Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
AM Session: 8:00am - 11:10am
PM Session: 12:05pm - 3:15pm
Full Day: 8:00am - 3:15pm
Sunnyside Full Day: 7:50am - 3:05pm
Day Care: 7:00am - 5:00pm
September 5- No School/Labor Day
September 6-No School/Staff Development
September 10-Parent Meeting/International Festival
September 14-Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:00 PM
September 15-No School/Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:30AM & 12:30-7:30PM
September 16-No School
September 20-Policy Council 11:30
Back to School
Letter from the Principal
It has been an exciting start to our new school year! Thank you for your patience and support as we learn how to navigate the Bright Beginnings campus and parking lot. Your students are already settling in and finding their way here.
Please remember a few things during arrival and dismissal at Bright Beginnings. Our parking lot can be difficult to access. Pedestrians always have the right of way as our families enter and exit the school. Do not double-park or block the driving lane when entering the school. All cars must park before riders can exit. Please reserve the handicapped stalls for those who need them. We have reserved parking stalls to the south of the lot for those families in Day Care. It is sometimes easier to park in the Stadium parking lot and walk up the stairs to the main buildings. Always remember to watch out for little people and parents, please remember to hold your child's hand at all times.
September will be a fast month at our school. Students will continue to learn how to enter and exit the building, transition to Library and the play ground, and how to regulate themselves in a classroom environment.
We will be looking for parent volunteers to serve on our Policy Council. This board oversees and sets policy for all of our programs at Bright Beginnings. Please contact Bianca Alvarez if interested in serving on this Board.
Covid is still an ongoing concern for all of the schools in our District. If we become aware of a case of exposure for students in a classroom, we will notify families and advise them to observe their students for symptoms. We do not advise families on quarantining. Questions on health and safety can be directed to the County Health Department.
Attendance is important for your child to receive the benefit of our program. However, we understand the need for students to stay home when they show symptoms like fever, congestion, and coughing.
School will be closed for Labor Day on September 5th and Teacher Professional Development on September 6th.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be scheduled for September 14th and 15th. This will be a great chance for families to get to know their child's teacher and classroom. We look forward to seeing you during conferences.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve your students! Have a wonderful School year!.
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
Working Out the Wiggles
Saturday, Sep 10, 2022, 03:00 PM
Downtown Dodge City
Policy Council
Our first Policy Council Meeting of the year will take place on September 20th, 2022 at 11:30 in the Policy Council room. We will talk about the Policy Council By-Laws and elect officers for this school year. Please talk to your teacher, family advocate or Bianca Alvarez to sign up to be a part of this council.
The next meeting will be October 18th, 2022 at 11:30 am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, contact your classroom teacher or family advocate for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Mrs. Walker (Miss Melyssa)
We are so excited to have you a part of Bright Beginnings School Family! I am the Mental Health and Disabilities Specialist. You may see me most greeting and sending you off with Well Wishes in the Middle Hallway at arrival and dismissal. I also visit your child's Classrooms to support their social emotional learning with Conscious Discipline. They know me as their Friends Teacher. Please reach out and let me know if I can assist with your school family as your child adjusts to school. Creating similar routine every night before bed and every morning as they come to school will help your transitions from parent to school and school to family.
I will be sharing videos straight from Conscious Discipline Facebook Page weekly. Check out these great tools to share with your child. Also feel free to follow the Conscious Discipline Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousDiscipline
Parent Connection Groups will be held this Fall. These groups with other parents, child groups and activities offer a variety of social emotional learning using Conscious Discipline. Click on this quick link to share your interest and best times and dates.
Feel free to visit Miss Melyssa's Social Emotional Google Site for music, stories, and more for you and your child.
See you soon and I look forward to greeting you and your preschooler!
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you wish to visit about to best support your child.
Sending you Well Wishes~ Miss Melyssa Walker
Parent Connection Group met in March and April
Connections with your child and your family can be fun! They are so important every day
Another fun idea this Spring is an outdoor Scavenger Hunt. While there are many ideas online, get out some books about spring, a piece of paper and crayons/markers. Talk about the things you and your child may see during this time of year. Such as, sunshine, trees budding with blooms, new flowers, birds, kids riding bikes, etc. Make a list of 10 things. Add drawings created by anyone in your family. Then off you go! Take a picture or video as you find the item or action and check off your paper list. When families do things together and enjoy the outdoors it build connections as well as helping all feeling better. Feel free to share these pictures and stories on our Facebook page.
Bright Beginnings Child Care
Working on shapes and colors is important in Child Care. You can see he is having a great time learning and showing others what he can do by the smile on his face.
Early Head Start Home Visitation and Parents As Teachers
Our September Socialization will be on September 13th. We will be taking a Fire Station Tour! The times will be 10:00 am and 3:30 pm at the Fire Station at 201 Soule Street. Ask your Home Visitor for more information.
We are also taking applications for our Home Visitation Program. Families love the one on one support from their Home Visitor and the children learn so much from the weekly activities. Call Janeth and schedule an appointment.
If your phone number is correct in the school database, you should have already received messages from Bright Beginnings. Please make sure your number is updated in our system by checking with the office staff.
You can receive the messages via text or you can download the app from iTunes or Google Play. If you need help receiving these messages, you can speak to your classroom teacher or the office staff to get you started.
Click here for more information.