Lilja Lions
Your Weekly Update from Lilja Elementary School

Dr. Marscher's Message
On Monday, 3rd grade welcomed Tim Turner from Plimoth Patuxet Museam to learn about the daily life of a Wampanoag in the 17th century. Students were fascinated by the tools and and animal pelts, and asked many thoughtful questions as they contemplated a lifestyle without many of the things they are familiar with!
Five Things You Need to Know
Thank you to all our veterans, we are grateful for your service. Three of our first grade classrooms welcomed veterans to their rooms, and enjoyed their read aloud time with these heroic men and women.
Dismissal is at 12:15 p.m. Please update Pick Up Patrol if your student's dismissal plan will be different than usual.
At Car Pick Up:
-Please remember to display the sign in the window that has your student(s) name and class code (e.g. 4T). If you do. no have one you may make your own, or email cingoldsby@natickps.org and we will make one for you.
-Students should be getting out of and into the car on the CURB SIDE ONLY. We recognize they may have to scoot across seats within the car, but this is for student, parent, and staff safety.
-If you need to buckle your child you are expected to pull all the way forward and park alongside the cafeteria to do so.
Thank you for your assistance!
This year’s Turkey Trot fun run will be on Wednesday November 23rd at 11:15 a.m. The students will have a choice to run either 2 or 3 laps around Sargent Field and Lilja school.
Please note: All students will return to their classrooms at the conclusion of the Turkey Trot. We encourage all 4th grade parents to wait until dismissal to get their child/children.
Picture day will be on December 7th. Retake packets will be sent home soon. If you elect for a retake, send your child in with their packet to give to their teacher.
The PTO is excited to announce that Lilja will again be helping the Natick Service Council by sponsoring Natick families in need this Thanksgiving. NSC distributes Thanksgiving meals to over 200 Natick families per year. For over a decade, each classroom at Lilja School donated the ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal and has provided twenty full turkey dinners to the Natick Service Council (NSC). Please visit the PTO website for more details on how to support this cause.
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- Title I: Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title II
- Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title VI
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Title IX
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- MGL, Ch.76, Section 5: Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 5