Husky Highlights:
Mt Vernon Elementary News: January 2024 Edition
From the desks of:
Shelley Nurre, Principal
Keith Manring, Assistant Principal
Website: https://mtvernon.springfield.k12.or.us/
School Hours: 8:35-2:50, M-F (Classroom Doors open 8:30)
Early Release Fridays: 8:35-12:30 (Classroom Doors open 8:30)
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Inside this SHORT, 1-2 minute survey:
Share with us your thoughts about after school activities for students.
- 12/18-1/2 Winter Break
- 1/3 (W) Students return to school
- 1/11 (Th) Family Game Night/Uniform & Book Exchange 6:00-7:30 pm
- 1/12 (F) Early Release @ 12:30 pm; Spirit Day (see info below)
- 1/15 (M) HOLIDAY: No School
- 1/25 (Th) Kindergarten music performance in evening (see teachers' communication for details)
- 1/26 (F) Early Release @ 12:30 pm
- 2/2 (F) No School-Collaboration Day; PTA in-person meeting 6:00 pm
SPS Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that our District is situated in the traditional homeland of the Kalapuya people, specifically the community that was known as Chifin, the area that we now call Springfield.
Kalapuya people, who have lived in this region since “Time Immemorial” were illegaly dispossessed of their land and forcibly removed to what are now the Grand Ronde and Siletz reservations over several years, but most notably in treaties between 1851 and 1855.
The Kalapuya are now members of the Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and members of the Kalapuya still live, work, study and thrive in this area, and continue to make important contributions here in Springfield, across the land we now refer to as Oregon, and around the globe. This information is shared out of a responsibility to prevent the erasure of Native culture, heritage, and people and to ensure a quality contemporary education for future generations.
January Spirit Day
Friday, January 12th is Hero Day! Students can dress up as their own real life hero or favorite Superhero. Please, NO TOY WEAPONS on campus.
Morning Drop Off
Thank you for your cooperation!
Please remember the EARLIEST DROP OFF IS 8:00 am! Students arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. will be asked to remain in their vehicles until 8:00.
Also, please no untended vehicles in the car rider line. Unfortunately, it backs up the line into the street during a high traffic time. Please park in a parking space if you need to walk your student to the door or if you have office business. Together we can keep our husky drop off zone a safe, friendly place!
Parent Volunteers
Looking to volunteer at Mt Vernon? We need YOU! Please complete the following SPS Volunteer application to start the process.
https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzU2ODplbi1VUw==# (English application)
https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzU2ODplcy1VUw== (Spanish application)
Join Our PTA!
Our Parent Teacher Association is comprised of parents/guardians of Mt Vernon students and Mt Vernon teachers/staff. Collaboratively they:
- Plan fun and enriching events for our students,
- Provide funding for student materials and incentives, field trips and assemblies, musical instruments, library technology, PE and playground equipment, and uniform assistance,
- Encourage and boost family involvement in our school.
It's never too late to join! We have four general meetings throughout the year (attendance not required to join, and membership is not required to attend the meetings).
Meetings at 6 pm rotating either in person (at Mt Vernon) or via Zoom.
Check out our PTA Facebook page!
Thank a Mt Vernon Staff Member TODAY
Express Your Thanks To ANY Mt Vernon Staff Member
Bus info at your fingertips!
Husky Happenings
Family Resource Requests
Need Help?
Phone: 541-744-6403
email: jessica.knight@springfield.k12.or.us
Thank you!
Office Directory
Hours: 8:00-4:00, M-F (Holidays may affect hours)
Fax: 541.744.6405
Shelley Nurre
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Keith Manring
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Keryn Wilson
- General inquiries, information
- Administration office
- Enrollment
- Attendance
Tina Antonovich
- Immunizations
- Health records
- First Aid
- Medications
Lovena Benedick
- Student records
- IEP/504 coordination and scheduling
Jessica Knight
- Family outreach
- Resources
- Family engagement
Lora Davis
Amanda Gomez-Zeller
- General inquiries, information
- Attendance