Westbrook Families Weekly Updates
Week of August 21, 2023
Welcome to Week 2 😊🎉
This week we would like to invite all of our families to join us for Back To School Night on Wednesday, August 23rd from 6pm to 7pm.
A blank class schedule has been provided to your student to fill out in order for you to use during the evening. If your student misplaced it, additional copies are available in our main office.
“Back-To-School” Night is held in order to acquaint you with your student’s daily academic routine and provides you with an opportunity to meet your student’s teachers as well as understand a little about each course. Due to the nature of the evening’s activities, individual parent conferences are not possible. Each teacher will present course goals and expectations within an 8 minute period for each class that they teach. Parents will be moving from class to class during passing periods just like students do each day.
I do hope you are able to join us. 😊
Egg Drop Fun w/ Mr. Carter
Meet Our Main Office
In the back from Left to Right: Mr. Dre (Campus Aid) and Mr. Figueroa (Campus Aid)
Please help us by...
- encouraging your student to try his/her best
- making sure students get a goodnight sleep, and are not absent or tardy
Below is a table detailing the test during this week, the week of August 21st.
This week...
TUESDAY 8/22/23
All Periods Class Schedule
NWEA Testing in Math and ELA classes
Level set Achieve testing in Power Hour
After School today
1. No Tutoring this week
2. No Clubs this weekWednesday 8/23/23
NWEA Testing in Math and ELA classes continues - if the time is needed
After School today
1. No Tutoring this week
2. No Clubs this week
Back to School Night 6 - 7pm
Thursday 8/24/23
NWEA Testing in Math and ELA classes continues - if the time is needed
Last day for Level set Achieve testing in Power Hour
After School today
1. No Tutoring this week
2. No Clubs this week
Friday 8/25/23
NWEA Testing in Math and ELA classes continues - if the time is needed
Make-Up Picture Day
Club Rush during Power Hour
After School today
1. No Tutoring this week
2. No Clubs this week
Bell Schedule
Testing, testing and more testing continues
Please note that all after school clubs, tutoring sessions or study halls - run from 3:35 - 4:30pm and we do offer a late bus that transports students from Bell to south Los Angeles. Students arrive in South Los Angeles at about 5pm, depending on traffic.
Our Main Office
These two ladies are the people to contact. Both Ms. Avalos and Ms. Rubio are bilingual and eager to help our families in any way they can.
Ms. Avalos
Ms. Rubio
Our Counseling Team
Academic Counseling
Both are available to guide students and parents towards credit completion for graduation, and advice students on their studies and career paths. Both will be hosting different parent workshops throughout the year, that are intended on assisting parents in understanding their student needs and various pathways to life after High School.
Please feel free to contact them if you have any questions regarding your students academics, course work or graduation requirements.
Mr. Park
or contact the main office at 213.348.6850
Ms. Gutierrez
or contact the main office at 213.348.6850
Social Work Counseling
All are available to address any social emotional needs that may be impacting students. Their goal is to promote every Westbrook students physical, social, or emotional well-being and the development of a stable and supportive environment for all students to learn and thrive in.
Do feel free to reach out to them, if you feel that your student needs someone to talk to or experiencing anything at home that may be impacting their academic progress.
Ms. Cortez
or contact the main office at 213.348.6850
Mr. DePaz
or contact the main office at 213.348.6850
Our SpEd Team
Special Education Team
Ms. R. Lopez
or contact the main office at 213.348.6850
Mr. Valdez
or contact the main office at 213.348.6850
We are still Enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year
Please note that uniform checks are conducted daily and every student is expected to abide by the uniform policy.
Student wearing slides, slippers, sandals or any shoe deemed a safety hazard will remain in the main office until parent is able to bring them a change of shoes.
Students who are not in uniform will…
Lose PBIS points
Serve nutrition and lunch detention that day
Receive a parent phone call, asking to be brought a change of clothes
If you need to purchase additional uniforms, reach out to Faith Uniforms at (323)432-2388 or contact the main office at (213) 348-6850 - as we do have a few extra uniforms.
Consequences for ordering food will include...
- 1 week of nutrition and lunch detention
- A parent conference
- Confiscation of the food order, which will only be provided to the students guardian after school
If you have any questions or concerns - please feel free to contact the office directly.
Lastly, remind your student that riding the school bus is a privilege that is contingent upon the continuous observance of bus rules and established regulations.
The expectation is that students...
- Remain seated the entire time that the bus is in motion
- Noice level should be at a minimum - since it is important for them to hear any instructions that the bus driver sees fit to deliver; Thus no speakers are allowed on the bus
- Nothing should be thrown in or out of the bus
- There is no eating on the bus
- Destroying property (including tagging) is not only against the law but agains the bus rules
Students unable to observe these expectations may loose the privilege to ride the bus.
If you would like to reach out to a teacher directly - all staff emails can be found on our school website at https://russellwestbrookwhynoths.org/school-staff/
Tech Issues?
If a student is having tech issues please email jhonathanv@lapromisefund.org, and ask for assistance. The office cannot provide support, if Mr. Jhonathan are not on site.