Money & Mission
Volume VI, Issue 15 - May 4, 2016
Editorial - Continuity in the Finance Department
The article “Finance Department Restructuring” in this issue reports on a number of changes in the leadership of the department and a related Appendix lists key positions, effective June 1, 2016.
At first glance, it may appear that major changes are taking place, and that there will be little continuity. However, that impression would not be correct: the department continues to be blessed with a number of personnel who have been with us for an extended period, although a few senior staff has assumed new responsibilities. Some may think that the longest-serving staff member is our Financial Secretary, Paul Goodyear who started in 1987, but Shelley Toner in payroll at THQ arrived in 1981!
No matter how long-serving, every staff member has a role in supporting those who, in the name of The Salvation Army, deliver front-line services to the spiritually and physically needy across the Canada and Bermuda Territory.
Money & Mission Readership Survey 2016
No fewer than 144 of you took the time to respond to our questions about Money & Mission earlier this year. This represents a response rate of 30% which is very respectable for a survey of this nature. We thank all respondents for sharing their views with us.
Most of you are satisfied with Money&Mission’s length (88%) and its format (76%). With regard to the frequency of publication, almost exactly half would like to see the present schedule of two issues per month from October to June retained. The other half would generally like to move to a monthly schedule, although a number of these would like to see the present content retained, which would make for much longer issues. We have therefore decided to retain the present schedule for the 2016/17 volume.
A good proportion of you indicated you don’t just read the issues, but in the previous 12 months had clipped or filed an article for reference (36%), discussed an article or idea with someone (37%), or shared an issue with a colleague or friend (34%).
You told us which topics you would like to see in our newsletter so we will be writing on these throughout the year.
Most gratifying was that almost all of you (90%) said that Money&Mission was of medium or high value. As you will appreciate, it takes time and effort to put out our newsletter twice a month, so your overall positive response was very encouraging.
Highlights of the survey findings are as follows:
% who agree
I read every issue………………………………………………………………………………………………………...64%
I go right through it, reading most or all of it……………………………………………………………….68%
The format is attractive, and easy to read…………………………………………………………………...76%
The length is good for a publication of this sort…………………………………………………………..88%
Most useful articles:
The articles which clarify Salvation Army policies………………………………………………………...85%
The articles on Agresso………………………………………………………………………………………………..57%
The articles on TEM (Travel and Expense Management)…………………………………………..….61%
Topics readers would like to see in future issues:
Salvation Army policies on expenditures……………………………………………………………………..81%
Salvation Army policies on keeping financial records…………………………………………………..69%
Policies on tax receipting……………………………………………………………………………………………..65%
Value of Money & Mission:
I place a medium to high value on the publication……………………………………………………….90%
Finance Department Restructuring
The Finance department is in the process of some restructuring at the management level of the department. The key changes are outlined below.
Patricia Dunbar, Assistant Financial Secretary, will retire from her role and full-time employment as of May 31, 2016. Following retirement, she will be employed on a part-time basis as a financial advisor. Her main responsibility will be to continue her role as executive sponsor of the new human resources and payroll system (UltiPro) implementation.
Arnold Adey, Assistant Financial Secretary, has taken on responsibility for oversight of the treasury group and is now the human resources lead for the Finance department. He continues to oversee the accounting groups in St. John’s, Winnipeg and Calgary.
David Dunstan was appointed as Assistant Financial Secretary in February 2016. He has taken on responsibility as office manager for the Toronto staff and now oversees the payroll and payables groups, as well as continuing to oversee the financial reporting and technology and systems groups.
Samantha Moss was appointed as Assistant Financial Secretary in February 2016. She is presently on maternity leave, but will resume her role with responsibility for oversight of all accounting functions upon her return.
Elad Sharon has been appointed as Senior Director, Accounts Payable and Payroll. In this new role, Elad oversees the accounts payable group, led by Lori Coleman, Director of Accounting Operations, and the payroll group. A new payroll director will be announced in the near future.
Rob Holton has been appointed as Senior Director, Accounting. In this new role, Rob will oversee the accounting groups in the Toronto office, which have responsibility for THQ, the two Ontario DHQs and ministry units in Ontario. The financial accounting group will be split into two, one with responsibility for THQ and the Ontario Great Lakes Division and the other with responsibility for units in Ontario Central East.
Marilyn DeMara has been appointed as Director, Training & Education. Marilyn retired from the partnership of KPMG late last year and is now in semi-retirement. She will provide services to the Finance department on a part-time basis and be responsible for coordinating the development of training resources and programs, both for Finance department staff, as well as staff of ministry units who have financial management responsibilities.
An Appendix to this issue provides further information concerning roles and responsibilities within the Finance department.
In addition, readers should be aware that every THQ department, DHQ and ministry unit in the territory has a designated client service representative who is available to help resolve issues or direct you to the right person when you have a query.
Appendix: Finance Department Senior Staff
June 1, 2016
Finance Department Offices
Toronto, ON M4H 1P4
(416) 425.2111 ext. 2237
116 - 276 Midpark Way SE
Calgary AB T2X 1J6
(403) 201.9223
884 - 167 Lombard Ave
Winnipeg MB R3B 0T6
(204) 975.0735
101 - 85 Thorburn Rd
St. John's NL A1B 3M2
(709) 579.3919
For more information...
For more information about the Finance Department, please visit http://salvationist.ca/departments/finance/
Money & Mission Editorial Team
Managing Editor:
Senior Editors:
Patricia Dunbar
Paul Goodyear
Design Editor & Production Manager:
Angela Robertson
French Translator:
The Salvation Army Translation Department