Warrior News
May 18, 2022
Dear Warrior Families
The end of the 2021-2022 school year is quickly approaching. Below is important information regarding finals. Please note that finals cannot be taken early. Vacations are not a reason to reschedule finals as that is not an excused absence. In the case of an unexcused absence a student would not be able to make up the exam. If a student needs an alternative date due to a medical issue to take a final they must contact me to apply for approval.
Guidance we be working quickly June 20th through June 24th to contact families if their student has failed courses and is eligible for summer school to assist in this process.
Dr. Mobley
Tuesday--Room 238
Wednesday through Friday--Media Center
The MEDIA CENTER is CLOSED all week to underclassmen.
Honors Academy Recipients 2022
Rasya Reddy Bollu
Joseph Cannon
Nolan Jackson
Sheela Pandit
Taoran Ye
King Philip Regional High School 2022 Graduation Distinction Recipients
Olivia LaFond - STEM
● Creation of a Website for the Wrentham Food Pantry
Olivia worked with the directors of the Wrentham Food Pantry to develop a website that
provides easy access to information for both volunteers and patrons.
Sheela Pandit - STEM
● Promoting Interest in Artificial Intelligence Among Elementary-School Aged
Sheela developed several games that were placed in the Norfolk Library that teach young
children about the “thought” processes incorporated into artificial intelligence programming.
Katharine Pepper - STEM
● Design of a Web Browser Game to Help Educate About Confirmation Bias
Katharine developed and launched a web browser game that incorporated activities to help
participants learn about confirmation bias.
Arielle Feuer - STEM
● Plant Based Eating: What and Why?
Arielle created an interactive website that informs the community about the benefits of
plant-based eating that includes a food blog to which she posted recipes that she has
developed using the principles of a plant-based diet. Each recipe post contains a description, a
picture, ingredients, and instructions on how to make it, and each review contains a general
review, a recommendation out of 10, and pictures of the food.
Makayla Hickey - Liberal Arts
● The Benefits of Foreign Language Learning
Makayla worked with the staff at the Norfolk Public Library to create a display that educated
people about the benefits of foreign language learning. She followed up with data collection to
determine if the overall number of foreign language books checked out from the library
increased after the display was posted.
Lily Luskin - Liberal Arts
● Empty Calories Fill Cupboards Program
Lily worked with the Plainville Food Pantry to develop the Empty Calories Fill Cupboards
Project, which educates people about which types of food items are best for food pantry
donations when looking at nutritional value. She helped to promote this project throughout the
Molly O’Brien - Liberal Arts
● Sexism: The Cage Women Are Placed In
Molly developed and launched a website that explored the topic of sexism in America and the
feminist movement. In addition to focusing on the historical aspects of the topic, Molly
interviewed several women and incorporated these interviews into her website presentation.
Gina Brown - Liberal Arts
● Cinema and Ideology
Gina conducted an in-depth literature review on the topic of ideology infused into modern
cinema. She then created a video to explain this topic and asked a panel to provide feedback on
her findings. The information gleaned from the panel, in addition to her literature review, was
used to create an infographic about the topic that was shared with the community.
Rasya Reddy Bollu - Liberal Arts
● The Unemployment Insurance Crisis During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rasya worked with a team of people during the pandemic to address the issue of
unemployment and to provide resources through a Facebook page.
Congrats KPHS DECA🎉
King Philip DECA had 61 members attend DECA ICDC in Atlanta, Georgia, last month. Our students qualified for this competition after qualifying from our State Conference in March.
At the conference, the following KP DECA students received recognitions:
- Laura Gelsomini received first place (GLASS TROPHY) in Business Solutions Project
- Sydney O’Shea received first place (GLASS TROPHY) in Business Growth Plan
- Jeff Bourque, Noah Hurd and John Pfeiffer received fourth place (ICDC Champions) in Franchise Business Plan
- Sarah Lehan-Allen received fifth place (ICDC Champion) in Franchise Business Plan
- Ben Simmons and Caden Heslin received sixth place (ICDC Champions) in International Business Plan
- Declan Breen, Niko Canning and Nico Calderone received sixth place (ICDC Champions) in Buying and Merchandising Operations Research
- Samantha Asprelli and Isabella Fraone were named Top 10 (ICDC Finalists) in Community Awareness
- Grace Clyde was named a Top 10 (ICDC Finalist) in Career Development
- Trinjan Kaur was named a Top 10 (ICDC Finalist) in Start-Up Business Plan
- Jack McCreedy, Jack Curran and James Hickey were named Top 10 (ICDC Finalists) in International Business Plan
- Jared Curran and Finn Meroski were named Top 10 (ICDC Finalists) in School-Based Enterprise
KP DECA had the most students qualify for this conference throughout Massachusetts and had the most students earn international recognition on stage in Atlanta in MASS-DECA. KP DECA also had the honor of being the only chapter in the state to earn two first-place glass trophies, DECA’s highest competitive honor.
Final Exam Schedule 2022
Important Dates
Saturday, May 21- Pops Concert doors open at 6:00 performance at 7:00
Saturday, May 21-Hockomock Spring Track Championship hosted by KPHS
Monday, May 23- Last full day for Seniors
May 24 through May 27- Senior Exams
Wednesday, May 25- Percussion Night 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 26- Chamber Concert 7:00 pm
Monday, May 30- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 31- Voice Recital 7:00
Friday, June 3- Graduation Rehearsal 10:00 KPHS
Sunday, June 5- Graduation Stonehill College 3:00
Tuesday, June 7- MCAS Biology Grade 10
Wednesday, June 8- MCAS Biology Grade 10
Thursday, June 9- Class Elections
June 14 through June 17- Final Exams
June 17th- Last Day of School
Principal at King Philip Regional High School.