Bacon Academy ConnectED
Bacon Academy - December 2023

Message from the Principal
Season's greetings from the Bacon Academy,
We are pleased to present our first Smores newsletter! As a supplement to the information available on Parent Square, our new newsletter will give you a glimpse into the exciting happenings in the building and highlight upcoming events.
We are happy to report that Bacon Academy has had a wonderful first half of the 2023-2024 school year. This fall we welcomed 13 fabulous new staff members that include teachers, paraprofessionals and even a new School Nurse! Our departments have been working hard in PLCs focusing on using formative assessment data and effective strategies in response to student data. Students and staff have continued to connect through common interests in Bobcat Block on Fridays. As the first semester comes to a close, parents may access the mid year exam letter outlining the schedule for the exam window.
Bacon Academy students have been engaging and excelling in extracurriculars as well. Our Lady Bobcats are now Class M State Soccer Champions for the first time in our school’s history! We had an amazing turnout of support for this suspenseful game and the team and coaches are commended for this amazing achievement. The team was recently honored at the December Board of Education meeting and we also hosted a school pep rally to celebrate this historic achievement. Soccer season has ended but we are very excited to welcome the winter sports season. The link to the CIAC calendar can be found at the end of this newsletter and we invite you to come cheer on the home teams this winter.
Off the field out students have embraced the spirit of giving this Holiday season! The Interact Club, Student Council, and National Honor Society are each hosting different collection drives for those in need in our community. Our students and faculty have once again demonstrated kindness and generosity with their contributions. It is meaningful initiatives like this that let us come together not only as a school, but as a community.
As we say goodbye to 2023, I extend my gratitude to our staff for all their hard work, my pride for our student body and their amazing energy that makes the Bacon Family a very real thing. I wish you all a joyous holiday season, a restful break and together we will make 2024 a great year for Bacon Academy.
Warmest holiday wishes,
Amy Begué, Principal
What We've Been Up To
Welcome New National Honor Society Members
Schoolwide Rock, Paper, Scissor winner!
An Epic Band and Choir Collaboration
World Language welcomes new staff members
Marine Science Class Goes to Mystic
Officer Skipper Lends a Paw To Help Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awarness
October was a busy month for our resident support pup. Officer Scheel and Skipper raised $500 for the cause selling pink Skipper patches to our community. Skipper and his friend also took the time to team up with the BA Interact Club where they provided manicures to teachers and students to raise funds for Breast Cancer research.
Way to go!
Congratulations Class M Soccer Champions!
An amazing season for our lady bobcats came to an end as they defeated Suffield in an exciting game that included three rounds of penalty kicks concluding in an 11-10 victory for our girls!
An Egg-citing Lesson in Physics!
Ms. Vinciguerra's honors physics built their own catapults for their projectile motion unit! Students put their designs to the test and launched eggs outside to gauge their success.
Exploring Architecture!
Mr. Peterson's architectural engineering class took a deep dive into the world of drafting and engineering by designing cottages and creating three dimension scaled models from hand drawn plans. Students utilized skills in measurements and drafting techniques as well as incorporating building codes while planning and building their designs.
What's Next!
Senior Capstone Night: January 3rd 5:30PM-7:30PM
The Senior Capstone students would like to welcome you to come view all of their hard work on Wednesday, January 3rd, 5:30-7:30. This is a culminating night in which students showcase the driving force behind their Capstone Project and experience.
The purpose of the Bacon Academy Capstone experience is to showcase the 21st century learning expectations that will be required of a productive citizen. This project is a self-driven, authentic experience empowering students to apply the skills acquired over their tenure at Bacon Academy, and to demonstrate an understanding of learning, community, and self. The Capstone program provides students with the opportunity to apply and broaden their knowledge and skills in an area of personal interest. Throughout their senior year, under the guidance of mentors, and teachers, seniors completed an authentic learning experience determined to be worthy in scope and content. By successfully completing the components of this project, students demonstrate that they can meet all of the Bacon 10 Skills.
While these skills have been taught throughout students’ high school careers, Senior Capstone night is a time for students to exhibit the following:
Immersion in an area of interest
Thinking beyond the conventional academic experience. Students may explore an academic interest, social
service, a possible career, or a creative project
Development of independent learning techniques, application of knowledge outside the classroom, development of self-direction, self-reliance, and confidence
Personal and intellectual growth, decision making, and independent research skills as a transition to the worlds of college, work and adult life.
Making connections in the community through networking and developing critical communication skills
Extend their learning experience by identifying a problem within their area of interest, and then try to solve it
We cannot be more proud of each and everyone of these students for stepping outside of their comfort zone and taking the initiative to pursue new and diverse experiences. Watching them grow academically, as well as personally was a truly rewarding experience. We know that many of you have played a role in nurturing their development and are equally excited to see their new learning.
Eastern Region Music Festival
Twenty Five talented musicians we choses to be part of the Eastern Region Music Festival Concert on January 6th, 2024 at the Jorgensen Auditorium at UCONN campus. We are looking forward to seeing them perform live!
Jillian Callan (Alto)
Allison Deane (Alto)
Maya Goodwin (Alto)
Brynn Herboldt (Alto)
Taylor Herboldt (Alto)
Jay Hester (Alto)
Annie Ibey (Alto)
MJ McKenzie (Alto)
Marissa Parola (Alto)
Kiera Stewart (Alto)
Abigail Stillwell (Alto)
Meghan Walsh (Alto)
Oliver Markham (Bass)
Allison Bartiss (Soprano)
Bela Dec (Soprano)
Olivia Elliott (Soprano)
Ivy Huang (Soprano)
Bella Kowinsky (Soprano)
Olivia Pike (Soprano)
Shea Sweet (Soprano)
Liam Goodine (Tenor)
Gabrial Kruse (Tenor)
Charles Mauldin (Tenor)
Student Spotlight: Riley Anderson
Sophomore Riley Anderson has made some amazing strides this year, both in the pool and out! This bobcat was named All- American for the 22-23 Season by the NISCA for her time in the 50 yard freestyle last season. She has kept up the momentum this season as she has become the Class LL and State Open Champion in the 50 yard and 100 yard freestyle. We are very proud of her accomplishments and cannot wait to see what is next!
Employee Spotlight
Happy Retirement Paula Berglund,
Art teacher Paula Berglund is retiring after 37.5 years devoted to Colchester Public Schools! Her first teaching position began at WJJMS in 1987, where she taught for 12 years. She moved up to Bacon Academy in 1999, and has been here ever since! Mrs. Berglund was selected as Bacon Academy’s Teacher of the Year in 2003. In her tenure in Colchester she has contributed in many ways including BA Art Club advisor, Art Department Leader, PAL Advisor, curriculum writer, muralist, implemented a Summer Art program, and other school wide events. She’s even redecorated a few administrator offices! An active painter, jewelry maker and mixed media artist, Mrs. Berglund has always inspired her students by sharing her work with them, and encouraging them to explore new materials and push boundaries . Most will remember her for her passion, creativity, and vast abilities in the Fine Arts, as she has at one time or another taught nearly all of the disciplines offered at BA and has guided many AP students to create amazing final Art Exhibits. Best wishes for a relaxing future Mrs. Berglund!
Important Upcoming Dates
- January 2nd- Return from Winter Break *B Day*
- January 8th- Bacon Parent Council in the LMC 6PM-7:30PM
- January 12th- Early Release
- January 13th- First Day Fundraiser Princess Brunch At Fornelli's
- January 15th- Martin Luther King Day/ School Holiday
- January 18th- 23rd- Midterm Exams
- January 24th- Quarter 2 ends
- January 26th- BA Theatrics Improv Night .
- February 2nd- Snowball Winter Dance
- February 12th- Bacon Parent Council in the LMC 6PM-7:30PM
- Winter Sports are now in session. Click here for CIAC calendar.