SVDP Newsletter
September 29, 2022
Thank you to everyone that joined Nicolle Calvello for her Mind-Body-Spirit presentation on Tuesday evening. The PowerPoint Presentation is available in PDF format on SchoolSpeak.
We look forward to seeing parents on campus next week during Parent/Teacher Conferences and the Book Fair. We encourage parents to visit the Book Fair with their student between 12:30pm - 5:00pm starting Monday, October 3rd.
Tomorrow, you will receive your students' progress reports. Grades 3 - 8 are electronic and available through SchoolSpeak. Parents must digitally sign the report by October 7th. Grades K, 1, and 2 are sent home with your student.
- 2022-2023 Volunteer Leadership
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Book Fair
- Open House and School Tours
- School Portraits
- Parent Guild Happenings
Advisory Board
Marissa Brandon - Architect
Lauren Gunning, Co-Chair - Curriculum / PG Liaison
Jon Heaton - Real Estate / Contracts
Judy Kummer, Co-Chair - Marketing
Morgan Lee - Finance Liaison
Peggy Mitchell - Parishioner
Catherine Stefani - Legal / Governments
Jon Wetzel - Strategic Planning
Finance Committee
Cale Miller
James Pinkerton
Todd Rahn
Parent Guild Board
Noelle Roost, Vice-President
Casey Larson, Secretary
Taline Fournouzian, Treasurer
We also recognize all the sub-committees and room parents that make up the Parent Guild.
Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 3rd - 6th
SVDP Book Fair - October 3rd-6th
Dear Parents,
Our Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon. We hope you can visit the fair from Monday, October 3 – Thursday, October 6 from 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
Again this year we have the opportunity to bring more books to students. We call it ALL FOR BOOKS. Donate $1.00 or any amount you wish and sign the book slip attached with your name or child’s name so we can display it at our Book Fair.
The money you donate will go directly to purchase books for Saint Peter Elementary School in San Francisco. The books that we purchase will be added to their library and classrooms. They are very thankful that we thought of them.
Scholastic Book Fairs will match the ALL FOR BOOKS dollars you raise with a donation of up to $1 million in books from The Scholastic Possible Fund, which distributes books to children in need through organizations such as Kids in Need Foundation.
Please send your dollar and signed paper book slip back to school with your child.
On behalf of the students and teachers of our school, THANK YOU!
Sue Della Cella
SVDP Open House / School Tours
Spread the word and share your joy about SVDP!
Parent Guild Corner
New Online SPIRIT Store
Community Service: September 26th - 30th
Together we are...SVDP!
Location: 2350 Green Street
Phone: (415) 346-5505
Twitter: @svdpsfschool