Class of 2027 Welcome Newsletter
Be Bold Be Extraordinary Be a Pioneer
If you have not already, please fill out the following Google form to confirm that you want a student class of 2027 t-shirt (and select size):
Please make sure that you complete the form by Thursday, August 10th if you would like a t-shirt (t-shirts are for students).
Important Upcoming Dates
9th Grade Registration: Tuesday, August 15, 8:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m.
Please come to registration as assignment by your last name:
8:00 a.m. A-Con
8:30 a.m. Coo-Ha
9:00 a.m. He-La
9:30 a.m. Le-Par
10:00 a.m. Pas-So
10:30 a.m. Sp-Z
Make Up Registration: Tuesday, August 22, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Freshman Orientation: Monday, August 21, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
First Day of School: Monday, August 28th, 8:00 a.m.
Wagongate: Thursday, September 14, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Capsule Night: Tuesday, September 12, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
1st Quarter Interim Grading Period Ends: Friday September 22
Student Count Day: Wednesday, October 4
Homecoming: Saturday, October 7, time TBA
Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday, September 28, time TBA
1st Quarter Grading Period Ends: Friday, October 27
Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday, November 2, time TBA
Pioneer Vocabulary
Registration: Students pick up books, list of classes and photo ID. Begins at Flagpole Entrance.
Freshman Orientation: Students will meet staff and student leadership council, and experience an overview of Pioneer High School.
Wagongate: Freshman only tailgate (party) prior to Pioneer Varsity Football game.
Capsule Night: Parents/guardians get to go through their student's class schedule, meet their student's teachers and learn about their classes
Flagpole Entrance: Entrance of off Main Street. Faces Ann Arbor Golf and Outing Golf Course. Also known as the "Athletic Entrance."
Clocktower Entrance: Entrance off of Stadium Blvd. This is the only entrance that can be accessed during the school day and where all visitors must check in at the security desk.
Book Depository: Location where students pick up and return textbooks, English books, and loaner computers during the school year.
Annex: Senior only lunch area located next to the cafeteria. Also the location of the Learning Center during 7th hour.
Updated dates and times will be posted on the Pioneer Calendar (school website) and will be included in the Pioneer weekly newsletter.
Registration Information
Prior to attending registration, your electronic enrollment must be completed. Please complete this by Monday, August 15th.
Returning Students: Emails would have been sent with the following subject lines
"Ann Arbor Public Schools: 2023-2024 Online Registration Notification" and "Ann Arbor Public Schools: 2023-2024 Online Registration Reminder."
New Students: Emails would have been sent with the following subject lines
"Ann Arbor Public Schools: Full Enrollment Notification 2023-2024 School Year"
Registration questions please email
What to Expect
Students and parents/guardians enter through "Flagpole Entrance" and proceed to table one/welcome desk immediately inside the doors.
Wear comfortable shoes, there will be a fair amount of walking around (the building is also handicap accessible).
Bring a backpack/book bag to carry your materials
Students will receive a list of classes they are currently registered for
Students will receiving PowerSchool Login and Locker Information
Students will have their temporary ID photo taken. Be picture ready! (photo ID is required for entrance to school events, students may be asked to show their ID to staff at any point during the school day).
Course change requests will be available via QR Code after students pick up books
FINAL SCHEDULES: The AAPS IT Department will activate PowerSchool sometime during the weekend before the first day of school for students. This will allow them to see their schedules with hour, classroom number and teacher name.
Where to find important information FAQ
Information can be found on the Pioneer High School website. (
Important dates and events will be on the Pioneer Calendar. This can be found via the “calendar” tab on the Pioneer Website. We highly recommend you book mark and/or sync the Pioneer Calendar.
Information will be communicated in the Pioneer Newsletter. This will be sent via email and can also be found on the Pioneer Website under the “newsletter” tab.
Pioneer Bell Schedules can be found under the “Bell Schedule” tab on the Pioneer Website.
- Athletes can find important information on the Athletic Department Website
Counseling Office FAQ
Students who wish to drop or add a course should use the drop/add request Google Form using the QR code posted at Registration in August. Counselors will review the request and get back to you in a timely manner. Please do not email individual counselors to request a course change.
Students who need to visit their counselor for an urgent situation need to check in with their teacher and get a hall pass (from their teacher) to go down to the counseling office. If counselors are in a meeting or with another student, the counseling office professional can make an appointment for you and will give you a pass to return to class.
To make an appointment with their counselor, students can come to the counseling office during passing time to make an appointment through the office professional.
Pioneer High School has a variety of supports in place for students including Peer2 Peer, Positive Peer Influence, the Regional Alliance for Health Schools (RHAS), Girl’s Group, two social workers, a school psychologist, and a behavior intervention specialist, a school nurse, and various groups.
For more information please visit the Counseling Website
IEP Support Information
In addition to the support outlined in your student’s IEP, your student may benefit from utilizing Math Lab during lunch to get extra help on math assignments and to prepare for tests. There is also a dedicated Testing Center where students with IEPs can have a quiet space to utilize their accommodations without distractions.
- Department chair, Kate Pasola
English Learner Supports
Nicole Macko
Rachel Deacon deaconr@aaps.k12.mi.usAttendance/Absences FAQ
To Report an Absence or Tardy, please email If for some reason you cannot send an email, you may call (734) 994-2135 and leave a voicemail.
When reporting an absence please include the following information:
Student's full name (spell out the last name)
Student's ID number
Grade Level
Reason for Absence (symptoms if absent for illness)
Exact time and day of absence(s)
Your name and your relationship to student
Absences must be reported within 48 hours of the absence
Extended absences required an extended absence form. These can be picked up by students in their class office.
Student Drop Off/Pickup Instructions
Pioneer's doors do not open until 7:30 a.m.
If you are driving your student to and from school, please use the Clocktower loop (off Stadium) or Flagpole loop (off Main).
There are two lanes in each loop; the right lane (closest to the building) is for dropping students off. The left lane is for through traffic.
Please drop your students off in a safe manner that will not block traffic on your left.
Any students being dropped off after first hour need to be dropped off at the Clocktower loop.
Do NOT use the Seventh Street entrance to drop off or pick up your student(s). This is for buses only.
Please refrain from parking in staff parking lots (including handicap spots), or using other roads/entrances to pick up or drop off your student. Doing so blocks student drivers and staff from getting to their next destination in a timely manner.
If you need to pick up your student during school hours, you will need to use the Clocktower Entrance. See attendance/absences for more information.
Visiting Pioneer During the School Day
We ask that meetings with staff members be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
Come to Clocktower door located off of Stadium Blvd (circle drive)
Check in at security desk
To enter the building, visitors must have driver’s license, state ID or passport to be scanned through the Raptor system
Please be prepared to provide meeting verification at the security desk (email confirmation suggested)
Before and After School Logistics
Students will not be able to enter the school building prior to 7:30 am. Any updates to this time will be communicated via the family newsletter.
At the end of the school day, students need to exit the building in a timely manner unless they are staying after school to get assistance from a teacher, going to the Learning Center or Media Center during 7th hour.
Student ID is required to attend school events. Your electronic ID will be set up at Registration.
Students will not be able to access their locker or the school building after the end of the school day or during/after events
Students need to make arrangements for their belongings if they plan to attend an event immediately after school or practice. Pioneer High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Please assist us in making sure that your student has a ride home from school events in a timely fashion.
Backpacks, purses, cross body bags/fanny packs of any kind are not allowed into evening sporting events. Students with these items will be denied entry.
Students who take the AAPS busses should note that they are being dropped off on the second floor by the Media Center.
Additional Resources
Behavior Intervention Specialist: Keith Wade
Social Work: Jonathan Stern Julie Burdick
School Psychologist: Dr. Emily Sportsman
School Nurse: Lauren Huissen
Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools (RAHS) University of Michigan
Peer to Peer: Suzanne Biermann, staff liaison
Positive Peer Influence (Jonathan Stern; Amy Frontier, staff liaisons);
After school study center Don Packard, staff liaison
Conflict resolution/peer mediation staff liaison: Sara Vance
Tips for Success
Get involved!
Stay organized
Plan your time - email your teachers and support staff before things become critical
Notify teachers if you are out sick or in advance of known absences (sports games, music trips).
Utilize the resources Pioneer offers
Reach out before a potential conflict becomes critical
Put your phone away during classes
Attend class and be there on time
Form relationships with your teachers and other staff members (we write your college recommendation letters!)
Pioneer High School
Location: 601 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA
Phone: (734)994-2120