 3rd. Artwork and permission forms can also be submitted digitally (however we will require the original artwork for the entry that is chosen for the cards – we will make arrangements after the selection has been made). Email entries to communications@spschools.org with the subject heading of “Holiday card artwork contest”.
Call for Volunteers!
Thank-you so much to all the people who have helped us out with our garden and our sign!
We have one last push until winter--if you have a spare bit of time (or know of a community organisation that would like to volunteer) and can help us dig out the annuals, we would love to put you to work!
Our school sign also needs a new message! We would love a parent/grandparent volunteer for helping with that!
If you are able to help with any of this, please contact Lisa G at lisa.gonsalvez@spschools.org, who will be happy to arrange it.
Ice Melt
Pre-order your BEAR TRACKS Ice Melter through the KPA and be winter ready! Proceeds raised will help purchase new chromebooks, a new inclusive playground, gym equipment, library equipment and MORE for Kinosayo Elementary School.
Order deadline is Sunday, October 29th. Your order will arrive for pickup early November at Kinosayo School.
The class that sells the most pails... WINS A PIZZA PARTY!
BEAR TRACKS Ice Melter is $30/pail. Each pail is 16 kg/35lbs. BEAR TRACKS Ice Melter is pet friendly, fast acting, long lasting, safe on concrete and vegetation, and has high visibility blue marker. Check the backpacks for order forms!
Healthy Hunger ("FUN LUNCH Thursdays")
The next Hot Lunch is October 19th! (As usual, orders must be placed by the previous Saturday.)
Hot lunch will offered each Thursday of the week, throughout the school year. Parents please log onto the Healthy Hunger website (www.healthyhunger.ca), where you may view the available options for your child(ren). Here you are able to select the date, class room and food/drink choices you want for your child. Payment is made online at this time.
Did you know that money raised from this program is given back to the school, helping to enrich our kiddo’s school experience? If you have any questions or comments, or would like to volunteer, please email Kasia at kasiamiller.kawshaw@gmail.com. Fun Lunch is driven by volunteers from the Kinosayo Parent Association.
School Fees
The 2023-2024 school fees are now available on the ParentPortal website (https://spschools.powerschool.com).
Fees can be paid through the online system (a service fee of 2.4% is charged for Visa and Mastercard payments, and the system does not accept Debit). Please note payment of school fees is not yet available on the PowerSchool app; please a browser. Did you know? You can choose to pay fees individually, or to pay a specific amount (in which case the system will distribute the payment to fees automatically).
Fees can also be paid with cash or cheques in the Kinosayo office (although please note that we likely will not have change available).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's school fees, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Angie in the front office.
Family Halloween Dance
Community News
Parent Information Session
Please click the link below for more information.