CMSD Parent
November 2022
High School Choice season is here
CMSD families can begin selecting high schools for the 2023-24 school year.
The school choice website opened for selection of high schools on Nov. 28. Families of students who are currently in eighth grade and CMSD students who want to switch high schools can explore options and submit preferences by going to the site, ChooseCMSD.org.
Families may also check out the District’s 30 high school models by attending High School Choice Fairs scheduled for 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30 at East Professional Center, 1349 E. 79th St., and 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8 at Max S. Hayes High School, 2211 W. 65th St.
Eighth graders will visit a daytime Choice Fair with their schools this week at East Professional Center.
The school choice website will close for the first round of school assignments on Jan. 13.
CMSD lets families choose the schools their children attend, if space is available and, in a few cases, they meet admissions requirement.
CMSD offers live online tutoring
The disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has left many students in need of academic help as they work to get back on track.
Effective this week, students in kindergarten through fifth grade can receive live online tutoring from CMSD teachers in reading and English Language Arts, math, science and social studies from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Starting Monday, the tutoring will also be available to students in sixth through 12th grades.
To schedule an appointment, parents or caregivers should go to ClevelandMetroSchools.org/tutor. You will need your child’s CMSD email address to register.
District seeking parent ambassadors
CMSD is hiring parent ambassadors to support our schools.
This position is part time (15 to 25 hours a week). Applicants must be a parent or legal guardian of a child currently enrolled in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District and be engaged at their child's school. Pay is $15 an hour.
Tell your school’s administrator about your desire to apply for this position.
Click here to fill out the application.
For more information, contact Carla Hempstead, director of family and community engagement, at 216-278-8705 or carla.hempstead@clevelandmetroschools.org
Community partners encourage reading during citywide reading challenge
A city that reads together grows together. That’s the purpose behind the Cleveland Reads Citywide Reading Challenge.
The goal is for the entire city to collectively read 1 million books and/or read for 1 million minutes in 2023. Sign up online at clevelandreads.com and use the website throughout the year to log books and the minutes spent reading. Readers can win prizes and receive a lifetime of positive results.
Registration is open for the Cleveland Reads Kickoff Celebration to be held on Saturday, Dec. 17 from noon – 3 p.m. at Public Auditorium, 500 Lakeside Ave. E in downtown Cleveland. Everyone is invited to come for free books, reading resources, entertainment, fun family activities and more!
Transportation to Public Auditorium will be provided to and from five Cleveland Public Library locations: Carnegie West, Glenville, Hough, Rice and Rockport. Buses will depart from the branches at 11:30 a.m. and return all riders to their pickup location by 3:30 p.m.
“Reading is a passion of mine, and it’s helped guide me through various stages of life. Books have influenced me emotionally, spiritually and professionally, and I hope Cleveland Reads brings that same love to all Clevelanders,” said Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb. “Boosting literacy is one way to improve outcomes in our community – from academic success to workforce development.”
Important Dates
Nov. 30 High School Choice Fair - East Professional Center
Dec. 6 Board Work Session - Wade Park School
Dec. 8 High School Choice Fair - Max S. Hayes High School
Dec. 9 No school for PreK & K Students
Dec. 13 Board Business Meeting - Warner Girls' Leadership Academy
Dec. 19-Jan. 2 Winter Break
Jan. 3 Classes Resume
Jan. 13 High School Choice Portal Closes
Save the Date
Call United Way’s 2-1-1 line for help with basic needs
United Way of Greater Cleveland’s 2-1-1 HelpLink is a free, anonymous referral service that handles calls from those who need help accessing resources such as housing support, utility assistance, mental health services, food and much more.
Using United Way's 2-1-1 HelpLink is a simple, friendly, free and confidential experience. People in need of assistance call 2-1-1, and one of United Way's 2-1-1 navigation specialists will ask a series of questions.
The navigation specialists develop customized plans using a database of more than 16,000 government, health and human services programs.
Ombuds is here to help
CMSD's Ombuds Office can be an additional resource for parents trying to navigate District processes, resolve differences or overcome barriers. Learn more in this video.
A key component of The Cleveland Plan is shifting our culture to becoming more service-oriented, improving communication and customer satisfaction. Tell us about your experience today!
Follow the CMSD News Bureau
The CMSD News Bureau keeps you up to date at clevelandmetroschools.org/news and on social media. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Email: webmaster@ClevelandMetroSchools.org
Website: ClevelandMetroSchools.org
Location: 1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: (216) 838.0000
Facebook: facebook.com/clevemetrosd
Twitter: @CLEMetroSchools