Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 18 February 2021
Thankful for the wonderful life you have given me.
Help me to see the good in things.
Guide me in the way that I get to show the world my gifts.
I thank you for my health, love, abilities, friends and family.
Today I am grateful
2021 Important Dates
Week 3:
Fri Feb 19 - Assembly 2.15pm
Week 4:
Tue Feb 23 - OLC Swim Trials (Y4-6)
Wed Feb 24 - Bushfire Evacuation
Fri Feb 26 - Assembly 2.15pm (Y5H)
Week 5:
Mon Mar 01 - Public Holiday
Tues Mar 02 - Student Free Day
Thu Mar 04 - Swimming Carnival (Y4-6)
Fri Mar 05 - Assembly (2.15pm)
Week 6: Swimming Lessons Y2 (Pool); Y4-6 (Beach)
Week 7: Swimming Lessons Y1&Y3 (Pool); Y4-6 (Beach)
Dear Parents, friends and students of the OLC Community
Welcome back!
It is just great to be back amongst all the beautiful students, staff and parents in the OLC community.
After a slow start in lockdown where all the teachers were busily preparing on-line work for our students (in case home learning ensued), we were able to get off to a flying start last Monday back in our classrooms.
We welcome six new staff members with Mrs Ellie Haines teaching dance, Miss Anita Hurst teaching Year 6, Mrs Chrissy Casella in Kindy, Miss Holly Lombardi teaching Year 3, Miss Isobel Christie teaching Year 1, and Mr Robert Wielgus, gardener/handyman.
There are also a large number of new families entering our school community. I know that you will make them all feel most welcome at the first opportunity. It is a real credit to the new families on how well their children have adapted socially into our community.
Turpin Family
All our prayers and thoughts and support are with the Turpin family as beautiful little Ayla (K) receives medical treatment in Perth. Older brother Finn (2) will be attending school in Perth for the majority of this year while Ayla receives treatment. We all miss the warmth that the Turpin family give to our community and Finn’s dynamic, sincere and positive personality. I just cannot imagine what this beautiful family is going through at the moment.
Bushfire Evacuation
We will be holding an Emergency Evacuation Drill next Wednesday 24 February in the afternoon at some stage. All parents will receive a text message and it will be up to the parents to arrange to evacuate their child/children. There will be no school buses to pick up your children on this day. We need to be prepared as we possibly can for the days of Catastrophic Fire danger. Students will need to be picked up from their classrooms. Drive Through will not be operating at this time.
Canteen helpers Needed
If you can give one session for the year to help produce tasty snacks and lunches at our school canteen, it will make life so much easier.
Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet:
Alternatively, if you have any issues with the online roster, please let Fran in the office know if you can do one session for the year, male or female. It is great to see dads there lifting the standards. Your kids love to see you there as well.
Our worms had a bit of a Merry-go-round start to term. Mr. Lee brought them back to school, towards the end of the holidays. The next day we found out we were not allowed to open school. He came back the next day and picked them up and brought them home again. They came back last Sunday and are currently demolishing our lunch scraps and producing the best organic fertilizer on earth, Worm Wizz.
Worm Wizz will always be for sale at assemblies.
(Photo: Our sustainability team putting together our new worm farms).
Our chooks have arrived back (to much excitement) this week after a lengthy holiday break. Scraps, Uncle Benjamin, Nugget and Omlette have settled back into school life really well with their new sand bath and an abundance of food scraps to demolish each day. Robert, our new Mr. Fixit, is going to put up some extra shade for the girls.
Swimming Trials & Carnivals
Our swimming trials are on Tuesday 23rd February. This is just part of the normal school day. Our swimming sports are at Geographe Leisure Centre in Busselton on Thursday 4th March commencing at 10am. The sports are usually concluded by 2pm. The students will all travel on buses to and from the venue.
P&F Opportunity to be a Class Rep
We have these sensational people who have given up a little of their time to be a class rep for their year level. If you see a vacancy, grab a friend and have a lots of fun.
PPB:Kim Archer & Kelly Sweet: PPL Lana Halloran & Jamie Riley
1K 1C
2W Sally Cheffins & Nikki Butterly 2 Mc
3 Mc Jenelle Schult & Bron Byrne: 3L Gemma Lafranchi & Emma Morris
4 Dan 4Del
5H Rebecca Rechichi, Carolyn Moylan, Natalie Whitley: 5J
6R Sara Drmota, Sophie Scanlon & Jordanna Hall: 6H
Out of School Hours Care
We are currently working on the many policies and plans that are required to commence a Long day Care at OLC. We will let you know of an opening date as soon as we know. It will not be till at least the second semester. Another more specific survey will be sent out shortly to assist us in creating our business plan.
2022 Kindy
Please enroll for next year's kindy classes ASAP. The early enrolments assist us greatly in the future planning of the school.
Little Seedlings
School Board-School Advisory Council
Last year CEWA became an incorporated body. As a result of this the name of our school board is the ‘School Advisory Council’.
Uniform Committee
We need a small number of volunteers to join a committee to allow girls the option of wearing shorts or trousers. Please let Mr. Lee know if you would like to assist in this process. The meeting will be held either just before pick up in the afternoon or drop off in the mornings.
School Advisory Council and P&F Exec Combined Brief Meeting
On Wednesday 24 February Mrs. Kerrie Merritt, our CEWA School Improvement Officer, is meeting with our school Advisory Council and P&F at 5.00pm in the staffroom.
Dance Alert
All year 3-6 parents - save the date for the dance extravaganza to be held on the afternoon of Friday 25 June. More news later but save the date now (second last week of term 2.) All students in years 3-6 will be performing! We are so fortunate to have our magnificent dance teacher Mrs. Ellie Haines on staff with us at OLC.
Did you know
- Cruz (5), Jordy (5) and Cam (6) are in the waves at Margaret River at 5.30am on Thursday mornings preparing for the state surfing titles early in March.
Lakey, Jay, Charlize, Billy Rose, and Xavier (4) were learning about their new laptops by Mrs Johnston on Monday at 2.03pm.
- Mitchell (K) has a little brother named Albert. Albert is two and when he was younger, he was one!
- In Year 1K, 23 people like carrots and six do not like carrots. (Looking like these future mathematical dynamos learning about tallys in maths)
- Isla (3) was reading a book about Greta Thunburg on Wednesday morning.
- We will be sending some of our elite writers to the Margaret River Writers Festival in May.
- Lexi, Kate and Mila (3) fed and locked up the chooks on Tuesday. They also fed the worms.
- Laura Jensen's mum, Caroline, teaches ballet.
- Cooper (6) and Sienna Bidesi (4) Mila Devereux (4) and Lakey Thompson (4) all competed in State Little Athletics competitions over the holidays.
- Lucy M (6) and Shaye (6) distributed some important goods to staff on Tuesday morning.
- Ollie (3) was watching the class fish swimming round the fish tank at 1.42pm on Monday.
- Emma (5) and Ezra (PP) Rechichi’s dog, Rover, has three legs and is full of energy. Emma will also be looking after our school chooks on the weekends.
- Lucy (2) is in charge of fertilizing our courtyard pots of colour with worm wizz on Thursday mornings.
- The solar panels are officially working as from lunchtime today. Excellent job to Jase and his team from Green Earth Electrical. More details in next week's newsletter.
Magnificent Mr McSevich leading guided reading.
Miss Lombardi and her Year 3 crew hard at work.
- Viewing a photo of the three Duffield boys, Sam, Clancy and Ned in the local paper and reading the reasons why they enjoy being members of the Smith’s Beach Surf club!
- Tiago (5) finding Payton’s (1) bus pass after school on Friday.
- Watching Miss McFarlane running around playing with the Pre-primary students while on duty at lunchtime on Tuesday.
News from the P&F
1. The Welcome Sundowner and SandCastle Building Comp has been postponed to Friday 19 March. More details will follow shortly.
2. The P&F Committee requests that each Class provide them the name of their Class Reps please?
Problems with Head Lice?
Dunsborough Junior Soccer Club
Dunsborough Ballet
SATURDAY 27th FEB: 9.30-11.45AM
COST: $25 all materials provided
Suits children with a love for cuddly toys. We set up our favourite cuddly toys, pattern, black texta/ paint/ink on A2 good quality paper.
EMAIL: carmen@carmenmcfaull.com.au
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/