North Metro Flex Academy
Where You're Challenged...and Belong
A few words from our Principal, Mrs. Kranz!
Happy 3rd Week of School,
Fall is my favorite season! I hope everyone is able to enjoy some cooler weather and hopefully we will enjoy a long season of fall leaves before the snow comes!
As we try to increase communication, I hope everyone is feeling aware of all of the moving parts of our school community. To further help us improve the education experience at NMFA we are creating a student/family SURVEY to gather input and feedback from all of you. We will be sending this survey out next week as a google form. It will be open for 2 weeks.
We are wrapping up all of our assessments for reading and math to help us review the data to determine intervention and enrichment groups.
Please watch for the Parent and Teacher Conference Sign Up process. We are encouraging all families to come to our school for the conferences this year!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming up! We are also looking forward to our school wide celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month.
Be safe, kind, responsible….and practice RESPECT!
Mrs. Kranz, Principal
Thank you for Joining us for the Fall Tailgate party last week!
Upcoming Dates
September 29 Justice Alan Page Visiting and Reading to Students
October 3 - 7 Scholastic Book Fair
October 14 No School/Conferences
October 19 School Pictures (Please wear Uniforms) Spring Pics will be your choice of clothing
October 20-21 MEA No School
Students must be in their uniform to get their photo taken.
Check It Out!
Please scroll down to see the current and upcoming lunch menus!
Do you know a deserving young woman?
Please note: all nominations and submissions are due no later than October 28th at 11:59PM.
Book fair starts October 3, 2022
Families can help donate money to our school when purchasing from Amazon by just using their account in these simple steps:
Sign up for Amazon Smiles in a web browser:
- Visit smile.amazon.com
- Sign into their account they use for amazon.com
- Select North Metro Flex Academy
- Start shopping! They must then always use smile.amazon.com to generate donations for the school.
Sign up for Amazon Smile in the Amazon app on their mobile phone.
- Open the amazon app
- Navigate to main menu
- Tap settings and then select AmazonSmile
- Select North Metro Flex Academy and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on
- Once activated in the app, all future app purchases will generate donations when eligible.
Need to Know Information for the school year!
Important Contacts at NMFA
o Debbie Kranz – Principal dkranz@nmfamn.org
o Dave Isaacson – Special Education Director disaacson@nmfamn.org
o Chelsea Smieja – Operations Manger csmieja@nmfamn.org
o Jessaca Karg – Office Manager jkarg@nmfamn.org
Please take a look at some of our important times we have at NMFA:
School Hours 7:30a– 2:00p
Building hours: 7:00a – 2:30p
Lunches: Start at 10:50a – 12:10p
Wolf Pack: 2:00p-4:30p grade KG-6th for more information email info@nmfamn.org
( See Below )
North Metro Flex Academy
Email: info@nmfamn.org
Website: www.nmfamn.org
Location: 2350 Helen Street North, North Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: (651)300-6300
Facebook: https://facebook.com/NorthMetroFlexAcademy/