Counseling Corner
January Newsletter
Course Selection
Course Selection by Grade
- If you missed the parent counselor coffees, here are copies of the presentations for each grade level:
- For detailed course selection information, see the appropriate grade level Course Guide:
- Students must update their 'Academic Plan' in Aeries to request their courses by the following:
Current 9th Grade: February 9
Current 10th Grade: February 23
Current 11th Grade: March 3
- Counselors will be meeting with students individually according to the following schedule:
Current 9th Gr: February 13-23
Current 10th Gr: February 27-March 3
Current 11th Gr: March 7-14
Public Service Announcement Video Contest
Attention all students! Beckman is having a Public Service Announcement Contest! You can work individually or in groups to create this public service announcement (PSA) video to be featured in one of the monthly CCR lessons presented by the counseling team. Creating a PSA video fosters student collaboration, enhances technical skills, and allows students to apply their knowledge in a creative way. Look at the cool prizes offered by the Beckman PTO! Create your video today!
Academic Support
Saturday ExCEL
· Retakes, Make-up work, Review, Re-teaching, Tutoring, AP/Final Exam preparation
· Detention time (6 hours marked off for the full 4 hour session; no partial or future credit given)
• Pre Finals & General (Pre-Register with teacher)
• Dec 3, 2022
• Dec 10, 2022
• Dec 17, 2022
General ExCEL Days (Pre-Register with teacher)
• Jan 28, 2023 Winter Formal Detentions
• Feb 4, 2023
• Feb 25, 2023
• March 11, 2023
• Pre AP & General (Pre-Register with teacher)
• April 15, 2023
• April 22, 2023
• April 29, 2023
• Finals Reviews (Pre-Register with teacher)
• May 20, 2023- 2nd semester finals reviews
College and Career
TUSD-IVC Spotlight Week
Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) has partnered with Irvine Valley College (IVC) to provide one week of informational college presentations specifically tailored to TUSD high school students, parents, and guardians. Daily sessions will be offered virtually starting January 23rd and will occur 4:30pm-5:30pm, covering a new college topic each day. Please see the flyer for more details and to register!
ROP Spring 2023 Classes
Most ROP Spring 2023 classes have started, but some spots may still be available. ROP offers after school career technical classes and internship classes for students in a variety of industry sectors such as culinary arts, auto tech, nursing, construction, medical, fire science, cybersecurity, and administration of justice. ROP classes are FREE for Beckman students and classes are counted towards their transcript. Students need to be 16 and older to participate in an internship class. Many classes are offered off campus at nearby school sites. Please click on this spreadsheet to view up to date available ROP classes as well as time and class locations. For questions about ROP, please contact College & Career Specialist Ms. McDonald at mmcdonald@tustin.k12.ca.us or visit ROP’s website at coastlinerop.net.
Seniors: Tustin Area Woman’s Club Scholarship
The Tustin Area Woman's Club will be awarding one or more $1,000 TAWC Scholarships this spring to a graduating senior at each of the Tustin Unified School District high schools who is planning to continue post-secondary education. To be eligible to apply, you must be a senior student currently enrolled in one of the high schools within the Tustin Unified School District and must plan to enroll in an accredited post-secondary institution.
Please review the following items pertinent to the scholarship application:
- Counselor Recommendation Form
Applications are due to their Beckman counselor by March 1, 2023.
For questions, please contact Sheryl Franke of the TAWC Scholarship Committee at Sheryl Franke1@gmail.com
Additional scholarships can be found using this link
Seniors: Financial Aid Workshops
There are several upcoming financial aid workshops for seniors to receive help with completing a financial aid form for college in the Career Center. For students planning on attending a community college, students must fill out a financial aid form (FAFSA or CA Dream Act) to be eligible for the Promise Program (free college tuition).
Students may register to attend a financial aid workshop on February 8 or March 1 by using this link: Seniors: Financial Aid Wednesday Workshop (google.com). This link includes the items students will need to bring.
Students may also drop-in on Fridays during lunch in the Career Center for help with financial aid applications.
The priority deadline for completing a financial aid application is March 2, 2023.
Seniors: Community College Application Workshops
Community College workshops are available in the BHS Career Center for seniors. This is an opportunity for seniors to meet with a representative from a community college, learn more about programs and coursework, and apply to the college.
- Santiago Canyon College is in the Career Center on Fridays at 4th period and lunch. Students may meet with a representative then.
- Orange Coast College will have an application workshop on Tuesday, February 7 during lunch. Students should register to attend by using this link: Orange Coast College Senior Presentation & Application Workshop (google.com). Students should bring their laptop and know their social security number (if applicable).
- Irvine Valley College: There will be another IVC application workshop scheduled soon.
For questions about applying to a local community college, please contact College & Career Specialist Ms. McDonald at mmcdonald@tustin.k12.ca.us.
Deloitte Academy Business & Accounting Workshop
Representatives from Deloitte will be having a workshop to introduce students to careers in business and accounting at the BHS Library on Wednesday, January 25 from 8:15-9:15 in the morning. All students are welcome to attend! Students may register to attend the workshop by clicking the link.
Social/Emotional Well-being
Getting back into school routines after the holiday break can be difficult in the best of times, but WELCOME BACK!!! Of all the things we help our children learn and do, helping them develop a healthy self-esteem is one of the most important. Self-esteem impacts all aspects of a child’s life, including how they learn, how they interact with friends, how they treat others, how they problem solve, how they handle challenges, and how much they are willing to try new things. Here are some tips to help your child build a healthy self-esteem:
-Give your child choices. Giving children choices (within reason) gives them a sense of empowerment.
-Make sure they know no one is perfect. Explain that no one expects them to be perfect. The way you react to your child’s mistakes will model how they will react to failure in the future.
-Don’t offer insincere praise. Kids know when praise is empty. You should praise your child often, but be specific so your words sound meaningful.
-Giving your child responsibility. This helps increase their feelings of competency and develops their problem-solving skills. Giving them chores makes them a team player.
-Avoid harmful comparisons. Do not compare your child to others, especially siblings. Instead, appreciate your child’s individuality and special gifts.
-Spend 1-1 time with your child. Your children know how busy you are, so when you find 10 minutes to listen to their day , they will feel special and loved. The gift of time to your child is much more valuable than the gift of money spent.
Olive Crest offers parenting workshops on a variety of topics. Please see the attached flyers for topics and dates.
Grade Level Information
Senior Scene
- March 2, 2023, is the deadline for FAFSA & Dream Act Applications. Don’t miss your opportunity to get financial assistance for college.
- The California Promise Program, which provides two years of tuition assistance is for students who will be attending a California community college…..requires that students fill out the FAFSA/ Dream Act. More information regarding the requirements and necessary steps to qualify can be found here.
- Mid-Year transcripts will be sent out to the colleges thru Naviance by the student's counselor in the middle of February.
- Encourage students to focus on their 2nd-semester classes. No matter how their first semester went, the second semester is a fresh start. Colleges love to see continual improvement and if grades pick up the second semester, the chances of getting off a wait or deferral list are that much better.
- Avoid senioritis. You’ve worked too hard to get to this point in your academic life so don’t start getting lazy. Colleges will look at your final grades at the end of the semester and make their final decision.
Junior Junction
It's important for juniors to begin considering their post-secondary plans as there a variety of options and unlike the first 13 years of education, they now need to take the steps to make things happen. When counselors meet with juniors for their course selection, they'll also be completing a lesson on post-secondary options. In the meantime, we encourage them to think about these plans as well as engage in meaningful opportunities to support those plans this spring and into summer.
- Consider all post-secondary options: job, gap year, military, technical school, apprenticeship, community college, or university
- Learn about the requirements for the potential options
- If college is the planned option, learn the admission requirements for colleges of interest
- If testing is required, sign-up and take the appropriate tests
- For enrichment: volunteer, get a job, take an ROP or community college class, find a new interest or build on a current one
Sophomore Stop
Hello! It’s the time of the year where we meet with students regarding classes for next year. The meetings take place in the library and are one-on-one to make sure we review and discuss classes options, summer plans and possible career ideas. The students must compete this process by the 23rd of February so that when we meet with them during the dates of February 27th through March 3rd, we can have meaningful and productive discussions. Elevated classes (H/AP) usually have a pre-requisite that should be reviewed prior to selecting the class. The catalog can be found on the Beckman website. The link at the end of this announcement will take you directly to the catalog page.
As in the past, if the pre-requisite has not been met, students still have the option to “challenge” into a course. Please review the risks/stress involved in choosing this action as you will need to “OK” this request.
Parent meetings regarding classes for Junior year can be held after we meet with your student for registration.
Freshman Forum
If you missed it, the 2023 Spring Freshman Counselor Coffee Connection presentation can be found here. Please feel free to post any questions on this padlet wall. We also encourage you to fill out the parent survey
- On January 20th, 9th grade students participated in a Grade Level Registration Meeting with our Beckman Administration giving them an overview of course selection for 10th grade and upcoming events and information.
- 9th Grade Registration - 9th grade students must have their 10th grade courses finalized in their academic planner by Feb 9th. They will meet one-on-one with their 10th grade counselors February 13th - February 23rd to verify their course requests.
- The graph below is the pre and post survey data collected from AVID 9 students during a lesson on Success. Mrs. Charles and Ms. Arellano presented on the importance of good grades and what they can do for the future, tools for success including organization and time management, and how to be proactive.