Loveland Update
Upcoming Events
4 3rd-6th GR Seussical Auditions 3:30-6PM
4 5th GR District Strings Concert 6PM WHS
4 6th GR District Strings Concert 7:30PM WHS
5 3rd-6th GR Seussical Auditions 3:30-6PM
6 Seussical Callbacks 3:30-6PM
11 Seussical Rehearsal 3:30-6PM
13 4th GR Kindness Retreat/Swanson 9AM-2:15PM
14 Seussical Rehearsal and Parent Meeting 3:30-6:45PM
18 Seussical Rehearsal 3:30-6PM
21 Winter Parties 10:45-11:30AM
21 1PM Dismissal
22 Winter Break begins- NO SCHOOL
8 School Resumes
8 CC Meeting 6:30 PM
15 Martin Luther King Day - No School for students
26 Professional Learning Day-No School for Students
30 2-3rd GR Music Practice WMS 9:30am -11am
30 2-3 Music Concert 7PM at WMS
Snow Day Information
Nebraska winters can get pretty tough at times. When snow accumulates and the bitter wind blows, Westside Community Schools shares with parents a concern for the safety of their children. Here are a few guidelines that should help us in working together to assure the safety of students, no matter how bad the weather. Cold Weather: So long as temperatures are 10° or warmer, students will be outside for recess, arrival, dismissal, safety patrol, and other outdoor activities.
- If bad weather occurs you will receive phone, email notification and text-message if you have signed up, either the night before or that morning.
- We will also ask the local radio and television stations to make an announcement.
- You may also call the information line, 390-2299 for information about closings.
Books and Water Don't Get Along
Loveland Spelling Bee
Loveland Spirit Wear
Don't miss your chance to show off some Loveland school spirit! Orders will be delivered to the school for your child to bring home. Whether you're new to Loveland or need a new size, be sure to place your order so you can show your Loveland Pride!
Upcoming Events
Loveland Print
Loveland artwork is available on our website. This print would make a great holiday gift for friends and family. Click here https://lovelandspiritwear.square.site/ to purchase your print.
Throughout our school year students take assessments to help teachers plan, prepare, and instruct for student success. December 12th and 14th students in 3rd-6th grade will participate in Winter MAP assessments.