At the Creek....
April 7, 2023
Hello from Rabbit Creek
On that note, our 3rd through 6th grade parents were AMAZING as you helped us celebrate our students as they took their Spring Assessments. Student pennants were creative, fun and much better than we imagined when we ran with this idea. Thank YOU for joining in this activity!!
80's day, sponsored by our Student Council was a success with some fun outfits arriving at school. There was big hair all around the building, neon colors and more. Check out a few photos below.
This month we will celebrate our amazing office team of Mr. Jonathan and Ms. Christy. I am thankful every day for their dedication, compassion and knowledge that keeps our school running. They welcome every child and adult with a smile, provide answers to questions quickly and make Rabbit Creek an even better place. Please consider celebrating them on April 26th.
Staff continue to work to support our students academically, as well as socially and behaviorally. There are students across the grade levels who continue to have struggles with keeping their hands to themselves, despite continued class lessons and reminders. It's common to hear students say "I was just playing" when asked about incidences of pushing, shoving or hitting. With the rule at school being to keep hands and feet to ourselves, touching anyone in any way is not allowed. We are finding that much time after recess is being spent discussing behavior in all classes and our staff would appreciate continued parent support and conversations at home on this topic. Safety is a key to successful days at school. Thank you in advance for your help.
There are many fun activities coming up in these final weeks of school to include field trips, PTA activities, celebrations and more. We look forward to PE classes outside, bringing out the sidewalk chalk for recesses and playing soccer on the grass if we can get the snow to melt (and stop falling!).
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Easter. Thank you for sharing your students with us at Rabbit Creek every day.
Kristina Peterson
Coming Soon
4/10-4/14-Make Up Testing for Science and AK STAR
4/11-PTA meeting in library at 7pm
April 17-28-Spring Benchmark for K-2
April 19-CRUMBL Cookie fundraiser-see PTA info below
April 24th-PTA/Student Council Dance-more info to come!
April 26-Administrative Professionals Day-Let's celebrate Jonathan and Christy!
April 17-28-Spring Benchmark for K-2
May 5-Rabbit Creek Drama performance-info coming soon!!
May 16th-Band and Orchestra concert 11:45-12:15 pm
May 18th-Field Day
May 23rd-Last day for students
May 24th-Last day for staff
July 15-Enrollment opens for incoming Kindergarten students and those new to Rabbit Creek
Fifth graders had fun with 80's day!
Pennants for Student Assessments
Information for the 23/24 school year
Another survey will come up closer to the beginning of May that allows families a chance to share information with staff about students for use in building classes for next year. At this time we are working off of tentative numbers for enrollment next year and classroom teachers for grades have not been determined. Rabbit Creek does not take teacher requests as there are multiple factors to be considered in building our classes. The teachers work to make equitable classes in terms of gender, academics, behavior, SEL and more. Parents will have a chance to communicate information regarding their child as a learner to make best decisions. Watch for this survey to come out within the next two weeks.
Winter coats in Spring
School Store-sponsored by Student Council
The School Store will be open for business in May! The Student Council will have items for students to purchase during the school day on the following Fridays in May:
May 5
May 12
May 19
More details are to come.
Summer Learning Program
Criteria for elementary Summer Learning program:
Grades K-3: score below the 30%ile on FB reading
Limited behavior referrals/ support
Limited in class sped support or replacement CORE
Avg. attendance (75% or above)
Hello Rabbit Creek Families,
The weather has been so beautiful lately. I can’t believe that the end of the school year is quickly approaching.
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported RC through purchasing books at Barnes and Noble. We are awaiting our total we earned from the book fair. Thank you again to Mrs. Barnes for organizing this event.
PTA wants to thank Melissa and Tim Frey, Community Events VPs, and Jill Boyd, Website Administrator. This school year was enriched by all of their hard work throughout the year. Thank you! We have some vacancies that need to be filled by May for the 2023-24 school year. Please strongly consider volunteering your time in these positions:
Community VP- this position plans fun events such as Winter Fun Day, Trunk or Treat, dances, etc.
Website Administrator-this position would update the Rabbit Creek PTA website and RC Facebook on upcoming events
If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact myself or another member of the PTA.
We have a CRUMBL Cookie Fundraiser on April 19th from 4-7pm in the new Southside location. Please stop by and purchase some cookies, and RC will receive 15% of all sales during these hours.
There are some fun events happening soon at RC:
Student Council is hard at work planning a Spring Dance that will be held on April 21st.
Mr. K and the cast of Revenge of the Pigs have been busy learning their lines and getting the sets ready for the big show in May. More information to come on this fun event!
The date for the RC skate night at Skateland is getting finalized, but will likely be held in early May. When the date is finalized, details will be shared.
Bike to School Day will also be coming in May.
Please join us Tuesday, April 11th in the RC library for our next PTA meeting. To stay up to date with current PTA issues and activities, refer to our PTA website www.rabbitcreekpta.org and our closed PTA Facebook group "Rabbit Creek Elementary PTA".
Your gracious PTA President,
Kelly Joy Quisenberry
President, Rabbit Creek PTA
president@rabbitcreekpta.orgRabbit Creek Elementary School
Email: peterson_kristina@asdk12.org
Website: www.asdk12.org/rabbitcreek
Location: 13650 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5700