EMS Newsletter
December 7, 2018
Dear EMS Families,
EMS students are in the midst of starting their Personalized Learning Plans (PLP) for the 2018-2019 school year. The purpose of PLPs in middle school is to support students in beginning the practice of reflecting on their learning and understanding themselves as learners.
As described on the Agency of Education’s website “personalization is a learning process in which schools help students assess their own talents and aspirations, plan a pathway toward their own purposes, work cooperatively with others in challenging tasks, maintain a record of explorations, and demonstrate their learning against clear standards in a wide variety of media, all with the close support of adult mentors and guides.” (National Association of Secondary School Principals)
See here for more details regarding what a PLP is and here for details on the history of Act 77 that led to the implementation of PLPs in Vermont.
I encourage you to ask your child to share their work with you. For sixth grade parents this will look familiar, since it will be the same content shared with you at the student-led conferences last month but in a different format. See below.
For seventh and eighth grade families this is a great opportunity to see some of the work your child is doing in all of their classes that you haven’t seen yet and dig into why that particular work was chosen to highlight. See below for a screenshot of what the google site looks like.
In partnership,
Megan R. McDonough
6th Grade PLP Example
7th/8th Grade PLP Example
Reminders and Announcements
Friendly Reminders
12/12 - 6:30 - 8 p.m. Chorus Concert in EMS gym
12/13 - 12 Noon dismissal for students
12/14 - 6 - 8 p.m. Dance in EMS gym
12/18 - 5 - 6:30 p.m. PTO meeting in the MakerSpace/Library
12/19 - 6:30 - 8 p.m. Band and Orchestra Concert in EMS gym
12/24 - 1/02 - No school
Community Announcements
We expect students to be on time for school. Those who arrive late - unless with a doctor’s note - will be marked tardy. Three tardies - whether to school, to class or a combination of both - will lead to a lunch detention. Please support your child in being punctual.
School Dance Details
Tickets sold before and after school next week in the lobby of the school for $4.
Location - EMS gym. Entrance through side door by the gym driveway.
Dance doors will be closed at 6:30
Snacks and drinks for sale (range in price from $.25 - $1) throughout the dance
Games offered in addition to dancing.
Students must stay at the dance until 8 after entering.
Suggested drop off and pick up location - South Union St.
Red Ribbon Week
October 22- October 26
A week set aside to celebrate the importance of
drug and alcohol education and prevention.
Spirit Week At Edmunds!
Monday through Friday, students and staff were dressed in drug free themes.
Monday: “ALL IN” for Red Ribbon Week! Wear Blue and White
Tuesday: “Turn Your Back To Drugs” Wear your shirt backwards.
Wednesday: “Put Drugs To Sleep”, Comfy Day/Pajama Day
Thursday: “Red Ribbon Fashion Show”, Wear as much red as you can.
Friday: Students chose from a number of drug free themed options.
Red Ribbon Week, Wellness Day
During the ½ day of school on Thursday of this week, our 6th grade students rotated through 3 different workshops….
Exploring Natural Highs,
Makerspace Activity with Mr. Truchon and Mrs. Renca
6th graders worked with Kiva Blocks to see how “high” they could go.
Also, students created a representation of their “Natural High” with
3 Pipe Cleaners.
Yoga: Such a Great “Natural High”
with Ms. Nye-McKeown
Introducing Officer Norris,
Fingerprinting Activity
With friends from the Burlington Police Department
Presentation by Michael Hill
Our seventh and eighth grade students attended a Prevention Presentation by Michael Hill, SAP Counselor at BHS. Michael presented on the dangers of E-Cigarettes, Vaping and Juuling.
Zumba, with Amy from the YMCA
Sixth, seventh and eighth grade EMS students and staff rocked out to Zumba.
A Big Thanks to All of Our Awesome Workshop Presenters and to Champlain College for welcoming us to their Campus. We are so appreciative to ALL!